My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Caturday Art

If it is Saturday, we are having fun with 

We used mixed shape collage option on Pizap.  All the photos are former Caturday Art photos.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Flower Friday with..

DB boyz, Mayor Arty, Jakey and their little 
sis Rosy.  Of course Angel Dory the original Flower girl is overseeing the event.

Pardon our fake flowers
My dad bought mums and pansies last week that will seen be ready for a selfie very soon.
In the meantime...have I told you I'm a Daddy's Girl?
Dad's favorite color is green

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

Greetings and salutations my friends!! I'll be hiding sitting up here
while you read our Q poem

Angel Sammy and brudder Teddy

Today's 4 word challenges are 
quiet, quarrel, q-tips, quack

Quiet days are a rare here
Especially when mom gets her brain gear.
She gets a bit crazy but is never lazy.
She thinks she must always be busy 
with this and that. Once she thought
it would be good to clean my ears.
As she approached me with a q-tip,
a quarrel passed my lips.
I hollered woman you are a quack.
If you come near me with that stick, I promise
I'll flatten you with a mighty smack.
She backed off lickety split
This hissy kitty cleans her  ears with kitty spit
You should never use sticks


Sissy and BIL pulled into their driveway at 12:41 am. She said oh is it good to be back East. I expect there was a gleeful reunion with the kitties.
Needless to say Mama and Papa Bear here are extremely glad to have the kiddos just 3 hours down Hwy 70.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

One sentence Wednesday

My favorite day of the fall is the day the shade over the skylight is opened, October 1, 2017.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Tuesday Thoughts

Our thoughts and prayers and healing wishes go to all who lost their lives or were injured in Las Vegas.  Thanks to the first responders and all the brave men an women who helped injured.

My precious human sis and her hubby aka peeps to 
Mia and Frisco went to Las Vegas for vacation and were at the  Route 91 Harvest concert during the horrific shootings. Our phone rang at 1:30 am on Monday morning it was
sissy and her hubby to let us know before we saw the news that they were ok.
Of course we did not know about the shootings until that call.  
They had been running and stopped at the MGM hotel to call us at 10:30 Vegas time the shootings were around 10 pm.  They were so very scared and so upset. 
Their hotel was just across the street from MGM. The last communication we had was a texted saying they were safely in their room.  Late afternoon we had a call from Sis and BIL
the peeps talked to them for about half an hour.  They left some of their belongings
at the venue.  They hope to be able to go back  there sometime today to pick up the backpack.
Their flight home is tomorrow.
We are so thankful they were able to call us then because the first thing we heard when we woke up yesterday was this horrible tragic news.

Monday, October 2, 2017


 can ask the craziest questions!
Obviously she has never heard of let sleeping kitties dogs lie

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Easy Sunrise

Mom here my Reunion update
Titled:  I fought sciatica and sciatica WON!!!

As of today, I've been dealing with this 😈 for 10 days.
Friday my doctor was off; however, I left a  vm on prescription question option # and an email on the portal at 10:30 am asking about a muscle relaxer.  I had high hopes one of her other doctors would reply.  Finally I called again at 4 to check got recording that their Friday office hours are 7 am-3pm.
First I knew about Friday hours.  So I did not get an RX.  Currently I can walk around the house w/o too much discomfort.  The stairs are still not good.  First thing in the morning it feels ok.   As the day progresses, sciatica worsens. As you know, I have a wild party in my head many days that does  crazy things.  Every so often my smart head party  shows up which it did yesterday.  It told me stay home,  sitting for 3 hours was sure to set back my wee bit of improvement.  I really would rather not have a set back just for 3 hours which would surely cause many more days of discomfort.  I was very very 😥