My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Steeple Sunday #20: Millbrook United Methodist

This is the second Methodist Church that has absolutely nothing on their website about their history. By looking through their photo gallery, I was able to found out the recently celebrated the 140th anniversary. The church was founded in it is older than Millbrook
Baptist that was featured last week.

This is a view of the front door from across the street. As you can see from this picture, the outside of the older section of the church has beautiful stone work.

What an inviting front entrance. I really like the stone and border around the door.

This is the side courtyard with a very pretty brick fence and care was taken to keep all the lovely trees that surround the church. We used to live in the area so we've watched it expand several times of the years. It sits on several acres of land on the corner of E. Millbrook and Old Wake Forest Road.

Note from Madi: Mom is in serious trouble....she didn't tell me the whole truth about Baby Showers. Please tune in tomorrow for the rest of the story....


  1. We can't wait to hear the rest of the story!...Kisses sweet Madi...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  2. Happy Sunday!
    It is old and beautiful!
    What?? What happened, Madi??
    What your mom did not tell you??
    I am sure you had a serious talk with her!
    Let us know about it, ok?
    Kissses and hugs

  3. We thinks those doors to that church are real purrty! What did your mom do Madi?

  4. Hi Madi & Mom,

    We really like the stone work on this church. All the trees surrounding it give the church a very quaint look.

    Madi, we hope your mom isn't in too much trouble but we can't wait to get the scoop on this story.

    Purrs & Hugs,
    Cindi and her Mom

    PS, the flowers in my header photo are Teasel. I was going to do a piece on it for Today's Flowers but changed my mind at the last second.

  5. This is a lovely looking church and grounds. It is surprising that as it is an older church that they don't give it's history.
    Madi, what have you found out about the baby shower?

  6. That's a beauty. We love the stone. Now, however, we're all curious about that baby shower.

    lotsa licks, Lola

  7. Hi Madi and Mom!!!!
    Sorry for not being able to come for a loooooong time!!
    Oh we just realized how we missed Steeple Sundays...
    What a lovely church!!

    Madi,what's happened ???
    We have to come tomorrow again!!!
    Hope mommy is not too busy...

  8. Methodists must be private people......

  9. I really like this church, it looks so inviting and cozy like family or a good friend is waiting for your visit :) the other churches were very pretty but too flashy or something.....almost snobbish.
    lol I'm silly today....
    Love ya Madi :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Madi,

    This church reminds my mom of the church she attended as a child. :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

    PeeS Can't waits to find out the whole truth... :)

  12. What a pretty church! Mom loves all the stone work too!

  13. A beautiful piece of property indeed! Make sure Mom has told you nothing but the whole truth Madi!

  14. Oh I love the stonework and courtyard.

  15. Beautiful, especially the brick wall.

    Madi--No one really told me the whole story about baby showers until I had one!

  16. Now we can't WAIT for tomorrow to get get busy napping!

    Mommy say this church is beautiful! Do any of these churches have stained glass? She LOVES stained glass. We don't know why...if WE leave a stain anywhere she gets all steamed up!

  17. How is your mum Madi - did the raining babies hurt her?

    Only kiddin'

    Nice church - we have Methodists in our family (our human family - that is)


  18. Great post! Love the stone work!

  19. Hi Madi!

    Happy Sunday.

    140 years old.
    That is so interesting and that church is gorgeous.




  20. It is a beautiful Church HiC!

  21. That church is gorgeous! Certainly not as beautiful as you are.
    Now, what is the deal between you and Mayzie's bro? Are you going to send a reply? I've been waiting.....

  22. It's neat to see the changes places undergo thru the years.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi