My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, December 22, 2018

On the 2nd day

... before Christmas I give to each of you...

I thank you all who have sent me cards.  I have them posted 
you can see them by clicking on the Christmas Card tab on my menu bar. Or clicking here

If you are collecting ecards or snail mail cards,
please feel free to copy this it is my Greeting to you all

Friday, December 21, 2018

4'fer: Nature Friday, 3rd day b4, FF, FFF reminder

Collards are grown in nature so I am celebrating

Hosted by my Niece Rosy, and her 2 brudders Arty and Jakey HERE
... before Christmas I give to each of you...

3 pounds of Christmas Collards

I thank you all who have sent me cards.  I have them posted 
you can see them by clicking on the Christmas Card tab on my menu bar. Or clicking here

If you are collecting ecards or snail mail cards,
please feel free to copy this it is my Greeting to you all

Featuring my handsome nephew Kat...
looking lovingly at his mom!!

December 28th, next Friday ....if you wanna have fun and work on your crea8tive writing join us! Give it a try we all have a story in us and no one

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Thoroughly Poetic Pictoral Thursday and On the 4th day

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's inspiration

Christmas Cheer!

It was the time of year for all to head to the mall
To see Jolly ole St Nick 
Dressed from head to toe all in Red.
Children sit upon his lap with their wish to read.
In spite of what Mom said,
To him they promise they have been good
It was lil Sis's first time.
She was too young to understand.
Upon his lap she was placed
When he said HO HO,
I have some Christmas Cheer
 the look on her face said
OH NO not this YEAR

... before Christmas I give to each of you...

If you are collecting ecards or snail mail cards,
please feel free to copy this it is my Greeting to you all

I thank you all for my cards...I have them posted.  You may see them by clicking
on the TAB Thank You Christmas Cards 2018 on my menu bar.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Wordless Wednesday On the 5th


My GrandCats!!!

... before Christmas I give to each of you...

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Cranberry Tuesday On the 6th Day

... before Christmas I give to each of you...
Cranberry Bliss is a Holiday favorite from Starbucks.  You can buy them from mid November-December.

While we are all very very hungry...I'd like to share a most delicious recipe I discovered
in the TV Guide...of all places, where I also learned a new word:  Baconfidence
Bacon Cranberry Scones with citrus Basil Butter


I had the ingredients for the Butter but I did not make it.  WHY?
Let me just say these scones are delicious w/o butter.
Like any good chef....I tasted one!!
WOW...the bacon and cranberry balance each other with sweet and salty
and the Parmesan sprinkle on top...YUMMMY
I didn't use parchment paper...just a cookie sheet with a bit of PAM sprayed on it.

Selfie of Chef and Scones

They are uniquely shaped according to the Chef's discrepancy...LOL
Next Batch I will work on getting them cut more into triangle shape.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Awww Monday & Sparks and On The 7th

Today I am pawticipating in

I hear you all saying Awww!!!
Kat is loving his life and learning so much!!

are all about spreading cheer and positive vibes via quotes.

 Christmas SPARKS every Monday thru December

On the 7th day.... before Christmas I give to each of you...

I thank you all who have sent me cards.  I have them posted 
you can see them by clicking on the Christmas Card tab on my menu bar.

If you are collecting ecards or snail mail cards,
please feel free to copy this it is my Greeting to you all

Sunday, December 16, 2018

On the 8th Day

before Christmas I give to each of you.

I thank you all who have sent me cards.  I have them posted 
you can see them by clicking on the Christmas Card tab on my menu bar.

If you are collecting ecards or snail mail cards,
please feel free to copy this it is my Greeting to you all