My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Silly Saturday and PSAs

I, Madison D. Cat will be hosting a very fun event:

Blanket Volleyball OMCs this should be fun
  • Objective: To pass the ball over the net in pairs using towels or blankets to propel the ball.
  • Towels or blankets for each pair. Net. ...
  • Divide the players into two equal teams. ...
  • You may use beach balls or volleyballs

My absolute deadline for receiving all photos is 5PM on September 18, 2017

Good buddies that is Monday!!

If you would like to pawticipate in my Blanket Volleyball, 
please send me a picture of you standing on all fours or NOT...MOL
Mom can maneuver them with pizap.  Just send photos...
If you send in more than one photo, please note your name(s) that go with each photo 

EMAIL to: 
Please send it to candb214ATattDOTnet

I'm 'borrowing a GREAT idea from Da Phenny'!
Below I'm listing furiends who have sent me photos for this event:
If you sent me a photo and don't see your name Roar or Grown OUT LOUD.

Tuiren, Lucy, Misty, Fenris, Yang, Scylla, Chimera, Lightning, Yin,
Mayor Arty and Jakey, Christmas, Yam Aunty, Da Phenny, Hazel and Mabel,
Millie (dog), Siddhartha, Millie (cat), Walter, Phoebe
and Introducing Timber the newest Woo, Bentley and Pierre, Phod, Lee and Chester.

For all the info on all the The picnic and Barn Dance click HERE

or HERE to see the sign up sheet for those hosting events

Oreo's Demolition Derby
We thank Mayor Arty and Jakey for reminding us about Oreo's event...
we stole the below from them.

Wrapping up the Month will be Oreo's Demolition Derby on September 30th. Make sure to visit Oreo HERE to find out how you can be part of this fun Bash 'em Smash 'Em Blogville event!! 

So much fun to little time,
Right???? We look forward to seeing you at some of all of the events!

Friday, September 15, 2017

Flower Friday dedicated to Friends Furever Blog

My Guy, Raz's Daddy, has been very sick for a very long time,
he fought a long and hard fight to get better but he was tired and could fight no longer.

We send love and hugs to Sharon, Raz and Allie

Bravely fought the evil C and complications
Irresistibly funny cat Daddy, he thought of fun games to play with his furbabes
Lived life with gusto
Loved by all who knew him

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

Angel Sammy and brudder Teddy

Today's poetry words are Naughty, Nice, Normal, New

OMCs let me just say right up front..TOGM struggled with these words.
Usually she composes our poem within a day or two and she uses all 4 words. Not this week.
Mom finally found her cre8tive mojo to compose five lines
to describe me we call it.... All about Madi in five lines

I'm not new but that does not make me blue.
I can be rather haughty but never naughty!
A diva I am; however, to call me formal would not be normal.
 I am as nice and sweet as a fresh slice of cranberry cornbread.
This is it no more will be said! 

Cranberry Orange Cornbread
1 navel orange
2 large eggs
1/2 cup low-fat buttermilk
1/4 cup canola oil
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons baking soda
3/4 cup yellow stone ground corn meal*
(it did not indicate plain or self rising, Mom used self rising)
*Mom used her regular corn meal for her famous cornbread so that is what she used 
1 1/4 cup all purpose flour
1 cup fresh cranberries, mom used dried.
1.Heat oven to 375, coat a 8"x4" loaf pan with cooking spray
2. Grate zest from 1/2 of the orange into a large bowl. Cute the orange in half and squeeze all the juice. Whisk in eggs, buttermilk, oil, sugar, brown sugar, and salt until blended.  Scatter 4 teaspoons of baking powder over the top of this mixture, let it stand until foamy, about 3 minutes.
3. Stir together cornmeal, flower and cranberries, add them to wet ingredients, stirring just until batter is almost free of lumps.
4. Spoon into loaf pan, bake until a toothpick inserted comes out clean, ~ 35 to 40 minutes, Cool on a rack.
Tip: if you cannot find cranberries you may use fresh blueberries or raspberries.

