My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Tuesday Short Tale: SOOTC

Straight out of the Camera

Here is the thing...sometimes mom gets a wild hair.  Dad and I lose what little control
of her.  You see we have been blogging for 87 nano seconds=almost 9 years.
  I was born with a medium gray furs and a mostly white face.
Technically I never age age.  Mom says she could use pictures from 9 years ago every day; however,
we two gals like to keep our blog in real time.  Every now and then mom does something weird with the camera just to get different photos. 
That being said I'd like to present the following short tale  SOOTC

Mom stood to the side of the chair, held the camera upside down and clickety click this is what she got.  It could almost be a selfie

 to the side of the chair again but camera right side up

Drone also known as Mad Mom

OHHHHH Mom was quite pleased with the upside down photo when she rotated it
She wishes she had gotten both my eyes in it

So thus is the life of a Diva Cat living with a crazed mom who likes to keep things interesting and fun
Mom says we should never take ourselves too seriously!!
sguH idaM


Mom and I would like to thank Marvelous Marv and Mom Barb for this beautiful
Santa Graphic


  1. I LOVE it. The upside down photo as Madi's Mad House! The drone view made me LOL! I think that your mom is super creative (and not crazy, as you said). What a fun post!

  2. Oh know we have to let our Mamas get their crazy out a little at a time or it might all build up to one big crazy!!

    I think our favorite picture is the upside down mad house picture!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  3. MOL! When the peeps get hit with that Creative bug...there's no telling what will happen!

  4. Humans are always doing crazy things with those cameras, aren't they?

  5. your mama is totally right... specially when it comes to photos... we had the wildest creation and the mama says often: that#s impossible... but it is... the cam never lies, right?

  6. Well, I have to say you look BEAUTIFUL from whatever angle Mom decides to photograph!
    Although why Mom decided to stand on her head to do an upside down photo is a bit confusing
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  7. We love the straight out the camera shots, Madi! They are very creative!

  8. Your Mom is semi-dangerous with a flashy box in her hands!!!! You are very patient dear Madi and I think it's nice you allow her to use you as her "experiment" !!!

    Hugs, Teddy
    p.s. LOVE YOUR MARV/BARB graphic!!!

  9. Yup, that mom likes to do silly things but the pictures came out really well. You even look good upside down Madi. Glad she is having some fun. You all have a wonderful day today.

  10. LOL! It's that party in your Mom's head! She keeps it fun for all of us! Looking good in all the clicks, Madi! Good Morning!

  11. Gotta love some Diva cats, oh the tails i could share. Love all the pictures!!!


  12. OOPS, did i say tails???? my kitties have no or very little tails. HA HA,, Best wishes always!!!

  13. good pics Mad Mom. hahaha, the Mom Drone! I like that Madi.

  14. Madi, we like your theory. And our mom agrees with your mom.

  15. Hari OM
    MOL... I love these angles Madi... and your philosophy of 'no see no be' sounds pawfectly fine to me! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  16. I just came from a blog that said we should post only things that lift the spirits and make people feel good and happy, positive and fun. and here we are. all of that in one post. I love the upside down pic both up and down... mom drone brahahaha

  17. I am not gonna say it...nope, nope, nope! But in a couple of the pics you look as if you could use some bail money! Okay so I lied...I said it.

  18. I am not gonna say it...nope, nope, nope! But in a couple of the pics you look as if you could use some bail money! Okay so I lied...I said it.

  19. Madi, as long as you are the center of attention, what else is there to worry about?

  20. You are giving our Mom ideas, Madi - she is always on the hunt for blog post fodder:) But we have to admit we do like several of those zany photos.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  21. Mommas can sure be kerazy when they have a flashy beast in hand, aren't they?

  22. You need to get pictures of you Mom taking pictures!

  23. Humans. You can't live with them. You can't live without them!

  24. Good to let your mom have some photo fun and it all turned out great!
    Hazel & Mabel

  25. And I thought my Mom was the only one that did photo faux pas!
    But you are lovely in ALL of them!
    Thanks for the shout out on your Santa!

  26. I hate when my Momma gets "arty" ideas ... you can bet there'll be a ton of pictures and she'll end up grumpy because things didn't turn out as she envisioned ;) That said ... those are some great shots of you, Madi. ~Bear Cat

  27. madi....we see fine tip flair iz bak !!! N we agree; two eyez wooda been an awesum fotoz.... oh, N we R glad mom dinna reel lee get a hare...wild, tame ore otherwize ~~~~~ ☺☺3♥♥

  28. Your mom got some good shots Madi! We laughed at Drone Mom BOL!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  29. Maybe she should change her name to miss creative


  30. Sometimes we think our humans need to find another hobby. :) But we like these pics of you, Madi.

  31. You never take a bad photo! How do you look so cute upside down? MOL!

  32. Oh gurl, your MOms seems pawfectly normal to me! If you want NUTS, come on overs to my crib! I'll show you NUTS!!!
    Oh, and looooooves the Santa graphic! it's adorables!
    Ruby ♥

  33. We're glad you survived being upside down. Our pawrents can be a little nuts too.

  34. Your mom is very creative with the flashy beast


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi