My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Honoring Marg, Heaven's new Animal caregiver


Marg was one of the very first animal bloggers I met.  I would like to share a few memories I have of Marg and how she always was first in line to pawticipate in all the wild and crazy things we did in Blogville.  She loved  all creatures great and small.  She had a special bond with her two Donkeys Smoke and Joe.  Smoke graciously agreed to let Angels Madi and Raz ride on his back in February 2014 for the Valentine's day Parade. 

Joe and Angel Madi's alter ego Buttons the Clown also joined the parade.

Marg also fitted Madi with her very first hat, The pink Chef  hat, you see by the comments we leave on your blog seen here.  

Marvelous friend
Amazing smile
Rare gem of a lady
Great lover of all creatures great and small

Please click here to go to June and Ann's blog more about Marg.
 Donations in memory of Marg Elmendorf may be made, by PayPal to
PAWS Shelter of Anderson County, S.C.  Or you may mail a check to the
shelter directly: 1320 Highway 29 South, Anderson, SC 29626.
Please be sure to note that your contribution is on behalf of Marg, and 
include your own personal information so the shelter may
acknowledge your gift.  Thank you.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Feline Friday with my Grandkitties and Nature too

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Thank you for hosting!


Our son in law ordered this adorable welcome mat as a surprise for our daughter.

I have no idea why the woodwork is ruffly...

Mia aka Walmart Greeter is always first out to say hi and OH by the way you may rub my tortie furs and hold me too.  Which I did ASAP.  

She likes to tease us with that gorgeous tummy too

Frisco was 2nd out to say hi and I was honored to hold him.

Harper finally came out no holding.  I sat on the floor and was given the Haper Sniff of approval

Mia and Frisco chowing down on their nightly hair ball treat

Sunset from their front porch


Thursday, January 2, 2025

Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #193


Thankful Thursday hosted by 

Dearest Auntie HiC

I don’t mind sharing the “limelight” with Rocky & Cali, but just as a reminder, I was the ** “OG” Kat on Harland Hill.  
The following message is brought to all my friends, with sincere appreciation by me, Kat! 😹

❤️ Kat

Dearest Kat that was a very kind diary entry.
  Please tell Auntie what **OG STANDS FOR
Auntie HiC

**It is used to mean the best, like GOAT (Greatest Of All Time)! 

Kat you are for sure the Greatest of all time...because of your bravery you paved the way to the heart of Mom and Dad for Cali and Rocky. Your loving A HiC

I've been unexpectedly MIA
Bryan and I are thankful to be on THIS side of the horrid Christmas Eve Present from his brother, who shared it with everyone!!  
We were invited for Lasagna which was yummy...but upon arriving we discovered his brother WAS SICK with some evil germ.  They should have canceled till they were well.
Bryan had it by the 26th I had it by the 29th..  We went to Urgent Care on Dec 31 diagnosed (thankful not Covid) with an evil😈 respiratory/viral
infection that, to quote the doctor, "has to run it course of 7-10 days"!!  Oh Joy
We were told there are all kinds of viruses, Covid, RSV, and Flu raging now.  If you are invited somewhere...inquire about the health of the hosts or better yet JOIN IN VIA 
Yesterday about mid morning we both started feeling a bit  jus a bit, better.

 Today is Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy at Two Spoiled Cats

My attempt at Haiku

 Pandas are adorable
Dining on bamboo all day
Montane* regions are their home

*The giant panda lives exclusively in six montane regions in a few Chinese provinces at elevations of up to 3,000 m (9,800 ft).

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Wordless Wednesday: Happy New Year Movie from Cali


Thank you to our Hostess

Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Dearest Auntie HiC

 I’ve soared to greater heights!
No stopping me now!
This girl is on fire!

Dad,  will you please get the ladder & rescue me!?! ❣️

💕 Cali Girl 

Niece Cali your first Chrissymouse on Mt Harland has taken you to new heights shown you all about love and fun and OMCs 3 amigos are having a ball living and loving.

Love Auntie HiC

PS AUNTIE HiC posted this on mistake

Auntie HiC

We want to wish you & all our friends Happy 2025‼️

Thank you for bringing us so much love,  happiness, & laughter.
Look out 2025, here we come!

❤️ Kat, Rocky & Cali

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Happy Tuesday on New Year's Eve from the Mantel

Thank you to our

 We thank our Hostess Sandee at

 Comedy Plus 

Celebrating Lights on our Mantel... make me happy

Angel Madi's permanent spot is on the right end of the Mantel

She LOVED jumping from the back of the white chair on the left, to the edge of the mantel.  She carefully stroll across the mantel not disturbing anything.  She would sit on the right edge of the (where you see a carved wooden likeness of her).  Next she would jump on top of the secretary beside the mantel.  She loved 'surprising' us with a hearty Meow from this perch.   I wonder what Angel Madi would have thought about our fairy lights.  I expect she would have found a way to tip toe thru them with care too.

I played with some adjustments on my iPhone...this is warm hues
Bryan had a wonderful and creative idea to string ornaments on red cotton yard across the mantel.  This is the first year. We'll be doing this again.

Black and White

August 12, 2017

The Celebrating and loving life one adventure at a time.

During Madi's first year with us she climbed on anything that did not run
 from her. The favorite place was to jump from this chair to the mantel, 
walk across it to the top
of the secretary.  I was never able to get photos of the adventure...
but I witnessed it many times.
It appears the cortisone shot and all the yummy sardines(she loves sardines),
tuna and regular cat food Miss Piggy is eating she has found the fountain of
While I was cleaning up after supper Saturday evening 8/12/17, 
I saw this....what happened next was transpired in about 1 minute.
Thankfully my camera was handy

Mom Here:
Pictures speak volumes. I do apologize for the blurry photos.
Just before I started snapping I was washing some pots
I still had on my rubber gloves.
UP I go
I was not quick enough to catch the spring up

I would have made it to the top of the secretary, but Dad caught me.  
As you can see in the
above photo, that leap was another ~1' up.  The dang blue bird statute is 
about 8" high was in the way.
I needed to be about where it was to make my jump without deading the bird.
I coulda made it from here but the blue bird would have been history
Also in the past when I made it to the top of the secretary which is 8' high 
it was alleged I chewed on the finial and Dad had to get the step stool out to get me off the top.

As the saying goes, it is not about the destination but about the journey
and FRIENDS the journey was fabulous!!!!

Monday, December 30, 2024

Awww Monday

 We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus   

Dearest Auntie HiC

Guess what we got for Christmas?!?
A new roof, ha! 😹
Santa sent his elves to our house to install a new roof a few days before Christmas.

Boy was it loud! The Peeps took us out to the RV to escape all the commotion.

We kept our eyes on those elves, and they were busy as bees.
Excuse the dirty RV window.

❤️ Kat, Rocky, & Cali

Dearest Kat, Rocky and Cali
OMCs thank goodness your new roof was installed before 
St Nick and his Reindeer landed up on the roof top with the clomping of 
28 hooves.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Sunday is for sharing

Dearest Auntie HiC
Mom might have to bring out our Kindergarten Teacher hat to teach 
Cali Sharing is Caring!!!!

We got new scratching boards in our box!
Guess who doesn’t want to share?
Cali has Cat Scratch Fever! 😹
Enjoy the video!

Kat I truly believe that Cali will learn all about sharing just by watching...
she is so eager to please and loves her brovvers.
Love Auntie HiC

❤️ Kat