
Saturday, June 22, 2024

Symmetry and Caturday Art

Another lovely Estate (my words) we see on our Saturday ride arounds.
The roof is a work of A R T all tile.


Friday, June 21, 2024

Nature and Feline Friday and National Selfie day and Fill ins

 Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Thank you for hosting!

June 2018 Angel Madi and her assistant had quite a vivid imgination

Shadows from the Loo

Thank goodness I have a loo in the shade too!

This is an older photo but one of my favorites

Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. Ellen came up with the first two and her wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.

1. My preferred method of procrastination is I AM NOT A PROCRASTINATOR
2. I always procrastinate when I am supposed to see #1
My motto is don't put off til tomorrow what you can do today. 
3. My goal of cutting back on how much coffee I drink in the morning is going really well. 
4. If I opened a book shop, I would name it Great Adventures
at your fingertips.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #170

  Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy 

Here is our challenge for today

It was a trip of a life time
He had so many tales to tell
Little did he know,
 he was coming home with a tail.


True story:

During the last five years of working, my office was in Partners III
a new building on Centennial Campus.
For the first few months, the gazillion fire alarms went off daily...for no reason. There were some chemisty labs on the 3rd floor, so we always took the alarms very seriously.
One day I was in the of the alarms was located right above the loo door. I quickly exited the loo, looking much like the man above, but not that long.  There were very FEW female students. Thankfully the wife of a graduate student, quickly came up behind telling me I had a short tail of tp.  She pulled it off for me. . Later, she told me none of the male students, in my section wanted to tell me.
 I told them I was old enough to be their MOTHER.  I asked would you tell you mother, they said yes.  I said from now on treat me like you Mother!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Happy Wednesday and Interntational Box day Flashback

Thank you to our Hostess

Sandee at Comedy Plus

Flashback on some of Madi's International Box Day pictures.

My name is Madi, I am a PROUD box-a-holic!!
I have never ever no never met a box I
didn't love!! I became addicted to boxes at 2 months old
when I came to live with the peeps. Lo and be hold I discovered
they had a cold box full of treats and delicious meats .
From that day I made it my mission to inspect each
box in the house.

Back off Mom finders keepers!!

This box is one of my new favorite boxes it has a foam cushion in it and I fit
purrfectly.  It is one of Dad's train car  boxes.


It also shows of my lovely charcoal gray shinny furs.

I leap for joy anytime I see a BOX

Sometimes they have odd things in them but I am a Fearless Feline

Dad made this box for me...he added the window so I could see
the flashy box coming.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Happy Tuesday around Town


Thank you to our 

Recently we took a ride over to Cameron Village Shopping center.  We knew there were lots of new shops and cafes.

Most days before I retired (2011) I had lunch at one of their cafes.  It is within walking distance from NC State University. I can not tell you how very very happy I was to see this beautiful mural.  It was a block long.

Now study the hummingbird carefully.  It appears he is standing but the rest of the story is there was a diamond shaped orange road work sign smack in the middle of the sidewalk.  I had no idea when I snapped the photo from this angle it would
look like a stand for the hummingbird.

Dining on the Patio at Seaboard fans at full speed
Monday June 17, 2024

While enjoying an egg salad and dill pea macaroni cold plate

Yes we went again yesterday.  They only make their famous Egg Salad or Pimento Cheese every other Monday.  I like both

Monday, June 17, 2024

Awww Monday and Sparks

We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus

Indeed an Awww Monday photo taken on 
Sunday, June 16, 2024

My Walking Stats 
June 16, 2024
35 minutes
3,892 steps
1.2 miles
Start temp @7:30am,68 degrees
Ending temp @8:05am, 71 degrees

Me, myself and my mind’s eye captured another snuggle session with Kokee, my BFF German Shepherd.  (I asked mom, Karen, to spell it for me). Once again Kokee, walked right up to me…gave my hand a several licks then offered her head for a rub.  They were at the end of a 2 mile walk and thirsty. It was a short, but sweet meet greet. EMW at 68 degrees the dewpoint is also about 68%, is toasty... I can't imagine how hot it is with furs!! 

I knew Kokee was named after a State park in Hawaii


but didn't know how to spell it.