My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Symmetry Saturday at St. Michael Episcopal

I am a big fan of red brick.  St. Michael St. Michael  is beautiful
The front entrance is breathtaking.

This is St. Michael's Annex.  It is a Mini St. Michael
It's proper title is the Canterbury Gift Shop Canterbury Gift Shop
All proceeds go toward outreach programs.

The steeple is a separate structure on the ground.
My guess would be because the church structure


Friday, June 7, 2024

Nature and Feline Friday with Kat and Rocky

 Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Thank you for hosting!

Dearest Auntie HiC

We love watching sunsets, and Willow Beach Campground on the Arkansas River never disappoints. 

We were enjoying the peaceful moment, when this speedster came flashing by. Mom said the boater would have loved this video of himself zipping through the sunset. 😹

❤️ Kat & Rocky  

OMCs Mr. Speedster would have paid big bucks to have that was a nice boat too. Auntie would have enjoyed it from inside too, since I don't feel the need to speed. 
That is a gorgeous Sunset....
Hugs and Love 
Auntie HiC

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Thoroughly Thankful and Poetic Thursday #168


 Thankful Thursday hosted by 

Dearest Auntie HiC

We, Kat, Rocky and staff of two, are very thankful we have successfully missed all the storms.

Earlier this week while tootling down I-40, in Arkansas, heading east, trying to dodge the thunderboomers! 

We saw some beautiful storm clouds while driving through Oklahoma. Fortunately, no tornadoes. 

We’re all road weary, & ready to be HOME!  

Thanks for letting us share our latest adventure in the FMTU, (Feline Mobile Transit Unit)! 😹

Your furry Nephews Rocky and Kat

Dearest Nephews we send kudos out to Driver Dad and Navigator Mom
for their expert skills during this trip and for all the wonderful
photos you have shared with us.
Lovingly Auntie HiC


 Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy 

Here is our challenge for today

Spring is in the air 
Fly balls are a part of baseball
played in a field not the air
Tennis is a game of love
your feet need to be planted firmly 
on the ground.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Wordless Wednesday with Rocky


Thank you to our Hostess

Sandee at Comedy Plus    

Auntie Hic

I appreciate these nice people floating by for my entertainment! 😹
❤️ Rocky

Nephew Rocky OMCs Auntie enjoyed it too.
She loves to watch rafters.  I bet dollars💵 to 🍩's
if Auntie were in there she would be going every which way but straight.
I especially liked the yellow one going sideways. 
Lovingly Auntie HiC 

Bonus Video
Yesterday, June 4, I recieved this video from
Kit.  They were in Arkansas for 2 nights.
She and David saw and heard
They expect to be back home in Georgia some time Saturday, June 8.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Tuesday was happy...really


Thank you to our 

We’ve been cooped up in this RV since April 6! 🙀
Of course, we sleep most of the time, so it’s not that big a deal for us. 

When we’re awake, we’re usually happy & loving to each other. 
However, the confined conditions can occasionally create Cabin Fever, which we take out on each other. 

(Disclaimer: no cats were injured during production of the following video.

 Also, please note, Rocky was responding to be being bitten on leg by Kat. 😹)

❤️ Kat & Rocky 

Dearest Rocky

Auntie HiC  thinks you just channeled your Rocky Balboa move on Kat.

Auntie might have giggled really hard at that video...My apologies

PS Friends by the time you read this we will be on our way home.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Awww Monday with Jack and Sparks

We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus



Awww that boy is a lover.  He leans into my leg as I rub that gorgeous head.

His house is the beige one just barely showing over our mailbox.

At first glance, it looks there are two Jacks but one is his shadow. He was busy reading pee mail no time to look at the camera.
He is 10ish now in his youth he participated in local Dog Shows.
  Jack loves everybuddy and everybuddy loves Jack. 
Jack is an British Black Labrador

Below is difference between British and American Labs
The British Labs are wider, with fuller chests, thick necks, clearly defined forehead stops, and shorter legs. The American Labs are slimmer, with a narrower head, longer muzzle, longer legs and athletically agile build. Below is a photo from Google of a British Lab


Sunday, June 2, 2024

Easy Sunday featuring Cape Hatteras Lighthouse

Taken at The Peach House Cafe in Kinston, NC

I took this a photo of this picture in April...forgot to show you

Cape Hatteras Lighthouse

In 2015 we traveled with Globe Treks Tours via Coach to all the
Lighthouse in NC...
We climbed all the way to the top
Cape Hatteras 208' tall, 250 steps...
Officially completed and lit in 1870
It is the 2nd of 3 that have been constructed in Buxton, NC
In 1803 the first Cape Hatteras light house was built it was sandstone it was 90'
the light from the Argand lamps and reflectors were not sufficient.  
It was modified to a new height of 150' in 1854 and first order Fresnel lens were installed
they were the most powerful of that time. In 1861, during the Civil War, the Fresnel was removed by retreating Confederate soldiers to keep it out of Union hands. Shell damage during the war and structural deterioration prompted construction of a replacement lighthouse in 1870.  In 1871 the original light house  was demolished
In 1999 Cape Hatteras lighthouse was moved 1/2 mile to save it from the encroaching Atlantic Ocean. The lighthouse was cut from it original base, hydraulically lifted onto steel beams and traveled along
railroad tracks to is present location this took 23 days.  
In the picture below in the upper right hand corner you can see approximately where it sat before it was moved.  This photo was taken from the top looking down into the parking lot
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse is my favorite!! Who knows why?