My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Silly Saturday: Cat and Mouse

On September 25, was hair cut day.  Our hair dresser, Debra, volunteers with a animal rescue group and fosters cats.  She was trying her best to get us to adopt Miss B a 17 lb,5 year old...she looks like a Siamese/Maine Coon mix.  However, before she tried to get me to adopt her she told me that Miss B wakes her up every morning at 3 am by tapping her on the head.  I cannot even imagine a 17 lb cat tapping me at 3 am I'd probably be kissing the ceiling.  At first Debra thought she was hungry but nope she wants a head scratching.  I told her thanks but no thanks.  I'm not say NEVER but I'm saying NOT RIGHT NOW!!

Friday, October 5, 2018

Flower Friday, Vines and Felines

Today it is

Flower Friday...

I missed everyone looking forward to catching up with you and your antics.
We had a nice break and visited some friends too.
Of course there are photos that will be shared.
I took 167 photos.  What's that you want to see them all?  Well of course I'll share
We were visiting my childhood friend and her husband.  They are retired teachers.
He has a small vineyard in which he grows native Muscadine grapes.  It is a pick your own vineyard and sometimes he sales to wineries.

The photos in this collage were taken from their sunroom that overlooks the vineyard.
I loved the succulent arrangements.
And I especially loved the vineyard cat.......

Today's collage shows the octagonal window
on the left and the lovely reflection it makes on the chair.
Angel Madi loved sitting here this time of year.

The GRITS pillow you've seen but just in case some haven't
GRITS is an abbreviation for
Girls Raised In The South.
That surely describes me.  And I also love Grits.

As many of you might remember, I retied from N. C. State University.
I loved my job working with graduate students and scholars from all over this great big world.
I cannot tell you how many times I was asked about Grits...the hot cereal.
Finally I started keeping a box of instant cheddar cheese grits in my cabinet and butter in my fridge.
When asked, I gladly answered and offered to make some for them.
I found most of those who asked genuinely wanted to know and were happy to taste them.
Really who doesn't like the taste of cheddar cheese and butter..yes GRITS have to have butter!!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CAT 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

By The Old Gray Mare
Roses are red 
Sometimes violets are to
but my favorite blue is
pure and true
It belongs to my friend
the Eastern Bluebird.
Today I'm away but never fear
tomorrow I'll be back and that is a fact!!

I had not planned to post today but when I saw this beautiful photo of the birds I knew I had to join.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Monday Sparks

Today I am pawticipating in  Sparks 
Sparks are all about spreading cheer and positive vibes via quotes.

Do you see  Madi hiding in plain sight?

Breaking news:
I'll be taking a few days off for some R and R.
Back on Thursday October 4th.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Plates and tasty dishes

TASTY dish
3 ingredient biscuits recipe at the bottom
We especially liked them because they are bite size and 
we can eat more. 

3 ingredient biscuits
1- 8oz package of canned biscuits
4 tablespoons butter or margarine
3 tablespoons of crumbled blue cheese
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F
Cut biscuits into quarters, arrange in two 8" round baking dishes.
Melt together the butter and blue cheese. Pour over biscuits in 
both dishes.  Bake for 12-15 minutes or until golden brown
(NOTE:  Mom does not like blue cheese but she likes theses biscuits, the flavor is not that strong).  They are really tasty

1. HAMM-I-Am
2. OT-DOC, Occupational Therapy Doc
3. MYISLND, My Island
4. SUDISELS, No clue
5. NOJEEP4U, No Jeep for you, it was on a Jeep Wangler
6. TOLYE, No Clue
7. ADWOMAN, Advertising 
8. CSTLXP, No Clue
9. VALEWOLF, Valley Wolf?
10. SUPRWGON, Super wagon
11. FLACHT, no clue
12. AMBYR, another spelling for Amber
13.  WROTM, No clue
14. "ALIENS"
15. EARLYARL, Early Earl?
16. HOOS4EVR, Hoosier Fan for ever
Chester from The Daily Bone submitted 18 and 19
18. ODINSON, someone's son?
20. PUNCHIN, Punching maybe a boxer lol
21. RETTMON, no clue

Heads up several times a week I will have Madi hiding on my post in plain sight.
Keep your eyes open wide.  Never know where she will be.