
Saturday, December 21, 2019

Saturday Symmetry and 2 funnies

Beautiful stone stairs near the Lake at Angus Barn

Front view of Hayes Barton Baptist Church in the 
Five Points area of  Raleigh
Five points refers to five streets that come together at this intersection
This method of intersection might have been fine in the 1950's
but it is plain crazy nowadays.

Very tall pine grove outside at a home.
I sure am glad they aren't in front of my house.
Pines do not do well in ice storms

The one they call HER/SHE from Downunder Daisy shared these next two pics with me after 
SHE saw the photos of Angel Madi aka Bag lady
I say thank you to HER

Friday, December 20, 2019

Nature and Feline Friday

Thanks Comedy Plus for hosting

Thanks LLB Gang for hosting

My friend Ramona gave me permission to use this beautiful photo.
She and her hubby saw this on a day of fishing.

She calls it Mother Nature's flower arrangement

Have a holly jolly Nature Friday!!

Top left photo is of a 'volunteer' holly bush that popped up in our backyard about
10 years ago.  It had a perfect shape we we have left it to do it's thing.
In all these years, it has never had berries until this year.!!

Did you know my Nephew Kat is such a Fun-gi?
Take it away Kat!!!!!

I have a joke for you and our great bloggie Furiends.

What do you call a pile of cats?

PS tshirt for sale at

A meowtain!!! 😹😹😹

MOL MOL MOL Dearest Nephew you are a complete package fun:
Handsome, sweet, kind and FUNNY.
Your joke was so funny.  Did you share it with Pup and Rodney the Roadrunner?
Lovingly your adoring Aunty HiC

Mom of Kat here:
Thank you for all your well wishes.  Thankfully I'm
back to normal.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Thoroughly Poetic and Thankful Thursday

Raleigh's nickname is City of Oaks; however, we have so many gorgeous varieties.
I guess I took our trees for granted. So many new residents started commenting on them.  When you fly into RDU International, they are awestruck by all our trees.  RDU is very close to William B. Umstead State Park. Which has ~ 5,000 acres of trees.
I am very Thankful for them.  

We were in the car so I could not get a good photo of the grayish bark on this
Giant Sycamore.

 I love trees 12 months of the year.
Below two hardwoods (probably oak or maple, I can only ID them by leaves)
Whatever they are they are about 99% identical.

 Mammoth Magnolia, which has lovely aromatic white flowers in the summer.
Image result for Magnolia bloom
 Look at the size of the bottom limb on the right and that trunk
The stately tree is also native to eastern North Carolina. A common magnolia in North Carolina's Piedmont is umbrella tree, or M. tripetala, which grows in rich, organic soils in full sun or part shade. It prefers ravines. Evidently this beauty loves her location.

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's inspiration.

Tis the Season
Technicolor bags galore from every store.
full of surprises surely to make
your chin hit the floor.
Pace yourself when you shop
otherwise you might drop.

Madi loved paper bags and boxes almost better than Stinky Goodness
Here is flashback post.

she loved sitting with them, tasting them
looking at them wondering what/who might be inside

She would stalk them before deciding 
 to see what exciting things she might find.

Winnie the Pooh's quote below

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Happy Tuesday: Let's talk Turkey

Favorite BIL of Angel Madi and favorite SIL of ours, always gives me a nice wish list from  Cabela's for his bday and Christmas.  He is a real outdoors man.  Items I chose were a big gong target practice thingie  which arrived last week and 2 smaller items.
Last Monday  night we received a huge Cabelas box via Fed Ex.  They rang the bell but were gone before we got there. I knew it wasn't mine 'cause I didn't order anything the size of a kitchen table.  Anyway after a long conversation (30 min. conversation)  w /Cabelas they are having Fed Ex come for it. It was addressed to me and had my order number on it.  But as she found out when checking the order it was not mine.
The Lady asked me to open it to look for a packing slip.  It took both of us to get the box opened.  Lo and behold  it contained 4 turkey decoys from  Dave smith Decoys.  You might have heard us gobbling uncontrollably.  Below is a photo of Dad of Angel Madi holding the  largest of the 4.

And to add to the mystery...some how one of the smaller items I ordered for SIL, was in the box the.  For sure a first for us.  

Dearest Trout Talkin Tabbies...I hope you will forgive me for mentioning
B U R D S two days in a row? MOL MOL MOL

Monday, December 16, 2019

Awww Monday with Nephew Kat

Dearest Aunty HiC....
I am so sorry I was MIA for most of last week. I’ve been busy taking care of Mom. 
Apparently, she ate some bad chicken salad from a deli, and got food poisoning.
Thankfully Dad did not eat the tainted chicken salad....whew.  
 πŸ€’ She was sick as a dog.

I laid on her chest, emitting my magical, healing, purring powers.

She said I provided great comfort during her time of distress.

I knew she was getting better when she sang my favorite song. 😻

Please turn up your volume.
❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew

Dearest sweet Nephew...bless your itty bitty kitty heart for taking care om your Mom....just like she takes care of you and Pup.
I AM so very very sorry she was as sick as a dog.  I bet Pup could identify with how she felt.
Thank goodness she is on the mend.  Aunty was getting very worried about her.  I love Sweet Kitty song..
Lovingly your Aunty HiC

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Sunday Wolfie Selfie

Years ago Raleigh commissioned local artists to make Wolves. They were to be placed 
around the City for judging.  After the contest, they were purchased by businesses and citizens.
This one stands guard at Logan's Nursery.