My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Shadows from the Loo

Thank goodness I have a loo in the shade too!

Friday, June 22, 2018

Flower Friday

My niece Rosy SassyPants invites all to join her bloghop

Our Crepe Myrtles flowers blossomed almost overnight this week.
According to the information I found they like full sun and oh did we have full HOT sun this week
Three days were 95 or higher with heat index in the triple digits!!
They require very little attention; however, one thing you DO not want to do is be accused of
Crepe MURDER.  
That is what we call it when we see folks prune the branches severely.
All they really need is a little bit taken off the tops of the branches to keep the size in check.

Crepe Myrtle Information:

  • Lythraceae
  • Deciduous shrubs and trees
  • US, MS, LS, CS H10–6, except as noted
  • Full sun
  • Moderate water 
The crepe myrtles are among the most satisfactory of plants for the South: showy summer flowers, attractive bark, and (in many cases) brilliant fall color make them year-round garden performers. Long, cool autumns yield the best leaf display; sudden frosts following warm, humid fall weather often freeze leaves while they’re still green, ruining the show.
Most crepe myrtles in gardens are selections of L. indica or hybrids of that species with L. fauriei. The latter species has attracted much notice for its hardiness and exceptionally showy bark. Queen’s crepe myrtle, L. speciosa, grows only in the Tropical South.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Thoroughly poetic pictorial Thursday and Firstie

Today we join Two  SPOILED CAT 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's photo prompt

Times gone by

Clothes drying, gentle breezes creating a line dance,
oh those were simpler times.
No need for  fancy detergents with artificial smells to wash away grime.
Fresh air and sunshine were plentiful no one spent a dime.

Speaking of Teddy and Angel Sammy I was one of 4 firstie commenters  on yesterday's
Angel Sammy thanks for the lovely firstie award

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Surprise: Kinda wordless Wednesday

Mom takes close snoopervision but I have to be casual about it so she doesn't think 
I'm microManaging her.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Tuesday Tale

 I've mentioned in the past, I have not been jumping up on things, for the last few months.
This is Sissy and BIL's bedroom and OMCs it is the quietest room in the house.  A few days before this photo mom found me under the bed.  That is why when I went missing again she
ASSUMED I was under the bed....

  I never ever NO never get under dawned on her
that I was missing this bed and the quite.  

Now for the rest of the tale...DO YOU KNOW (yes I'm shouting) what my
sweetadorablepreciouswonderful Mom did?
Yep she put a stool at the bed.  It is not like my Diva Stool at the love seat so she
didn't think I'd use it
BUT I Did.  She is purrty sure I heard her coming so I surprised her.

this is an artsy photo she took after the surprise.

Then she came back to find this.....
I knocked that big dusty pink sham right  out of the way and made myself

No more under the bed for this kitty she now has a stairway to the Diva Bed.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Monday Sparks and Mews

Today we are pawticipating in 
McGuffy’s Reader’s Sparks blog hop
This hop is all about spreading cheer and positive vibes via quotes.

Mom and I will be pawticipating in this Monday fun spreading pet cheer and positive vibes.

From day 1 Madi has kept us entertained

Oh and in cuisine mews...Mom made me a Feline Sundae!!
My appetite is good but not great.  My Vet suggested 1/4 tablet of an appetite stimulant as needed or every 3 days.
He said it is very BITTER so you'll have to hide it. Mom tried to get me to take it
with a glob of nip flavored hairball remedy.  I litterally turned up my short freckled nose and walked away.  Then she got a rare brainstorm.
She opened a fresh can of stinky goodness aka Fancy Feast Salmon Pate,
crushed the pill, mixed it up then......WAIT....are you ready?????
She got 5 pieces of my favorite treat Wellness, Cranberry and Salmon,
crushed them then sprinkled them over my Salmon Pate....
Lickety split I had a Feline Sundae and I love it so much when I see the bag of
treats I beg for it.
As today's Spark Says who needs television when you have a cat?
Hugs Madi(son) D Cat

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Happy Father's Day to all and .....

To my Dad from his 2 daughters!!

Mom helped me make Dad a card
The front reads, "If I had 2 dead rats, I'd give you one!" 
Inside reads, "you are the best cat dad ever!!"

Sissy sent Dad two cans of nuts...that is why he is so nutty!!
He loves any kinda nut, even Sissy. Mol mol that is a little sibling humor.

I must apologize for mom being MIA on Saturday.  She and Dad got their 2nd
Shingrix (new shingles vaccine) on Friday morning.  She had more of a reaction to the 2nd one 
than the first one.  The shivers and the aches and she was a hot mess and tired.  She took lots of 
naps and would check the blog every so often.
Dad just had the tiredness.
But at least they have had both required vaccines. OMCs was it hard being a nurse.