Dear Madi
365 Days ago, today, I wrote OUR last blog post (with your help), to tell our
friends across the WWW that you made your trip OTRB.
Friday, September 13, 2019, was one year since you Madi(son) D Cat got your wings👼.
A year and 4 days....Dad and I cannot believe it has been that long.
You will always be a part of this blog...
We miss you each day, we talk about you each day and we smile with all the memories you left in our hearts and in every crook and cranny of Manor Madi. We count our lucky stars that you chose us as your (servants) guardians. You taught us so were like no other.
Thank you for leaving your beautiful furs here and there. I found them every where for many months. Just last week, as we were packing for our vacation, I found several
in my RED suitcase. Thank you for always jumpin' in to help me pack.
I think small things like this that happen every day are
divine iMessages that you are here with us.
Speaking of body parts....
Dad said to tell you your whisker turned CB antenna is still holding strong over at
the Train Brain Depot.
I miss your very 'special' greeting each morning when I entered the family room.
You always walked toward me, with your long luxurious tail flying high (just like in the photo below). You stopped right by my side for a nanosecond to let me wrap my hand around bottom of your tail. Then you would continue to walk as my hand had the pleasure of holding it as it ever so slightly as passed thru my hands.
Now that being said, knowing my Diva as I did,
I'm pretty sure that was your very LAST warning telling me your breakfast was OVERDUE.
Lastly you are permanently holding court, on the mantel you loved so much...
and I always tell you good morning and good night!!
We love you two hours and a bunch
Mom and Daddy
The time has come for me to join the others
I was not ready and neither was Mother.
When the angels came to fly me up into the sky,
To his Bonsai Bunny my Dad said bye, bye.
They have walked this line 2 times before Me.
Easy it is not no matter the number of days.
As I crossed the bridge, so many friends greeted me.
They all spoke at once and were full of glee
Eager to tell me of sun puddles, boxes and food for free.
Since the day I was born, my life has truly been ‘heaven’ on earth.
Remember I love you. You know how much?
To quote my human Sis, “ I love you two hours and a bunch”.
I bid you farewell and I end this poem as I always have
Hugs Madi your Bfff
March 11, 2002-September 13, 2018
We thank Ann at Zoolatry 💞for capturing the Essence of Madi here in 2 different sun puddles. |