
Monday, February 10, 2025

Awww Monday from Rocky RE: Cali

 We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus   

Auntie HiC

 Do you see what I see⁉️⁉️

Cali has been trying her best to open the cabinet doors! 🙀
Our Cali Girl just wants to have fun!!!

She acts innocent, but I’m keeping my eye on her, as I smell TROUBLE‼️

Love from your Ginger Nephew
❤️ Rocky

ROCKY OMCs Auntie HiC is almost speechless. Cali girl best be very very happy that this Caper didn't occur when St. Nick was making a list and checking it twice.  She might have landed on the questionable side of his nice and naughty list.  Per chance was Cali looking an elf who escape

PS Auntie HiC
Since this video was taken, Cali has been trying to get in every cabinet in the house. The banging sound alerts us all! Maybe you’re right & she’s looking for the Elf! 😹


  1. Hari OM
    Has Cali never heard the adage about curiosity????? YAM xx

  2. Oh my goodness, Cali sounds like quite the mischievous little one! Trying to open cabinets and causing a racket—it’s like she’s got a whole agenda going on! You’re right, she’s definitely got a bit of a naughty side, but I’m sure her cuteness makes it hard to stay mad for long. Maybe she’s secretly planning her own Elf on the Shelf operation, trying to figure out how to sneak around undetected!

    How’s Rocky holding up with all of Cali’s antics? Does he get in on the fun too, or is he just watching the chaos unfold?

  3. Ooh, Cali is a BUSY girl! Lol! Angel Nicki was always getting into cupboards, I had to do my best to cat-proof them. He'd approve of Cali's efforts!

  4. Rocky you have your paws full trying to keep your eyes on this girl. It seems she may ruin all of her surprises when it comes to birthday and Christmas if she finds the packages too soon. Thank you for coming by to see me, and as an older girl I don't get into trouble quite the way I used to. Precious

  5. This reminds us of how happy we are to not have a cat anymore. Bert was always in trouble like that. Mom had a cat who got into the kitchen garbage all the time so Mom put baby locks on all the cabinets to keep him out. The first few days it was bang, bang, bang, then he finally gave up.

  6. I had a cat that would try that with the cupboard that held the cat food and treats. The banging door was always a dead giveaway.

  7. Does your mom not feed her enough, Rocky?!☺

  8. You go, Cali girl ... purr-sistence will be your reward!!!

  9. It looks like Cali's parents will be installing baby locks on all their cabinets soon. BOL!

  10. You will have your work cut out keeping her on the straight and narrow, Rocky.

  11. Calie ~ you are one busy kitty and rather smart too but Rocky has his eye on you along with Mom ~ better watch out ~

    Hugs Cecilia and Angel Madi ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. She's looking for treats. I think she's more precious. Both are.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs to Auntie C. ♥

  13. I am thinking Cali just might have a curiosity bump the size of Mine, the madSnapper. food would be my guess, or maybe she likes the sound of slamming doors

  14. She's so funny... those cute little back leggies!

  15. Looks like you need some childproof locks. :) XO

  16. MOL...she's adventurious and maybe a little curious...MOL...Loved to see the video😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy Monday to all of you🐾😽💞

  17. Those Calico girls can be a little too smart for their own good BOL!
    Rosy & Sunny

  18. Rocky, we think you might have to step up your game because Cali looks very close to success.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  19. Wow Cali, you're so talented! Are you maybe looking for a mouse??

  20. These kitties are darling and how Cali made me laugh. Rocky’s expression in the video was priceless! I am leaving with a big smile on my face, thank you and sending hugs to all of you :)

  21. Cali is a cute little girl and she is quite the explorer!

  22. I love how Rocky heard and may even have seen the cabinet door open a bit and he went to check on it. Cali went by with such a projected attitude of "So, whattya gonna do about it" That I heehawed all the way over here in TN.

  23. OH and Katie took a leaf, Cali, out of your book. Today (and later I will take a picture for us all) Katie got on the back of the couch...stood STRAIGHT as an arrow up and actually for her right hand on a flower wreath hanging on the wall behind the couch! If she'd gotten, she would have been walking around with that thing around her neck like a race horse.

  24. I think she's looking for treats, that's what my cats do. I've had to put cabinet locks on!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi