My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Caturday Art

If it is Saturday, we are having fun with 

I might need to limit mom's caffeine intake.
Tuesday she was sitting in the recliner chair in our office having a cuppa java.
She was looking at the back of the office chair
If you see something other than a chair, raise your hand.

A light bulb in mom's head went off and the party started.
She used my eyes but could not get my mouth quite right using the 
cut out tool in Pizap but she found a cat mouth in Pizap.

She said the back of the chair looks like a top hat
the arms like the brim of a top hat
Yep she definitely needs to be cut off from caffeine

P.S. to  yesterday's post about the new James Hunt Library 
on N. C. State Centennial Campus.  The original D. H. Hill Library is still on main campus.  This is a regular library with stacks and shelves full of books.  D.H. Hill is where all dissertations are kept too.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Futuristic Flower Friday

Thursday Afternoon Mom and Dad took a ride over to N C State University to see the new state of the art Library and the resident BookBot... more on that further down.  
They could have stayed for hours but parking is an issue, only 1 hour at a time and you have to keep going back to the pay station to add to it.  Let me just say with
mom and dad's normal morning walk, buying groceries and then this field trip
they logged 12,376 steps on Thursday... 
Here are a few photos mom took outside and inside.
 First thing seen when entering the Library
It changes colors
 ALL of the stairs are YELLOW!!
 One of the many student lounges.
What a colorful building.  Mom was in TECHNICOLOR heaven

 She also saw some pretty flowers while walking around this beautiful building.
Lovely purple flowers
then she noticed what was shaped like cattails behind them.
She and dad both thought..they must be solar powered

She saw more futuristic cattails surrounded by the lovely yellow flowers
and a close up below

When she got home she did a search, and sure enough they are solar powered flowers.
Below is a photo of the building at night
courtesy of James B. Hunt Library on NC State Centennial Campus 
Mom says they must go back to see them for themselves at night.

Click here to read all about this very futuristic Library

Now for a few photos of this gorgeous new Library.

Here is the book storage area there are over 1 million books.
This state of the art storage allows for more room for students
and other services.
 Even BookBot is yellow.
There is one central location/control area where one goes to
enter a book request.

Click here to see a video of BookBot and here a demonstation

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Thoroughly Poetic Pictorial Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CAT 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Today's prompt ....inspired me to write two types of poems.

If I were brave,
Up, up and away I would like to
float in a hot air balloon 
Maybe I'd go to the moon.
I'd soar and I'd roar and be so excited
I might snort.......

The truth is...
I am blessed to have a party in my head.
Wild dreams often come when I'm in bed.
The places I go in my mind's eye are full
of fun, adventure and glee.
Often there is scheming about all
 kinds of crazy and amazing things when I'm dreaming,


I promise you my friends
never in 87 million years would you see me
jumping freely  into the clear blue sky
from a perfectly good flying machine.'

The Old Gray Mare

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Tuesday tale......

Of course, this conversation was all in my head.  Even I know better than to
tell you OUT LOUD that the peeps are older than dirt.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Monday Sparks

Today we are pawticipating in 
McGuffy’s Reader’s Sparks blog hop
This hop is all about spreading cheer and positive vibes via quotes.

Mom and I will be pawticipating in this Monday fun spreading pet cheer and positive vibes.

Mom saw this quote on a bookmark...she thought it was a purrfect Sparks quote.
Author unknown.

I thank you for taking the time to read all about what Mom thinks makes me....Me
on Saturday and Sunday.

Maybe I need to write a series on what makes mom TOGM?!?

Sunday, April 15, 2018

What makes Madi....Madi: Part II

Continued from Yesterday.
Eating: Kibble

1.  If her kibble bowl is getting low I am slack on keeping kibble in her bowl
she sticks her right paw into the back of the kibble feeder to pull the food forward.

 She loves her kibble but oh her manners
are atrocious, which have earned her the nickname of Madi the Messy Muncher.
2.  she DOES NOT like crumbs in her kibble bowl.
She will grab a mouth full of them turn away from her bowl
and noisily chew over her place mat  letting all the crumbs fall
on the mat.

Stinky goodness aka canned food

She loves it...PERIOD....however, she does not love it on a flat plate because
she has to chase it around the plate, she likes it in the middle of small stainless steel bowl.
The flavor she likes at breakfast may or may not appeal to her at tea time (3pm snack).
When she licks it up to the sides of the bowl, she wants me to do a 'food round up'
so that once again it is in the middle of the bowl.  In all fairness to Madi, the 'food round up ' is my doing mainly at supper.  She gets her meds in her food so I like make sure she gets it all.
NOW when she is finished with the Stinky goodness she walks away licking her chops
leaving a trail of itty bitty bits of food.

Water: serious back wash!!
She drinks water with kibble in her mouth!!! 😜at least 87 times a day
I change her water because there is kibble floating in it...and she will
look at me like she hasn't a clue how it got there but it needs to gone.

She has very expressive eyes and sometimes when she looks at me....
I don't quite feel worthy of the devotion I see in her eyes.

Each day, I try very hard to live up to what she sees.

I have heard freckles are where angels have kissed you.
Some lucky angel got to kiss Madi's pink nose twice
once leaving a hugs freckle and once quickly leaving a little one.

I call Madi a Diva but she is really my inspiration for blogging and photography.
She our little Bonsai Bunny (what her Dad calls her) and we love her.