My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

WoW Wednesday

Mike Maze our weather guru on the local TV station has an aMAZEing pic of the day at the end of his weather report each day.  Sometimes they are his photos and sometimes they are sent in by viewers.  We thought this one was purrty funny.
It was taken by a viewer on Thanksgiving morning

12 wild turkeys grazing in the viewer's front yard.  
I guess they were pretty sure this turkey was already in the oven

Follow me I want to show you my aMAZEing pics of the day
by Dad an Mom

Leaves on the trees

Leaves on the ground

Mom and I would like to thank Marvelous Marv and Mom Barb for this beautiful
Santa Graphic


  1. ...that was very brave to appear on thanksgiving... but maybe they knew that all dinner ingredients were still bought?

  2. Great pictures of the turkeys....and great pictures of the leaves! Just gorgeous.

  3. Your tree pictures are so beautiful. All our leaves are on the ground now (awaiting some rake action from Gail).
    Toodle pip!

  4. Most excellent photo's Madi, the turkeys were funny!!! MOL

    Big hugs

    Basil & Co xox

  5. Hari om
    Those are beautifur tree views... the peeps deserve a purr for them!!! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Whoa - those are VERY brave turkeys! The leaves on the ground look so soft and pretty.

  7. Excellent pics - especially yours, Miss M. PS: our mom luffed the weather guy from Fayetteville, Chick Jacobs, and still hasn't found anyone close to his caliber down here.

  8. Great picture of all the turkeys. Just in time. Great picture of all the leaves. They are pretty at this time of year. Have a super Wednesday.

  9. Those are some brave turkeys! Guess they assumed everyone already had their meals prepared. Gorgeous photos of all the leaves. Our leaves weren't quite as colorful this year - not sure why.

  10. Oh I have the great urge to go bouncing through all those wonderful crunchy leafs!!!!!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  11. Great picture of the turkeys.
    Oh goodness, that is going to be a lot of leaves to rake up.

  12. Wild turkeys are so much fun to watch! Great picture, the color is so pretty. Hey Madi, who gonna rake or suck up all those leaves? We just hoovered the last of all our Oak leaves... so sad to see them go. Seemed like it was summer one day and then all the leaves hit the ground in one day. Good Morning!

  13. What a bunch of beautimous WoW pics of the day, Madi!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  14. oops, my comment errored out, maybe they did not like it. now to see if I can remember what I said. NOPE... something about loving to burn those leaves, be right there. I have never seen a wild turkey, these must have known they were safe

  15. We run into those turkeys on our walks sometimes. But they scurry away very quickly. Guess the word gets around about Thanksgiving feasts pretty well.

    Awesome photos!!! But oh how we don't want to see all those leaves in our yard. Kudos to whomever gets to bag all those leaves.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  16. We sometimes see wild turkeys on the medians between the highways. My Jessy human was driving along one of those roads one day, when a flock of wild turkeys flew across right in front of her car at the level of the windshield. Fortunately, she didn't hit one. They were so big, that one of them could have totaled the car!

    Your Autumn leaves are beautiful! Most of our leaves are down now.

  17. Those are great photos! And a beautiful graphic, too!

  18. We don't see any wild turkeys 'round our place, maybe because The PO'M chases them away? But turkeys have beautiful plummage.

  19. You sure have a lot of leaves on the ground and still on the trees. Most of ours are all down. We like the picture of you tip toeing through the sun puddle.

  20. Those turkeys knew it was plenty safe. MOL!

  21. Maybe those turkeys were relatives of the "CHOSEN ONE" who was already in the HOT TUB baking dish inside the oven???????? Tee Hee

    Hugs, Teddy

  22. What great pics! Those turkeys are very brave to be out there. Madi, you look like you're dipping your paw into that sunpuddle.

  23. The turkey one is a hoot- or should I say a gobble? XO

  24. Beautiful pics of beautiful trees! Our trees are naked!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  25. Great photos of fall trees. The station picked a great photo. 🦃

  26. That turkey photo is too funny!!!!

    I love the Madi fantastic photo plus the leaves on the trees! Gorgeous!

  27. Mom's human daughter gets wild turkeys in their yard sometimes!
    Hazel & Mabel

  28. WoW! Look at those turkeys!
    Mommy has not seen those since she left Midway. They are such interesting bids.

  29. Those are some brave turkeys! Our trees are busy losing their leaves too.

  30. Love the beautiful autumn leaves on those tree pictures :-) Nose licks and love from Moth xx


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi