My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Saturday Sights and some Symmetry.


We are back from our annual trek to the lovely NC Mountains to
visit our friends Sally And Gary.  There was lots of talking (I might need a vocal cord transplant), eating,  trekking on a 2 new out of doors trails and there was some wine tasting too.  We 4 made over 7,000 steps on Thursday 9/5.
FYI TEASE: One of our treks was on one of the many trails (with a waterfall) that belongs to a good friend of Sally and Gary. It was gorgeous and our guides were their friend and her dogs.  I might have had a wee episode of puppy love with both of them. 
Pictures later.

This image was created before our trip thanks to AI in Pizap.

This weekend I will be sorting thru my photos.

Of course, I  have photos to be sorted out

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Happy Tuesday

Thank you to our 

Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus   

Niece Cali and her mom thank you all for your very kind comments yesterday


In my mind's eye I am 5'8"
however, in reality I am 5'3"

My shadow and I will be back on 
Saturday September 7 there will be a photo teaser post on Saturday too.


Monday, September 2, 2024

Awww Monday with my niece Cali

We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus  

Dearest Auntie HiC

I’ve been recovering well from my surgery, but Mom noticed what appeared to be excessive swelling this morning, so off to the vet we flew!
Vet tried to remove fluid, but not much there. He said some swelling is normal, but since I’m so tiny it does appear a bit excessive (in an attempt to make Mom not look like a worry wart)! 😹 

Annnnyway, I’m feeling fine, eating & drinking well, & have no temp. I’m  on antibiotics (YUCK!), warm compresses, & isolated to bedroom again. 
Not a bad setup, don’t you agree? 😺

💕 Cali Girl

Dear  Niece Cali,

Auntie HiC 200% agrees with Mom's instincts.  She is da best cat mom EVER. 

Cali every Princess needs to have breakfast served in bed and have entertainment close by.

With last Friday being the start of  a holiday  weekend, best to be 100% sure you are A OK.  By Monday you will be all feeling fine and be ready set to take charge of da brudders

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sunday delights on an EMW

I took this on Aug 26 on my longest walk of the week
A new route too 
1.8 miles, 45 minutes 5,304 steps.