My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Friday, February 14, 2025

FELINE and Nature FRIDAY on Valentine's day

   Nature Friday host LLB Gang   

Mom Beth and the Girls made a beautiful new 
Nature Friday Badge honoring the Memory of our friend 


Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Thank you for hosting!

It's our  55th anniversary!!!


Much love to thee, B, from me, C

Yesterday Bryan went on a secret mission...he returned home with Cheese straws and bowtie Cheesecake aka plain and chocolate cheese cake, and I surprised him with a Sara Lee Dutch Apple pie and there will be a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.  It will be a sweet and cheese anniversary for us.

On January 28, 2025, Niece Cali sent me this email with video and pictures in celebration of her six months of living her best life in her FurrEver home.
I think is is 100% the purrfect post for Valentine's Day

Dearest Auntie HiC
I can’t believe it’s been 6 months since I wandered up here on the hill.
I was a scared, hungry, lonely little girl when Dad found me in the driveway. 

My first photos

The Cat Distribution System knew exactly  where to send me❣️

💕 Cali

sound up the music to hear this lovely song

Dearest Cali 

Nature Flash back April 2015 
Red bud  blooming.  This tree is especially beautiful...why...
we didn't plant it.  All of a sudden one day we notice a twig
with tiny little *heart shaped leaves.

*After the blooms are gone these gorgeous heart shaped leaves will
fill the tree.  The tree is about 9' just imagine  that much
tree filled with hearts.  It makes for lots of very special moments.

Below is a picture of one of the leaves from last year to show you their size.
Once the tree is full of hearts I'll take another photo

Dear sweet niece Cali I purrsonallly can hardly imagine you not being on the Hill. For sure time flies when you are surrounded by love, TLC, brothers and a devoted staff. 
Auntie HiC truly believes the beloved angels who lived on the Hill
before you were whispering gently guiding you along the way.
Lovingly Auntie HiC

Lego Love

Kat and family thank everyone for you get well wishes yesterday. Mom Kit tried to leave a thank you under your comment sometimes it worked sometimes it did not.
Hugs Kat, Rocky, Cali, Mom and Dad

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Thankful Thursday from KAT and a message to Katie Isabella

   Thankful Thursday hosted by 

I’ve been suffering with a pancreatitis flare up!  The vet sent me home with 2 different yucky meds for the peeps to force down my throat. 🙀
Mom says I’ve been pitiful! 😢

I’m still on the mend, but improving by the day. I want to thank my sweetheart, Katie Isabella (and her Mom) for their kindness and encouragement!

It’s was warm enough to open the doors today, and Cali joined me for some fresh air & sunshine.
Believe it or not, Cali has been staying close & offering comfort during my illness. I guess something good came out of my suffering. 😻

❤️ Kat

Auntie HiC

Thank you for all you do to keep Mom sane! 😹
❤️ Kat

Dear Sweet Kat this news warms our hearts and makes us smile.  I know you know this but your mom and dad are the absolute best in  the world.
We have surely been thinking about you, Mom and Dad.  I know what bothers you bothers them 100 times more. Cali is an adoring sister.  I send you all lots of purrs and love. I love the music it is new to me but for sure who we share our days with make the days very special.  Tell Cali I love how she stands on her hind feet.
OMCs Kat what a lovely and treasured award...
It is my honor to receive the best Auntie Award!!

Lovingly Auntie HiC
PS Dearest Auntie HiC
I told Mom & Dad I hate the meds, but hate being sick &
throwing up even more. No vomiting since I started the yucky meds
last week!!
Cali is pleased that you are proud of her❣️ 
Your the best auntie a kitty could ever have‼️
Love, kisses and a hug around your neck,
Kat your Tabby Nephew

Auntie HiC today I have a message for  my lady Katie Isabella
I was given special purr-mission from Katie to use these photos. She also said calling her “Sweetheart” is acceptable & “exciting”! 
I love her❣️

❤️ Kat

Dearest Kat and Katie Isabella...what a beautiful video you have today  of Katie Isabella.  Auntie and Mom both are big fans of Nat King Cole.
Lovingly Auntie HiC

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Wordless Wednesday


Thank you to our Hostess

Sandee at Comedy Plus 

This gorgeous photo popped up on my desk top as screen saver.

It took my breath away!!  Giraffes in Kruger National Park, S. Africa

Am I a gear head?
I think this is a super duper cool looking truck

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Happy Tasty Tuesday NC FACTS #9

Thank you to our

 We thank our Hostess Sandee at

 Comedy Plus  

Color me a HAPPY  red and blue

I had no idea 

Red and Blue were selected in 1945 as North Carolina's official Colors

On January 29, 2025 we tried an
 EGGcellent new Cafe in town
Eggs Up Grill
YES the sky was really this blue!! The first 3 weeks of January were just miserable with cold and 2 ice/sleet/snow events not much accumulation but just back to back.

We both ordered their Classic Breakfast $9.99
The same breakfast at another brunch cafe is $11.99
2 eggs, toast, bacon or sausage, grits or hash browns and coffee but that is not included in $9.99 but you get fee refills.

This is my order I had sourdough toast, 
It was 200% as delicious as it looks.  Grits were perfect consistency, buttery. They could have been a tad bit hotter but delicious. Bryan ordered hash browns and wheat toast.

Ambiance and Service both EGGcelent

They did indeed make us smile

 We'll be going back and win win it is very conveniently located, great parking.

I got a chuckle out of this egg counter, 13,797, sign in the cafe.
The cafe has been opened about 4 or 5 months.
I hope the cafe gets a good deal on the eggs they buy

Monday, February 10, 2025

Awww Monday from Rocky RE: Cali

 We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus   

Auntie HiC

 Do you see what I see⁉️⁉️

Cali has been trying her best to open the cabinet doors! 🙀
Our Cali Girl just wants to have fun!!!

She acts innocent, but I’m keeping my eye on her, as I smell TROUBLE‼️

Love from your Ginger Nephew
❤️ Rocky

ROCKY OMCs Auntie HiC is almost speechless. Cali girl best be very very happy that this Caper didn't occur when St. Nick was making a list and checking it twice.  She might have landed on the questionable side of his nice and naughty list.  Per chance was Cali looking an elf who escape

PS Auntie HiC
Since this video was taken, Cali has been trying to get in every cabinet in the house. The banging sound alerts us all! Maybe you’re right & she’s looking for the Elf! 😹

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sunday Selfie

Pirate and Parrot selfies thanks to a very talented Lego employee