By now you all know, Mom is retired goes and comes as she pleases all day long. Last week when she returned from one of her many jaunts, I did not greet her at the door as per normal. She bellowed loving called for me. I meowed quietly from this spot. She got
all gushy down in my face apologizing blah blah blah for leaving me she said she had no idea this was going to happen.......
Kitties and puppies ask your peoples to describe this
horrible picture to you. Look from the bottom where the men are
standing all the way to the top of this picture. The crane was taking down 70' pine trees in the yard across from my house and it was noisy and well our ears are twice as sensitive.
It had very sharp jaws way at the top to take the tree down in
sections. This is the top of one tree. There was lots of other
noisy machinery and lots of loud man peoples.
The gray house is mine so you see how close they were.
I was hiding my peoples bedroom becasue it was the far away from the noise as I could get.
Here are just two sections from one of the many,
many pines they took down.
Yes after Mom got all gushy in my face apologizing and blah blah blah she left me to go take pictures.