This small neighborhood is about 3 blocks from our home.
This fun teepee swing was seen just as I entered Leadmine Lake
Dearest Auntie HiC it is I Pup!!
I thank Ellen, 15 cats and meowing, and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs for thinking of the fill-ins.
1. I try to be a better listener and less of a talker (and it is hard).
2. The color of my wardrobe is mostly RED.😁
3. Naming Madi was a difficult choice for me to make. I knew she would probably be our last cat and I wanted it to be a purrfect name. Her full name was Madison D(iva) Cat
4. I never have trouble deciding on my dessert. It is always ice cream and always has chocolate in it.
Today we join Two SPOILED CATS
We’re back in Colorado, at one of our favorite campgrounds.
I saw this garden flag on one of my walks around our neighborhood. I thought it was a perfect Sparks.