
Friday, July 26, 2024

Nature, Final Feature and Feline Friday


Nature  and Feline Friday


Click here to visit YAM's FFF

A mix of  family stories that are true.  The only photos I have are in my mind's eye.
I asked PiZap's for photo help.


My cousin Marion: 
One thing about families they never FORGET.   
Evidently during  the early years of  WWII, my maternal grandparents, named their dog Warbond, I'm guessing after the Warbond stamps.
When my older cousin, Marion,  was a toddler (she was born in 1939, she and her family lived next door to my Annie Ma.  The story I heard about Marion was particular funny/strange.  For some reason, Marion would see Warbond at the door...she would rub his head while asking, "are it raining out there Warbond"!  I never really found out why she did this...But Marion was kinda weird.

My aunt had small dog named Snowball.  Evidently nosey DNAs ran in the K9 members of the family too.  He was the official door answerer.  If he liked whomever was at the door he somehow pushed it open with his nose to let them in.
Once he forgot to move...the end of his happy tail was caught it the screen door.
I'm told he hardly noticed.  At least that is the story and they stuck to it.

Human Tales

My parents were raised on the same street,but several blocks apart.  Mama used to walk by Daddy's house on the way to work at Montgomery Wards aka MonkeyWards.
I'm told sometimes Daddy followed her hoping to get up the nerve to speak to her.
Her route was passed his home then thru the Park.  Daddy was following stalking her one day watching her long black pony tail sway back and forth, when all of a sudden he witnessed a bird drop poop onto Mama's swinging pony tail.  Daddy supposedly said a big thank you to the bird . Then politely approached Mama to tell her she had bird poop in her pony tail.  And as they say the rest is history.

Now one told on me... but I have no recollection.
When I was about 3 years old, they told  me they heard a strange nosie coming from the kitchen in wee hours of the morning. It was ME, I was standing in the kitchen eating a stick of butter.????!!!!  I do 100% believe this to be very true. I  still love butter but I don't eat it as a midnight snack.

Now I'll share a story from my daugher's childhood.
She started talking (she got her gift for gab from me) almost before she started walking.  She was putting together complete sentences before she was 20 months old.  One evening after bedtime stories, I thought she was asleep.
All of a sudden I heard this wee voice say, 'Mommy you look like a rabbit, your nose is wigglying'!!! The rest of the story was, I trying not to sneeze, thus my wiggly nose.

Rabbit with a wiggly nose.

I hope you enjoyed today's stories.
Hugs Cecilia 


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thoroughly Poetic and Thankful Thursday #175

  Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy 

Here is our challenge for today 

My Pop calls me
Carrot top
My mom calls my Pop
Mop top
She says he needs his 

Dearest Auntie HiC 
It is I, Cali, newly crowned Queen Bee of Georgia...

I wanted to provide a quick update on my progress.
I’ve expressed (hissed) the new house rules now that I’m here. Da’ Boyz are slow learners, but are catching on.
Rule Number 1: I’m the Queen on the House! Treat me accordingly.
Rules 2-10: Refer to Rule Number 1! 😹
I must say, my brothers are very respectful & they’re  giving me the space I require to feel comfortable.

Mom says she believes Kat & Rocky are “quite smitten by the kitten”! 😻

I must say, I think Rocky has a “Kitty Crush” on me❣️

Hopefully, we’ll all be snuggling together soon❣️

💖 Cali

Be sure your volume is up this is the most adorable video purrFECT

Rocky that is absolutely the most precious video I've seen in FUREVER....just adorable...bless your GINGER heart. Cali seems chilled and at least interested. Surely the Queen Bee needs a snuggle buddy
Lovingly your Auntie HiC

To my brothers I say THANK YOU:

I am very x 100 Thankful for their patience and understanding
I have never ever NO never known such wonderful love and itty bitty kitty heart runneth over..with
Lovingly you sister, Cali Girl

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Wordless Wednesday and FFF reminder


Thank you to our Hostess

Sandee at Comedy Plus   

Biscuitville biscuits are wonderful but OMCs 


Concerns about Spam's nutritional attributes have been raised due to the fact that it contains twice as much of the daily dietary recommendation of fat as it does of protein, and about the health effects of salt and preservatives

Reminder Friday July 26 join YAM for FFF
It is fun.

for the simple rulz


Tuesday, July 23, 2024



Thank you to our 

Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus  


 Mom was awakened Thursday (July 18th) morning, by Dad sticking his phone in her face saying, “This cat is outside, meowing,

Hello kind sir might you have a bit of water and food for a weary traveler?"

This wasn’t the peeps’ first Stray Cat Rodeo, so Mom called all the local vets, animal shelter, & posted on local social media; while Dad scheduled FeLV test for the afternoon. 

The stray passed the test & now she lives with us!

My new Mom is a retired Teacher...I sure am happy I passed...

BTW the quote on my cat nip pickle is
"I'm kind of a big Dill" and I am.

Friends thank you for tuning in to Kat and Rocky's 
Happy Tuesday MEWS.  She is 5-6 months old, weighs 5.4 lbs
She had her kitty vaccines on Saturday.  Everyone loved her.
She will be spayed in 3 weeks.
Kit told me David took all the photos in this video before he even told her there was a kitty outside.  Kit said David was in love at first sight.

Dearest Nephews and Niece
I am so so so so so happy to meet Cali Girl
She is the 4th stray...precious find her way into the loving 
arms of your Mom Kit and Dad David.
Dad David kitties are bewitching as you discovered.

BREAKING NEWS from Rocky and Kat
Sister Cali was hissy and spitty but SHE is slowly warming up to us...
We'll tell you on Thankful Thursday.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Awww Monday from my Nephews

We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus 

A couple days ago Mom noticed a 🐻 paw print on the walkway.

So, she wasn’t surprised to see 🐻 under the bird feeders today.

Morning Ms. Kit...I come in peace...I just need a cool place to rest and OMBs are these empty sunflower seeds yummy
Boo-Boo da Bear

It’s been dangerously hot in our area, and we also have drought conditions.
The wildlife is suffering.
We never feed the bears, & Mom always (eventually) chases the bears away, but they’re comfortable w/ us, so we independently coexist. . (We love oxymorons 😹).
There are so many new houses all around us, on 5 ac lots. 😞 We want the bears to know our 50 acres will always be a refuge for them.
After all, they were here first.

Enjoy the video below
This bear was licking empty sunflower seeds under bird feeders. 😞
Here on our Mountaing we provide them 400% RESPECT.

❤️ Kat & Rocky

Dearest Kat and Rocky I am so sorry Boo-Boo da Bear and all wildlife are suffering in this horrid heat.  I'm thankful he enjoyed the seeds and I do hope he found water.

Nephews your mom played a Joke on your gullible Auntie HiC.
She first sent me the photo of Boo-Boo  in a text it was a small photo
Mom said: "A stray dog wandered into our yard, David says we can keep it".
Auntie thought was a black Lab...(like Angel Buddy).

Kat here: I must tattle on Rocky when he saw the bear he took off like a Rocket to hide under the bed. I, Kat, was elsewhere that is a story for another day.
A few days later we were looking for Boo-Boo da Bear.
Rocky says he feels very brave when I'm with him


Sunday, July 21, 2024