My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Caturday Art

If it is Saturday, we are having fun with 

My SIS and BIL gave mom her birthday present at Christmas...AND MOM actually
waited until her Bday to open it.  Totally out of character I must add.
It sat all alone under under the Christmas tree until Sunday, January 7.
Sis ordered mom a new NCSU key ring. Mom thought the box it came was one Sis recycled but NOPE it arrived in this adorable box with a built in ribbon.  It was called The Black Bow Box.
I must admit that I was thrilled to have it there too.  Every day and sometimes
several times a day I would pull ends of the bows to untie it...
Then I licked it like it was covered in fishies.
Mom retied it several times a day.  Finally she put the bow face down.
MOL I could still pull the ends.

LunaPic, animation, floating hearts

Original with a little focal b&w and framed via PicMonkey

Friday, January 12, 2018

Flower Friday and Happy Feets

Hosted by Rosy SassyPants at 

Please accept our apologies for the fake know our motto is to keep things 
real...but OMCs it was so cold here the first week of January even out hearty pansies gave up.
We hope they will make a comeback....but until the do we offer you these.

We might not have real flowers but we do have some REAL entertainment
WARNING:  If your peeps are prone to severe bouts of CABIN FEVER.....
don't let them see the next picture

This is what happens when 3 seniors are marooned inside for nearly a week due to
subfreezing weather and wind and chill factor...
the one w/o thumbs becomes a V I C T I M

Yep mom grabbed me my the furs and told me we were gonna have dance night.
She said we were doing the Cha Cha.  I had flashbacks of my earlier years and vaguely remember we used to dance a lot.  I don't know why we stopped but here is hoping we won't dance again for 16 more years.
Dizzy Madi

Mom and I thank you for you kind comments on our/her poetry each week.
She is having fun and might be learning a few things...
I told her to do anything that kept me off the dance floor.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Thoroughly Poetic Pictorial Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CAT 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

by Madi and Mom

He had heard of the beach and wanted to play in the sand.
Little did he know things would happen that were not even planned.
The look of awe when he saw the waves and the sand 
 brought wonder anew to the faces of all women and men.
His dad said lets walk in the water we can  feel sand 
squish between our toes.  
His toothy smile was full of wander and glee when he said
yes lets do that Dad...can I hold your HAND?

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Tuesday Frozen Tundra Tale

As of 6pm on Saturday 1/8/18 Raleigh had over 180 consecutive hours of temperatures below freezing and many days only 20 degrees and some nights in the single digits...VERY x 87 million unusual for us.  WRAL TV has a fountain in front of the tv station.
To keep the water pipes from busting they have to leave the fountain running or drain it completely.
Over the years it has become a very popular place to take winter photos.
This one was taken 1/6/18
We are tickled pink to say our high yesterday was a balmy 46 tropical degrees

Mom decided she wanted to have her photo taken in front of it so they braved the
tropical temperatures of 22 degrees on 1/6/18 to snap this photo.
Mom had 3 sweaters on under her coat
Mom is 5'3 1/2" tall the fountain is coming close to being over 10' tall
This is the tallest we have seen it.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Monday Sparks and F.F.Fiction

Today we are pawticipating in 
McGuffy’s Reader’s Sparks blog hop
This hop is all about spreading cheer and positive vibes via quotes.
Mom and I will be pawticipating in this Monday fun spreading pet cheer and positive vibes.

Final Friday Fiction Blog Hop is January 26, 2018
Our hostess is YAM-Aunty
We did it in November and it was such fun!!

The much older gray mare say a BIG THANK YOU for you very kind
birthday wishes yesterday.  

Sunday, January 7, 2018

B&W Sunday and Birthday

Guess what today is a big day for someone...

Guess Who?
If you guessed Dad, WRONG

IF you guessed Madi, WRONG again, although she does have a (pony) 'tail'!!! MOL
If you Guessed MOM, you are right

She was 10 years old in this picture....

Today January 7th is her case you're wondering

she will not be 11. That is all I'm sayin'......

but she is very thankful for each year and for good health, family all her friends.

Yesterday Mom and Dad picked up mom's annual
Baskin Robbins I SCREAM cake...yes...on a 24 degree day they pick up an
I SCREAM cake.  I'm about to show you a photo but first let me tell you when they arrived at BR the cake Dad ordered was not the cake they were first shown.
It was an itty bitty cake hardly big enough for
Happy Birthday CEAL, mom's nickname.
They happened to have another one made with chocolate chip I Scream in the freezer so he decorated it lickety split.  I'm purrty sure the order Dad gave them for the cake said ALL red decorations

The cake is most delicious it has chocolate cake and chocolate chip I Scream

We thank you all for visiting and leaving comments that make us think, laugh,
scratch our heads and tickle our tummies.  We look forward to another year!!