My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Two city girls venture to the wild side....

Mom and I are city girls through and through. Many of our friends live amongst nature and often post very beautiful pictures of wildlife. Today, I'd like to introduce you to
one of Nature's most aggravating finest creatures
THE GROUND SQUIRREL on my deck shaking a tail feather in my face
This darling little cotton tail rabbit...who knew they had laser eyes too
and last but not least a Natural phenomenon
Me,aka, Madi, aka Madster aka Mads
Thank you for visiting today and we hope you enjoy all things natural today.
Mom and I are city girls so it doesn't take much to excite us...
Newsflash: Mom is leaving me and Dad home alone tomorrow. She and my
Grandma are going to something called a 'baby shower' out of town. I am not really sure if they will be giving a 'baby a shower' or if it will be 'raining babies'. She'll be home later in the evening. If I don't get to visit you today, I'll catch up tomorrow and let you know all about the'baby shower'.


  1. We enjoy the Bird and Squirrel TV here too, but we really love that bunny with lasers!!...Sorry your Mom is leaving you for the day, beautiful Madi, but maybe you could get Dad to give you extra treats while she's away=it's worth a shot!!...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  2. Naughty squirrel, that wasn't nice of him to turn his tail to your face. You have to admit he is kind of cute. Love the laser eyed bunny.

    Madi, tell your Mom and Grandma we hope they have fun at the baby shower. It might be a good idea for them to take an umbrella in case you are right about the 'raining babies'. MOL!!

    Have a great weekend,
    Judy & Cindi Lou

  3. That's exactly the kind of wildlife we see here on a regular basis, Madi. We may live a distance apart, but the fauna is the same.

    Have a great day.

    lotsa licks, Lola

  4. Squirrels are a rascally bunch, Madi!
    Maybe he was flashing the big bushy tail in your face because of your laser eyes! :)
    I spent years perfecting my method of trying to catch one of those varmints, only came close once and I didn't know what to do!
    Your friend, Raider

  5. Don't worry Madi, we're catching those nasty varmints down here in GA...
    You're looking very fresh and relaxed today...sorry Mom has to get out in the heat.

  6. Squirrels are a nuisance here.

    I'd stay home with you Madi, no baby shower for me.

  7. Madi, I remember those evil squirrels, in my salad days I chased them up next door's Oak trees all the time.

    pee ess: we are awaiting the report on the mysterious meteorlogical phenomena i.e. "baby shower".

  8. I luved the natural wonders you have in your backyard, Madi! And of course, the natural wonder that IS Madi. That's the Most Wonderful natural wonder of them all!

    And abouts that baby shower - well, babies get dirty, too, you know. And they can't lick themselves clean like you can.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  9. Madi,

    Nobody shakes a tail feather in my furiend Madi's face and gets away with it! I am on my way down there to teach that tree rat a lesson!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

    PeeS Tell your mom have fun today!

  10. MEOWZA, Madi, what will you do if your mom catches one of those babies and brings it home????? Happy Caturday you cutie. xxxxxxxx

  11. Oh yeah! Billy want to go chasing them for you now hehe. He thinks he is one tough dog, when in reality, he is a woos!!!! Have a fun and relaxing weekend!

  12. Oh those squirrels are so much fun to chase. That was rude of him to flash that tail at you Madi. We do love rabbits too.
    Hope Mom doesn't get hurt being in the baby rain. That might be kind of dangerous. You said she was going to a baby shower so maybe it won't be so bad. Hope you have a good Sat. Keep watch on all those outsiders.

  13. You gotta keep on top of vermin Madi, they have a way of increasing in numbers given chance.... Let us know if you need any advice - although we tend to give any vermin we see a 'count-of-ten' start, just to be nice, you know....

    As for a BABY SHOWER!!! You better take a big unbrella.


  14. the only wild life we get to see is Gators...and they are not cute and furry at all :(

  15. We get squirrels in our tree outside the window and they steal the bird seed. I like to chase them up the tree.

  16. Hope your Mama has a great time!!

    We live in's like the suburbs...but lots more squirrels!!

    Smileys & Snuggles!
    Dory, Jacob and Bilbo
    The Tree Dogketeers

  17. Hi, Madi!
    We live in the midle of a city so we never see those creatures here!
    I am sure your mom had a pawesome time at the baby shower!
    Kisses and hugs

  18. We have very few squirrels around here. I really enjoy watching them!!

  19. Of course you Madi are the most wonderful natural phenomenon.

  20. Madi, Sammy will be flying there to pick you up tomorrow morning....please watch for him!!!!! xxxxxxxx


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi