My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Twofer post...Caturday Art

What a crazy week around here.  All kinds of introoders, and water spitting monsters that were noisy..
  Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a
Dad and I were on the love seat.  He got up his back rest fell sideways.
In a nano second I claimed it as MINE!!

CATURDAY ART mom and I don't have an artistic bone on our bodies; however, luckily we have friends who DO.  Today we would like to share an all wood picture .  Everything you see
has been carved by our friend. Mr. G.  
His wife Ms. K is an extraordinary jewelry beader too.

Breaking news...recently the
the Peeps said, Madi may we pretty please have Sunday off so we
can meet Sissy and BIL for lunch to celebrate an early Bday for Sissy.

Since they asked nicely, I said
WE'll be back on Monday, August 20 with a Sparks.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Flower Friday Feedin' Frenzy

time to celebrate Flower Friday with  Rosy SassyPants and Da Brudders

 Our lovely lavender Liriope has been full of blooms
This border is very old  it was transplanted from another part of the yard in 2002
even when not in bloom it delights us.
 this and that as seen one hot afternoon 

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Thoroughly Poetic Pictorial Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CAT 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's photo prompt
We thank Mom Pam for all the effort she puts into finding 
these lovely photos for us.

by Madi and Mom

Seed Spittin' 

Mellons are yummy
 juicy and fruity
They delight my tummy.
When I find a seed,I turn into a monkey. 
My manners are no longer mild.
I go crazy and wild , 
I work up a powerful oral force.
With mach speed
I spit it as far as I can.
Where it goes no one knows.

by Madi
Don't eat seeds, they will make you wheeeeeez 
If you swallow them, your tummy will sprout weeds
Spit them out far.
Just remember don't aim at heads. 

Breaking news

the painting etc going on here at Manor Madi is progressing
The worker bees didn't come on Tuesday but OMCs were they here 
They came with a huge monster that spit water (not seeds than goodness) all over our house

I watched intently for a while 

Then I decided smart kitties would seek higher ground so I joined mom

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Wednesday Question

Look closely at this photo...
Who do you think is working harder 
Dad  or his snoopervisor MADI

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Tuesday Turf Tale

We were unexpectedly MIA a bit yesterday due to...................

The Painters were supposed to start painting the exterior of the house yesterday; however, due to 2" of rain over the weekend it was tooooooooooooo wet so
they painted the master bathroom.  It was painted in 2016 but the peeps were not 
happy with the color so today it is being painted *Minute Mauve....aka light lavender.
*Crazy name for lavender paint.
They are putting a moisture preventive on the ceiling in the master bath.

I made sure the set up everything properly 
and covered the floors

Good job covering things up Mr. M!!  Mom was most impressed that Mr. M
is using CLEAN drop clothes.  The last time there was painting in here the clothes were
musky and not clean.  Mr. M is a new painter.

I smell essence of something quite yummy maybe the clothes are scented with lavender?!

That beige wormy thing is a draft stopper.  It goes in front of the door

 Snoopervision makes a Diva HUNGRY!!

Mom here: while they were at lunch look where I found Madi
Needless to say I closed the bedroom door.
 Normally Madi sleeps lots during the day.  I think she enjoyed this change of pace
and all the new smells.  

Monday, August 13, 2018

Monday Sparks

Today we are pawticipating in 
McGuffy’s Reader’s Sparks blog hop
This hop is all about spreading cheer and positive vibes via quotes.
Mom and I will be pawticipating in this Monday fun spreading pet cheer and positive vibes.

Recently when Mom was out and about she saw this phrase  on someone's desk.

"Be the fountain, not the drain"!
She thought it was quite powerful.

First thing she thought of was be positive not negative.
What does it say to you?

We added it to few of my photos just because...

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Sunday Selfie

Just as dusk settling in on Friday night, mom heard a gentle snoring sigh from behind.
She turned to see me looking 87 kinds of adorable and fast asleep.
 Izzy the iPad was near by on the end table.  Thankfully Izzy does not have a flashing strobe light that would have surely disturbed perturbed the Diva.
This collage shows the results.  I convinced mom to leave herself in one of the pics.