My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Cake Decorating,Hand Crafts and Quilts: NC State Fair

My nephew KAT graciously agreed to share some Feline Funny to go with today's post.
Thursday they were wheeling through,
he sent me an original riddle!

Aunty do you know what a cat says in Texas?

Dearest Nephew,
A Georgia Cat says it da best too!!!
Uncle is wondering if you plan to make it to 
New Mexico today?
Lovingly your Aunty HiC

One of our favorite things to do at the NC State Fair is to meander through the Exhibit Hall
All kinds of Crafts, bake goods and just all around fun and every so often free food.

I loved x 87 this Cat/Mermaid cake
There is a torso selfie in the first photo

Of course I was especially interested in the Quilts and hand work this year.
This crocheted bell and ribbon took my breath away


 This cat looked real enough to jump on my arms
Beautiful green eyes.

Quilts:  There was a man behind the booth with a long shaft periodically turning the 
quilt rack  I hardly had time to admire them

Cross stitch

Friday, November 1, 2019

Nature and Feline Friday a Plethora of Stuff!!!

Breaking News
As promised yesterday I have a Weather report from my Traveling
Nephews who are quickly becoming Meteorologists

Dearest Aunty HiC
This is a special weather statement from Kat & Pup:

COLD & WINDY in westerner Oklahoma.  Windchills tonight in single digits.

If you live east of the Mississippi River, get ready for a little nip in the air by the weekend.

We’re keeping an eye on the situation, and will update if necessary.  😺🐶

❤️ Kat & Pup Your Meteorologists Nephews

Next stop New Mexico

Dearest Nephews....OMCs/OMDs thank you for this most thorough
Weather Report. I can see by the video your noses are on high alert.
Pup when you go out to potty be sure to ware your steel toed shoes.
It will be a purrfect post for Nature Friday this week.
Appaws Appaws 
Loving your Aunty HiC

Now Back to our program

WRAL- Azalea Gardens have two seasons
Spring Azaleas normally bloom
Mid September - October when the Encore Azaleas put on a fall spectacle
As you will see there are many many varieties of flowers not just Azaleas.
No more words needed
except the shadow on the left is guess who?

It is a huge maze of beauty there are even several honey bee hives throughout
I wanted a picture but they have it sitting in an area that doesn't have a path... one is in the
photo below back in the shade on the right
the other is on the left under the trees.

This is such a popular place to visit they recently added a
Garden restroom..sign was in the shade.
It is basically a hole in the wall but very clean and has what is needed.

While we were having breakfast on October 24, 2019
we heard the International Space Station was supposed to fly over Raleigh starting at
 6:58 am  duration~6 minutes I grabbed my iPad 
AND we saw it
Look just over the pine tree on the right at about 12 o’clock the finger is pointing to it too.

Lastly, I'm sharing the lovely fall sun coming thru the tree limbs and leaves
over the office skylight.It was breezy the leaves were doing the
hokey pokey!!

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday: Halloween

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.
Here is today's photo inspiration

Little girls with curls
wearing fake pearls.
One quite somber
One confused but interested
Both with one question
What did we do to deserve this?
To which their mom replied it is 
H a l l o w e e n.

Side note: When I first saw this photo, I immediately thought of Vickie Lawrence 
who was on the Carol Burnette show for many years..
The little girl on the left even has the same frown and of course the floral print dress
Image borrowed from Images on Google
Image result for Images of Vicki Lawrence as Thelma

 Few archive photos of Angel Madi in some Halloween costumes



Costume #3

Last but not least...Warning...if you are eating or drinking 
SWALLOW before you go scroll down

I'm a firm believer in never EVER taking yourself too SERIOUSLY
The Black Cat earrings are real and my glasses
...everything else is courtesy of PiZap

Stay tuned tomorrow for a Weather report from my Nephews
Kat and Pup who are training to be meteorologists
The weather in OKLAHOMA has been very windy and chilly
Which has kept them off the roads until the wind subsides.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

No Tricks just Blankies...and Greetings from Oklahoma

Many prayers and thoughts to our friends in California 

No Tricks, Just Treats for Shelters - 2019

In Lieu of Treats for Shelters
When you are as old as D I R T, you don't have to follow the R U L E S!!!
I quilted mini throws for children /or play mats for infants to donate to Project Linus
They have collection boxes at JoAnn's Fabric...which is now my 2nd home!!

I'm especially fond of this first one.  I combined what I learned from two Quilting
Videos.  1. How to finish a quilt w/o binding (works best for wall hangings and baby quilts)
Front is made from a Charm Pack (30/5" precut squares)
This method is called the Pillow Case.
Back is soft nursery flannel.  Actually either side could be front or back.
This one would also be a nice size quilt to put on the floor for an infant.

Back is Charcoal Gray cuddle fabric 
Front of both are 5" squares from my stash of fabric.  Some you will recognize.

Dearest Aunty HiC
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Greetings from Oklahoma!
 It’s a chilly, breezy, gray day, and I have no desire whatsoever to venture outside.  😹

Mom took homemade soup out of freezer, Dad’s relaxing in recliner, and I’m snuggling with Pup.

Our wheelie house is beginning to feel just like home. ❤️

We had some beautiful visitors this morning.

We’re enjoying our stay here at Foss Lake State Park, Oklahoma aka OK

❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew

OH MY Dearest Nephew...
Can you hear me singing to the top of my lungs...with Glee!
I'm so very happy that you are all well and I can tell the deer

are in AWE of your beautiful Wheelie house and all who are in it.
Warm and loving hugs from your Aunty HiC

NOTE from Aunty HiC
I think most of you know Kat and Pup's story.
They were both wandering lost and alone (separately)
some how they found their way to their FUREVER Home.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Happy Tuesday Trail Tales from Arkansas

Many prayers and thoughts to our friends in California

We decided to hit the road today, and take advantage of good traveling weather.
We scooted across the southwest corner of Tennessee, to Memphis,
and crossed the Mississippi River into Arkansas.

We stopped  for lunch at a rest area in Arkansas, next to a beautiful river. 
Can any of our Furiends identify the yellow flowers?

I said hi to the truck driver resting next to us. We respect truckers. 🚛

We’re camping at Willow Beach, AR for the next couple of days.
This is our view from my Wheelie House

Kat listening to the ducks on the lake

Aunty I am a Katizen of the US of A thus far I've been in
Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee and Arkansas. 
Pup and I are traveling men.  

❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew

Dearest Nephew.  
Please tell your Mom that the young ladies I made the wall hangings for live in Fayetteville, AR.
That is a gorgeous river view...thank you x's 1,000 for sharing your adventures
as you and your crew travel the highways and byways of our beautiful country.
I agree about truckers they have a very hard is so nice to be kind...
Hugs Aunty HiC

Saturday October 26 was our last night in

We’ve had a rainy, relaxing weekend at Willow Beach, Arkansas.

Look at the huge tree at our campsite! The rain went bye bye

I watched ducks and birds until my little eyes got heavy...

Then Dad and I took a Kap Kat Nap. 😻

Dearest nephew!
Oh my cats what a lovely campsite! That tree is gawgeous!
Mol mol mol I love you and Dad taking a Kap Kat Nap.
Fresh air and daily walks make one very sleepy!
Do you heat crickets and froggies at night?  I hope the ducks are not noisy neighbors.
Oklahoma...yet another State to add to your growing list!
Safe travels my sweet nephews and staff
Aunty HiC