Dearest Auntie HiC
Hi, it’s me Rocky. 🐈
I went to vet today, August 7th, for FeLV retest. Vet was a bit puzzled because the blood analyzer showed “weak positive” again, but the computerized reading was “negative”.
I’ll be retested, by a specialized lab in 3 months.
I also had all my vaccines, and will be neutered next week.
Vet says I show no signs of virus at this time, and appear to be a happy, healthy (I weigh 10 lbs) kitty.
Sadly, I must remain separated from Kat. We enjoy each other’s company through the window.
Thank you for all the positive thoughts and energy, and please know I love, enjoy every day of my life.
❤️ Rocky Your Orange Nephew
Mom and I like this picture aand what is says too.
Dearest Rocky
It is my humble opinion that the blood analyzer has never ever NO never read blood as pure as yours and it is confused.
Technology is good until, it is NOT~~
OMCs I love the photo of you and Pup and your 'hang over' on the table. You are multi-talented you can look at the camera while doing a purrfect hangover.
I know your snip and tuck will go well and I send you continued love and support and most of all
Auntie Hugs your Auntie HiC