My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, March 12, 2010


Happy Friday,

Mom and I are composing this post here on my birthday night.
You will never in a million years guess what Mom made for supper tonight ...
salmon cakes which also means I get some salmon right out of the can before she adds the other stuff to just when I think my birthday could not GET any better, I get a
package from my girlfriend Miss Cindi Lou Who and her mom. If you don't know Cindi Lou and her Mom, please drop by their most creative blog. Cindi Lou's Mom is one fantastic photographer. She finds beauty everywhere she goes and captures it with her camera.
So anyway Mom finishes cooking supper and cleans up the kitchen then we get to open the box
First of all I had to read some cat-mail that Miss Cindi Lou left on the box.
She was telling me the easiest way to open it was right there

Oh my stars look what is int this package...I'm standing in front of a package of Greenies for Felines...after reading the label I see there is more salmon in my future.
Look at this cute little stuffed gray sugar glider...FULL of cat nip
and boy does it smell good or maybe that is the sugar I'm smelling

Ooops don't tell got his feet in the picture
My new favorite color is HOT PINK because it has come to my
attention the all the best toys are HOT PINK.
This is a Kong toy (the best pet toys in the world).
It is a Moppy with feathers and catnip!!! Oh doggies hold me back
I also must point out that Cindi Lou sent me a very appropriate card
with a cat wearing a crown....obviously there is a card company making
only cards for Diva princesses!!!!

Thank you Cindi Lou for the lovely card...gosh you can print too.
You are one smart Cookie for sure

You all might think I am spoiled, but I must tell you I have never in my entire
life had kitty treats until my birthday rolled around. Of course if it is food
I like it and these Greenies are yummy. They look like green goldfish....

Now as per usual this week Mom is ending this post with a video of
me playing with my Moppy with Feathers. Once again she is running her mouth
all through the movie...but you will hear lots of joyful MEOWS from me.

Mom and I want to express our sincere appreciation to
Miss Cindi Lou and her Mom for their friendship and thoughtfullness and for making my 8th birthday so very special. This is the first b-da I have with so many purrfect friends to share it with.

Hugs from Madi


  1. Wow! Madi, I almost missed your birthday post! How did that happen? I'm just glad I scrolled down on accident. Hmm, what a great birthday. Happy birthday my diva-furiend. I enjoyed watching you enjoy your presents. I can't believe I have become such good furiends with a cat! xoxoxo

  2. Happy 8th Birthday to you! That package and all its contents is so furry interesting!

  3. Those are wonderful birthday gifts from your friends, Madi, and we really enjoyed your video; we loved watching you rubbing and rolling on your new toy and listening to your sweet meows!!...Yes, Greenies are great treats!...We would never think you are spoiled, Madi, just very, very loved!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  4. Hey Madsters!! What a GREAT birthday you have been having!! You are really a princess kitty and what is really cool is that you are so down-to-earth!! I've met princess kitties before, but you are the nicest and coolest one EVER!! And it shows because everybody loves you and sends you neat-o prezzies!! I'm sorry I didn't wish you a great day yesterday, but there were just soooo many people at your party that I thought I would wait until I had time to just talk to you nose to nose. So, girlfriend, you enjoy all those yummy goodies and play with all those fancy pink toys and know that your friends are all thinking about you!! Happy day Madi and give your Mom a nice smooch, too from us! Lautrec and Tiny

  5. Hi Madi & Mom,

    I'm really glad you liked your pressies Madi, I inspected each one before letting my Mom put them in the box. We really enjoyed your video, it was fun watching you play with the toys. Mom says the sugar glider was the closest one to a squirrel she could find.

    Did you get all the messages I left for you on the box Girlfriend? I thought you would.

    Cindi's Mom: Cindi was on the desk when I played the video, she heard Madi's meows and was trying to find her.

    Happy Birthday Madi!

    Cindi Lou and Judy

  6. Hi Madi
    What another cool package you got with great treats and toys.
    You are right, a girl can never have too much pink!
    We liked your video today cos we could hear the meow coming from the computer and we were looking for you.
    Bailey thought you might be behind the settee although Martha knew you were in the computer!
    We couldn't figure out how you got in or how we would get you out.
    love and kisses
    Martha & Bailey xxx

  7. Hi Madi!!
    How lovely your MEOWS are!!
    The HOT PINK looks fabulous on you! YES! you're a Princess Kitty!!
    I don't think you're spoiled at all. You are the one to be loved like a Princess!
    And Cindi Lou sure has a good taste!!

  8. You know what I likes about you, Miss Madi? That even though you are royalty, you are still Most Appreciative of the things peoples and kittehs and doggies do for you. I thought it was very much sweet how you kept saying, "thank you, thank you" over and over. It was almost like you were at the Catamy Awards!

    And Miss Cindy Lou Who is a Most Thoughtful kitteh as well!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  9. You had quite the birthday! Just what a Diva like you deserve! I hope you have a great weekend with all of your company. You can show them all of you new things!

  10. Well Madi, you sure sound happy with all those pressies! Billy is happy you got some Greenies! He thinks they are the bestest!

  11. Hi madi
    Soooooo many presents :-)
    All for you .... Wow!!
    I can see you love it all
    Enjoy my sweetheart ....

    Hugs Love Kareltje =^.^=

    Have a relaxing weekend Mom
    (Take your time to relax from the birthday party)
    greetings Anya :-)

  12. YAY, Madi!!!!!!!! You are such a darling girl, and we are really happy you had such a wonderful birthday. xxxxxxxxxxxx

  13. From Frankie: Thank you for the invitation. I would not mind being #2 to Madi at all. You are very nice

  14. You ARE such a special, lucky girl!!! We hope your 8th purrday was the best one yet!

  15. Hi Madi
    We enjoyed watching your video and seeing how much fun you were having with all those goodies Miss Cindy Lou sent to you. We are so happy your 8th purrday was so wonderful!

    Purr on

  16. Hi, Madi!
    Miss Cindy Lou sent to you pawesome presents!
    Greenies for kitties?? Sure they are tasty!
    Kisses and hugs

  17. Madi, you had a great birthday!!! Miss Cindy Lou sent you some furn gifts! And salmon?? How purrfect is that??!?!

  18. Oh Madi, you are the birthday queen!!! What a wonderful time you have had for your birthday!!
    I have loved your videos! Love listening to your meow!! It is worth the hour it takes to load!! Tell Mom, you just might be 8 again next year so you can get lots of toys and treats!!
    I love you Madi, Fern

  19. Madi how sweet of Miss Cindy Lou and her mom. You are such a lucky diva princess!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi