My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Steeple Sunday:Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran

First of all I apologize for all the wires in the pictures. This church is located in an older part of Raleigh with mostly over head electrical cables....

Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran was the first Lutheran Church in Raleigh. Its beginnings are traced back to July 1911, with 12 charter members. In 1941 the original constitution of the church was amended permitting women to serve on the congregation council. The history of the church states this was a much needed but heavily debated changed.

Please click to enlarge. I especially like the pattern on the steeple.

I can tell from this picture Steeple pictures are prettier with clear blue skies. I actually debated about posting these pictures due to all the gray clouds. The day I took the pictures the sun was in and out of the clouds. I found the little object on the edge of the cross interesting but could not find out anything about it.

Today the church sits on property purchased from N C State University in 1953 on the corner of Brooks Avenue and Clark Street which is about 2 blocks for NCSU. Notice the church windows in the below picture. After many years of looking at the windows, I still don't know if they are a form of stained windows. Up close it looks like paint. They are from the original church.

The brick work on the church is also very pretty. I guess it could best be described is
a type of basket weave. Below is a close op of one of the windows and the brick work.
You may click on the picture to enlarge.


  1. Very pretty! I love all the patterns!

  2. Actually I think if you went inside, you would see that the window is indeed a type of stained glass windows. I've seen those in several different churches.

  3. Also, I may be mistaken, but I think that's a bird sitting on the cross. An actual live bird. If you blow up the pictures very large, you can see that the head has moved from one picture to the next.

  4. Some kind of bird up there. The windows and walls are diffeent and intesting!

  5. Happy Sunday Madi and Mom!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  6. That brickwork is very unusual - we thought it had been basket weaved!
    The windows look like stained glass but we guess you would have to be inside to see for sure.
    It doesn't look like any church we have ever seen!
    Martha and Bailey xxx

  7. I thinks I just found religion...hehehehe! I thinks if you prayed harder then da sky would haves been blue fur pikture purposes...hehehehe. Oh me, I kill myself.
    Ok, I'll be serious...that is a luverly church. Beautiful basket weave design. Now, I can't help but wonders what it looks like on da inside.
    My mum's brother used to live there...I mean not in da church but in Raleigh.

  8. Another interesting steeple chase.
    I wonder what all these churches look like from the inside...................

  9. I believe the little object on the cross is a light. Since the steeple looks so tall, they might have to put a light up there for the planes to avoid!
    Those look like modern stain glass windows in the front. It would be fun to see the inside!
    I think the puffy clouds had a celestial background to the steeple pic! A great effect!

  10. I agree w/ Jack got 2 great shots of a bird on the cross!!!

  11. Those clouds are not a problem. Sometimes cloudy sky makes things look more dramatic. Very nice photos.

    wags, Lola

  12. I Love church steeples

  13. Another wonderful Sunday post......xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  14. Happy Sunday! Somehow we missed commenting did that happen...??
    I was snuggling with the cats last night and remembered that today was steeple day! That is a very pretty one, and I think it has a woven look to match the fancy brickwork; which is beautiful, btw.
    Hot as a cat on a hot tin roof here today!

  15. Very nice! The Tall Guy has quite the eye for detail. I would of missed the bird!

  16. Gosh, lots of creativity and craftsmanship went into making that Church! I likes this one very much!

    Hope you are both having a Most Marvelous weekend!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  17. Hi Madi and Mom
    I was too lazy to go into email and find your address so thought I would just answer your comment here!
    The page turning effect is basically in 'transitions' if you are using Windows Movie Maker - there are various effects you can choose and it really just links one clip to another without your video being disjointed.
    I sometimes just take little video clips with my little instant camera and if I like them I put them together using transitions.
    I don't think everyone likes videos but I really do - for me it brings the story to life.
    I loved seeing Madi in real life when she was trying to catch her toy.
    Hope you have had a great weekend - sun still shining here - unbelievable!
    V x

  18. Another wonderful steeple!

    Smileys & Snuggles!
    Dory, Bilbo and Jacob

  19. Great pictures and I really like the brickwork patterns. Gail

  20. Oh Madi and Cecilia,
    That is a very beautiful church!!! That was made with a lot of love!!!!
    Thanks girls!!!
    XXOO, Bambi & Fern

  21. Hi Madi
    These steeple are really pretty.
    Mom thought of your Mom today.
    On the local news they featured a church that celebrated 165 years of existence. They said they were a church before Florida was a state.


  22. Another Sunday, another great post!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  23. Beautiful steeple!
    Looking all the wires make me feel... it is my neighborhood! Haaa!
    Happy Sunday!
    Kisses and hugs

  24. Very curious that object on the steeple. Lots of time went into that brickwork.

  25. The brick work on this church is amazing, so much work. The steeple is beautiful and I would not have noticed the little bird if you hadn't mentioned it. It is a little bird since it changed positions in the two photos.

    Sorry I didn't comment yesterday, Blogger decided I should not be able to post comments on about a dozen blogs.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi