My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Whisker Wednesday:Taming Tehachapi

I bet that title caught your eye!!

Well here is the rest of the story
Every Wednesday my Dad and his train buddies meet over at 
Mr. Jerry's house to 'run trains'.  Mr. Jerry had a huge basement full of a gorgeous 0 scale model railroad fashioned after the Tehachapi Loop in California.  It is a work in progress most times when the guyz gather it is a fun run.  Every so often they actually work on scenery, update things and most importantly keep it in tip top shape.  Mr. Jerry is a retired electrical engineer so he does a lot of complicated switch stuff.   He is also an avid CB radio operator and he drives a black Suburban. He wanted to put a model of his car in the scenery; however, he could not decide what to use for his CB antenna.  My dad said how about a cat whisker?!? Dad said Madi is always dropping a whisker here and there.   Mr. Jerry said yes indeed that would work.
After a tough negotiation, Dad and I came to an agreement worth one of my whiskers.
A lifetime of tummy rubs, food, shelter and  unconditional L O V E.
In the photo below the pink arrow points to the CB antenna aka whisker of Madi
Whisker of Madi was featured in the January 19, 2015 issue (page 70-77) of Great Model Railroads in an article all about this fantastic Tehachapi Loop Model in O scale

Below are a few more photos

Diagrams of the loops
Mr. Jerry names things/items/places after his train brain friends
Below is Upchurch Electric after Dad


  1. OMC, my human is so envious! She LOVES trains - real ones and model trains!

  2. Our Dad is counting the days until he and Mama go see that silly loop in the furs!!! Mama says, she's bringing her camera and a good book....We think it is SO VERY COOL you had your Whisker PUBLISHED!!! We hope you were paid lots of treats for your fact, you may be eligible for Royalty Treats. You know, for every magazine they sell, YOU get 10 treats...Just sayin'!!
    Dory, Arty, Jakey & Bilbo

  3. Hari OM
    OMC Madi... that is one cool way to be remembered!!! I'sa so jelly that your daddy gets to play with those trains...sigh.... hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. We once owned a model train set with a plaster of paris tunnel our puss at the time moved in so no one much played with the trains didn't want to disturb the cat.

  5. Madi that is such a super idea!!! and even the name CB fits perfectly... it's Cat Band radio now :o)

  6. OMD, your whisker is famous, Madi! Mr Jerry's trains are so cool!

  7. I remember that your dad loves trains! Very nice of you to share a whisker with him. You look very good in a conductors hat, too!

  8. this is so cool and I had no idea your whisker is that long. what a great idea and now you are published to... what fun your dad has with his friends..

  9. Really cool story Madi. I hope they put your picture in that article. If not, they should revise it and send the photographer over for a photo shoot.

  10. Gosh that looks like such fun. What a great thing to do to fun those trains. I have always liked little trains.

  11. That is so cool! And Madi using one of your whiskers was incredibly clever!

  12. Madi, that hat is just really pawsome.

  13. Oh my goodness, Madi, we have driven along the Tehachapi Train Loop more times than I want to count, but to see an O scale just like it in miniature is amazing! There's always at least one train on the tracks and it's great to see them coming through all of the tunnels! Mr. Jerry must have a HUGE basement. We love his new CB antenna! LOL
    Hugs and nose taps,
    Kathy and Molly

  14. WOW!! Now we call these guys train enthusiasts! And you donated a whisker, surely they should name a route after you for such a sacrifice!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. Wow Madi, your whisker is famous! What an excellent model railway. My friend's husband is crazy about them and has a layout in his attic.
    Elliot and Cricket x

  16. That is our Lady's dad dream. He has a garden train he is working on.

  17. Mom's dad was a model railroad buff until his parkinsons made it to difficult to work on his trains
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  18. That was a fabulous idea. And once again, they had to turn to the cat for help!

  19. We thought only Choo Choo Charlie was an engineer
    Lily & Edward

  20. All we can say is wow and we love that your whisker was used as the CB radio antenna!!!!

  21. madi...yur nayboz collectshunz putz me nayborz collectshunz ta shamez.....N how total lee kewl iz that...usin yur whisker !!! AWESOME ~~~~~~~~

    boomer ~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥☺☺☺

  22. Wow your whisker was recycled!
    Your Furend
    Louis Dog Armstrong

  23. You make a great conductor. That is so cool your Dad is into trains.

  24. That is super cool and your whisker is the purrfect touch pretty Madi!

  25. How cool that your whisker is now part of Mr. Jerry's trains.

  26. Wow, you're famous! Better watch it, or your dad might try to pluck you bald to sell your infamous whiskers.

  27. OMD/OMC!!! GURL you are FAMous nows! Okays, so you were already famous, butts now the train peeps know Diva Madi too! (I hears, sometimes they don't gets out of the basements that often, so....BOL!!!! jk) Anyhu, I thinks your Pops had a most brilliant idea of using YOUR wisker! I means, no other would do, rights????
    Oh, Casey has a point....better sleep with one eye open...hehehe
    Ruby ♥


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi