My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Caturday Art

Welcome to  Caturday art hosted by Athena
See more Caturday Cat Art HERE.

Tattoo art effect

 Paper folding effect

Friday, September 7, 2018

Flower, foliage, Fun and Fleet Friday

Today I join my niece Rosy and her bros for 

We have a plethora  ($10 word for bunch) of photos mom has been stock piling
First and foremost Me.  I'm quite observant.  One day last weekend........

The photos below were taken at 3 different shopping centers:
Cameron Village, Logan's Trading Post and Crabtree Valley
 Mom loved the sun coming thru this Elephant ear plant 
OMCs this field of posies sprouted some stone pillars...aka yard art.
Look at the huge variety of ornamental peppers...

The peeps were walking over to Ace Hardware when this vintage beauty was parking.
Photos taken with Mom's Smart(er than her)phone. In hindsight she realized she should have
turned the phone horizontally for the 2nd photo

The Jeep FJ Fleetvan was a compact delivery van manufactured by Willys Motors and Kaiser-Jeep from 1961 to 1975.[1] It was based on the DJ-3A Dispatcher, but equipped with the F-134 Hurricane engine. Two models were available, the FJ-3 and the longer FJ-3A. It came standard with the familiar Borg-Warner T-90 three-speed manual transmission. A Borg-Warner automatic was offered as an option. Right-hand-drive FJ-3s were made for the U. S. Postal Service. Most of these had horizontal grille slats in contrast to the seven vertical slats found on standard models.

An FJ-6 model (based on the CJ-6) was introduced in 1965 for postal use, which was ultimately replaced by the FJ-8 & FJ-9 introduced in 1975.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Thoroughly Poetic Pictorial Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CAT 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's photo prompt
We thank Mom Pam for all the effort she puts into finding 
these lovely photos for us.


Nuttin' brings on a big smile
more than a slide.
Some are short with bumper pad sides
That keep a wee one from landing on his/her nose.
These are usually multicolored and low.
Some are great big and tall connected to
ropes, forts,  ladders and things in between.
Some lead you straight into a pool 
where you can be totally cool.
When mom was a child, everyone put a sheet of waxed paper
under their hide to give them the ultimate slide.
Not matter the style the best way to ride one
is straddle together with a friend by your side. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

These are.....

Unauthorized Photos

We are not using repeat pictures...MOL
Mom suggested that I tell everyone, her back rest is my new VERY VERY VERY x 87 favorite place to sleep, sit and sometimes when I'm lucky the food truck delivers my meals here

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Final Tale of Not Earl

Many of you know the tale of our wonderful mailman...
Not Earl...if you don't here it is again.

Our mail man story:  Not Earl has been our mailman for nearly 26 years. Until about 10 years ago, my peeps thought our his name was Earl. When Not Earl was gone for some time, Dad finally asked the substitute mailman if Earl was sick?  He said, do you mean Tony?  Dad said, Oh, His name is "Not Earl"?
The substitute said no it is Not Earl, it is Tony.
From that day forward the peeps still call him (not to his face) "Not Earl"!
My peeps don't think he looks like a Tony.
Every time mom tells this story I ask her what a Tony looks like.
I never get an answer.

Friday, August 31, 2018 Not Earl Retired after 33 years with the 
United States Postal Service...26 of those years he was our extraordinary mail man.
Our neighborhood decided to send him off with a BANG
We decorated our mailboxes in his honor on Friday.
Mom rode around the 'hood taking photos of the mailboxes that were decorated by 10 am on Friday.
She wanted to prepare photos for Not Earl to have when he delivered our mail at 1.

Here they are and OMCs there were so many adorable boxes and some even had themes!!
Our box is the first one in upper left corner.  Mom had a whirly gig on it, a sign on the side of it and curly-cue ribbons on the box door.

Middle one on the top row kind of amused us.  A retired SBI (State Bureau of Investigation) agent lives there.
We could not read the sign.  Mom is purrty sure it was encrypted just for Not Earl.  Bottom left corner was tropical theme.
The box looked as if it was wearing a grass hula skirt. 

Mom especially loved the
'rain, sleet or snow we hate 2 see Tony Go'
2nd row 2nd photo is the Traveling Gnome.  Maybe they are wishing Not Earl lots of fun travels.

We never got a chance to tell Not Earl, the name story but I know real Tony would
have loved it.
Mom also submitted the 'rain, sleet or snow, we hate to see Tony go' photo
to our local TV station WRAL.  The weatherman Mike has an amazing pic of the day photo
every day.  We thought it would be quite appropriate for is pic on Friday.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Monday Sparks and Happy Labor Day

Today we are pawticipating in 
McGuffy’s Reader’s Sparks blog hop
Sparks are all about spreading cheer and positive vibes via quotes.
Mom and I will be pawticipating in this Monday fun spreading pet cheer and positive vibes.
This is the entertainment cabinet (where the radio and CD player and CDs live) and OMCs when there is just a wee crack in the door my curiosity goes on a grand adventure

Many of you have enjoyed our stories about Not Earl our mailman...
Just wanted to give you a heads up tomorrow we will have our final chapter in the Not Earl Saga.  Not Earl retired on August 31, 2018.
Please come by if you have time.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Sleepy Eyes

Mom is a HUGE and I mean HUGE fan of Dirty Dancing and Grease.
I think she has seen both of the at least 87 times and can nearly repeat all the lines.
When she saw this photo of me, she immediately thought of the song
Hungry Eyes in Dirty Dancing, written by Eric Carmen.
When you see this photo, hum Hungry Eyes....
After my FIRST breakfast...mol..I had not even had time to wipe the sleep out of
my peepers when Mom took this photo....
Now that I'm awake FEED ME Woman!!