PSA from MAD SNAPPER in Tampa area 

please post on your acct that  i am off line, no TV/phone/internet. thanks

Madi mom here: not sure what happened.  Yesterday  MS had tv/phone/internet.
I expect something to do with Spectrum service interruptions.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wordy Wednesday

On Saturday our good buddy Mad  Snapper in
Florida posted this photo and the caption below it.
What is on top of your fridge? I am digging to the bottom of the barrel for this post. I have several but will wait until IRMA is gone and we are waiting on Jose..

Mom told her she thought it was not at all a bottom of the barrel post BECAUSE it gave
mom a great idea for a post.
This was mom's answer to 'what is on top of your fridge'!

Before 2006 you might have found me madi on top of the fridge(mom says she must dig out some old  photos of that for the blog. See this was a great idea you gave mom). After 2006, when the kitchen remodel was completed our new fridge slipped into its own cubbyhole. Now there is 1" clearance and probably some dust bunnies on top.

These two photos are were taken prior to kitchen reno in September of 2006.
You might see the date stamp on the photos of 1987..crazy mom had no clue how to change the date and of course I was born in 2002.

What fun I had rolling around collecting dust bunnies and resting my chin on the galley rail of the cabinets.

It has been alleged, in other post I was quite the acrobat
I would jump to the counter below the cabinets spring up to the top of the
fridge then to the top of the cabinets.  Note mom kept her cookbooks and other
things wedged in the 3" gap to keep me from getting into that area.

This photo  is of the cabinets and fridge after 2006. I still jump on the narrow counter to the left of the fridge....but alas that is as far as I can go....

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

How I spent my summer Blog Hop

I might be a senior kitty but as the saying goes a rolling kitty stone gathers no moss 
I had a rolling good time this summer in spite of the 3H's, hot, hazy humid.

I spent my virtual summer vacation in Colorado and Utah, June 20-26

I learned how to climb red rocks at the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, CO

While in Arches Nat'l Park I....
Not my best decision...getting down was hairy.

One of my favorite my favorite places was the Red Cliff Lodge in Moab, UT
They had the most gorgeous sunrises over the Colorado River
I sat on the fence behind my room to take them in every morning

 I took  jet boat ride on the Colorado was fast as greased lightning too
I got to wear a pirate hat for my Jet Boat Portrait

I was please as purple punch to ride the Durango and Silverton Steam Locomotive
I even got to visit the engineer and wear his hat.

It was indeed an honor to be Junior Ranger for the Day at Grand Mesa National
Forest.  I had to read all the rules from the handbook. I was
given all kinds of stuff to take in my back sack
A whistle was for scaring the scat out of the bears
Binoculars to look for bears so I'd know when to blow my whistle
A bandaid for booboos I might get when I ran from bears
A camera to take a selfie with a bear. YIKES
Thank goodness I saw no bears

A magnifying glass to look for buttie pillars for my Princess Leah

My last day I decided to camp atop Wilson's Arch in Arches National Park.
I arrived late afternoon and Oh my word was it ever H O T up there too.
I did see some spectacular sights through my biNOCulars
Even the devil himself was melting...see pitchfork and a red hand

All in all it was a fine vacation and I saw a lot a very beautiful sights
I have lots and lots of memories and images stored in my itty bitty kitty brain
Respectfully submitted 
Madi(son) da Explorer 

Monday, September 11, 2017

Monday Madi Mews

Sending purrs and prayers and tons of thoughts to all 
who are in or were in Irma's path!


Mom told me Irrational Irma might come to visit today.  

 I don't know anybuddy named Irma but I am watching 
 Evidently my peeps did not invite Irma.
I am on Irma watch as soon as I see her I will give her
my back of disrespect and 

a piece of my mind!!

 I heard she might bring some rain.
This diva doesn't do water.  If you need me, I'll up here where
the elevation is 15 steps!!

As always on this day and especially after Harvey and Irma
we want to thank all first responders

We would like to say thank you to all the first responders and our Armed Forces for all they do to protect us and to the families and friends of those who lost their lives on 9/11...they are never forgotten

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Easy Sunday

Purrs, Prayers and hugs to our friends in 

I have my high beams on while watching mom from my Easy spot
I can see Dad when he passes by the steps too!  Win-Win