My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Feline-day: My Grandkitties

Frisco  and Mia are my grandkitties.
During the fury of Florence they lost power for 4 1/2 was HOT
Frisco was caught in a hangover while cooling his ginger undercarriage on the top of the porcelain 
tank.   Like most Ginger's he is a big guy

Mia is an itty bitty Tortie with a Tort-i-tude as endless as outer space.
She rules the roost.  Her brother from another Mother
and her human peeps are wrapped around her tortie paw too.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Final Friction Friday & Flower Friday

Today we are once again thrilled to be pawticipating in YAM-Aunty's
Blog hop link at the end.

We selected lines 8, 12 and 16 from page 87 in a book as our prompts

  Dishonorable Intentions by Stuart Woods
line 8: wrote them down
line 12:be more perfect
line 16:I looked forward to seeing

Word count: 356


When I started working at NCSU (for the 2nd time) in 1988, I met a delightful young single
gal.  Upon learning her name was Dee, I thought to myself no other name could be more perfect
for someone as full  of life, always smiling just one of those folks I looked forward to seeing.
Dee was a whiz with numbers and accounting.  I was NOT and she was good at explaining
grant proposals and all things mathematical.  Early in our friendship, I noticed she had a tattoo on her ankle. I could tell it was a word; however,  I tried not to stare as that didn't seem quite appropriate.  In 1988 tattoos were rare.  Then colder weather came she wore more slacks and I didn't notice it as much.  After several months, there is was again staring at me.  I finally asked,
Dee what were the letters tattooed on her ankle?  She look at me with a twinkle in her eyes,
picked up her pencil and wrote them down.
Imagine my surprise when I saw that she had written the letters Dee
I rattled off a series of questions:  Why in the world do you have your name on your ankle?
Do you forget it sometimes?  Really there has to be a logical reasons...
It seems the answer was simple:
She said "when I go out, cute guys can see my name and we get past the awkward stuff in a hurry."
She assured me it was an excellent ice breaker.

This story came into My Mind's Eye the other day when I took this photo of my
pantry door.  The light inside the pantry was on...I noticed how the items inside gave the
picture colors.
I've had a pantry for 33 years but up until about 2 years ago it was just a nondescript
wooden door.
Visitors would ask where is your trash can?  I'd say in the pantry.
They would look for the pantry.
Much like Dee, labels aren't necessary but they are often helpful.
When the pantry light is on, it makes the frosty glass come alive.
The door also catches the sun early in the morning.

Madi loved exploring the pantry.

It is a blog

Flower Friday...
Our host are Rosy SassyPants, Mayor Arty and Prof. Jakey

oh dear me friends since the Fury of Florence came thru our area most flowers are gone..
even the ones at Garden Center were pitiful last Saturday.
Each Saturday after we have lunch, we ride thru a part of old Raleigh called
Country Club Hills.  Most homes there are inherited not sold.  However, every now and then
an older one will be torn down and a Mega Mansion will replace it.
Such as this one.  AND this is just the side of the house. LOL

I just love vivid colors (surprise, surprise).  Any child or even me would enjoy playing here on this elementary school play ground.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Thoroughly Poetic Thankful Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CAT 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's photo prompt
We thank Mom Pam for all the effort she puts into finding 
these lovely photos for us.

by Madi(son) D Cat, Diva Angel

When you are with your honey,
who happens to be funny, 
I'll bet you money 
life speeds by like a bunny
being chased by spunky monkey.
Grab the moment hold on tight
because you found Mr/Mrs Right.


I am thankful for all the friends we have here in blogville.
Each of you helped soften the loss of my dear sweet Madi(son) D Cat.
She loved visiting you all and loved when you visited her.
I truly appreciate all your posts and comments on Come Laugh with Us yesterday

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Come Laugh with us: Angels from Manor Upchurch

Madi and I loved to laugh do silly things.
We hope you all enjoy today's blog hop and meet new friends too

#1. Toto

Yo friends and neighbors
I heard there was a comedy gig going on here today so I decided to drop in for a visit.
I notice Mom has called this Angels of Manor Upchurch.
There is no way one can say Dachshund in the same breath with Angels.
Just ain't so...I'm sure in some language Dachshund means Devil(ish)
I heard we were supposed to wear or include red in today's post and we could be on a box or stage.
 I'm RED and I have on a RED collar and I have a RED hot attitude. Being vertically challenged I rarely got on boxes.

Here is My story called Fig Newtons:

Time frame:  late 1970's.....
We're on another trip to Atlantic Beach, NC. On every trip we always stopped for a potty break at Neuse Sport's Shop in Kinston, NC. This particular time the humans had been snacking on Fig Newtons. When we stopped, mom closed up the bag put them in the dashboard of the car. She got out with me for a potty break while dad and sissy went inside. It was early spring so when I finished checking every blade of grass and leaving pee mail, Mom put me in the car.  She made a quick trip inside. As they peeps exited Neuse Sports Shop, Mom and I locked eyeballs.  To her amazement I had some how stretched my very short body to reach the dashboard where the Fig Newtons were stashed. (Note:Dad is  5'11") the seat was as all the way back. This was a long stretch even for a dachshund. I looked at Mom who was now walking faster, then I looked at the Fig Newtons, then back at  Mom. Finally it was clear to me that this could be my last I did what any Dachshund in his right mind would do, I took one last gobble of Fig Newtons as if to say, 'I see you but you aren't here yet so here I go'. It was estimated I ate about 10 of the cookies before Mom got to the car. Thankfully we got to the beach and out of the car before I had a major case of the runs!!! Every time I had to go out I'd look at Mom pathetically as if to say, 'I know I messed up I'm so sorry....please help me'

Note from Mom: We still don't know exactly how he got to them. Bless hislittle heart he had a rough few days but in no time he was once again roaming for food that was not his. Anyone who is owned by a dachshund knows where there is a will there is a way.

#2. Milky-Way

MW as he was called was the ultimate gentleman.  He was social to the point of waiting to see who
was them the high ? mark tail greeting .  Then he disappeared usually to the master
bedroom at his spot on the bottom of the bed....the exact spot Madi liked.
So one night the door bell rang...MW did his thing (we don't remember who was visiting).
HOWEVER, this time MW returned within a few seconds of disappearing.  OMCs
you will not believe what this so called gentleman did...
He sashayed into the room with .......MOM's BRA....YEP B R A
in his mouth dragging most of it behind him.  He dropped it at the
visitor's feet and proceeded to go back to the bedroom.  He had never done this before and never did it again.  No clue what prompted this as he was not a cat who toted.

#3. Madi

How/when/why does one become a Queen of Boxes?
I often asked myself that question.  Of course most cats love boxes but I had a very early clue that I failed to notice.
Madi started with the Ice Box.  After this photo, her time in the box was she moved onto paper boxes. 

As you can tell from this picture not even a space alien zapper gun
could make Madi leave her BOX

Oh Toto and Milky-way you two were both such characters and for sure kept the peeps
in stitches and some times scratching their heads.
Thank you for  prepping them to be the best Pet Parents here Manor Upchurch

Madi(son) D Cat your BFFFFFFFFFFFFF  for  an eternity

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Tuesday Tale: The Fountain Fiasco

Good morning my friends...first of all a brief explanation on my new title
"My Mind's Eye".  It was originally my personal blog just about things I found interesting that were not cat related.  
I guess you could say I'm blessed or cursed with a gift of sorts,
 In "My Mind's Eye", all my photos 9 times out of 10 remind me of something. 

You might recall seeing the fountain picture last is the 
rest of the true story from ......My Mind's Eye.

Before I retired, I worked with a very lovely professional couple.  Both had PhDs.
They tried for years to have a child finally in their mid (her) late (him) 40's they found out
their were expecting. They had a beautiful baby boy, we'll call F, whom they adored and spoiled with love.
 Both were the youngest of their siblings with little to no experience with children especially a two year old.  One Friday afternoon, they told me they were going to take a day trip with their son to a Wilmington, a coastal town about 2 hours from us.  They were so excited to both have the weekend free.  Monday morning the Dad walks into my office.  I asked how the trip went...(bare in mind now he is 50ish).  He said fine, it was a tad chilly down there.  We walked around the downtown area.  He casually said, F loved the freedom of running and before we knew it...F fell in the FOUNTAIN in the town PLAZA.  I nearly spit out my coffee in horror.  He looked at my horrified face like I had gone mad.  I said I hope there was somewhere close by to change his clothes and dry his hair.
Again, he casually said no we did not have a change of clothes for him.  We took the wet clothes off and put my jacket on him.  So many many many things ran through My Mind's Eye, mainly, who leaves home for any amount of time w/o a change of clothes for a toddler.  Thankfully none of the things that My Mind's Eye saw came out of my mouth.  Being a parent, is a hands on job,
live and learn, which they did.  F turned out to be a very adorable, smart child and probably by now is a handsome and smart pre-teen.

(This picture is not the fountain F feel in, it was much larger, but when I took it I remembered the story of F's fountain fiasco.)

Reminder from Raz
Please join us TOMORROW, Wednesday, September 26 when we host a special Blog Hop for Madi Come Laugh With Us.  Post anything you want to do with a Box...such as stand up comedy, a joke or pun,
Recite a poem...karaoke, just a picture with a box, etc...anything goes no rules except RED!

There will be a link set up at Living Laughing and Barking in our Backyard
 (The Blog Hop is set up HERE if you would like to pre-post)

Monday, September 24, 2018

Monday Sparks 2 Reminders...for this week.

Today I am pawticipating in 

Sparks are all about spreading cheer and positive vibes via quotes.

This Friday, 9/28/18 is Final Friction Friday with 
YAM- Aunty  click here for the RULEZ

The SPARKS says it all...
It is fun give it a are among friends spread your wings

Angel Madi's Guy Raz is hosting a fun event in her honor on Wednesday 9/26/18

Madi and Raz dressed to the 9's and Raz always had red in his wardrobe

here is the info below.  We don't mean to toot our own horn but we would be truly honored if you have time to join in the fun event. 
 Madi and I were all about fun!!

Please join us on Wednesday, September 26 when we host a special Blog Hop for Madi Come Laugh With Us.  Post anything you want to do with a Box...such as stand up comedy, a joke or pun,
Recite a poem...karaoke, just a picture with a box, etc...anything goes no rules except RED!

There will be a link set up at Living Laughing and Barking in our Backyard
 (The Blog Hop is set up HERE if you would like to pre-post)

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Silent Sunday...

Some of my favorite pictures from the past
Absolutely no editing.