My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Slurping Saturday

I love my water fountain.....if you want to hear just how much turn up your volume
and slurp with me.
Hugs Madi

Friday, January 13, 2017

Purrs 4 Jamison's Family

Today we join Christmas and Robin and Blogville to 
Jamison who passed way on January 9th  from severe injuries.
Jamison lived and loved with K9s Noodles and Macy 
Jamison until we meet again run free, and may warm breezes and sunpuddles fill your days
Hugs Madi

Joyful kitty
Ambassador of felines living well with K9s
Macy's best buddy
Soulful eyes
Outstanding friend 
Noodles loving brother

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday:E

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday with Angel Sammy

This will be a poem to tell you how we came to blog
Today's post is brought to you by the letter

by Madison D Cat

Last week during the deep freeze my eyes
I gazed in  disbelief while visiting my loo
My green eyes 

turned blue!!

The view from my once lovely loo

had no leaves, no birds that my eyes could see.

My sunpuddle had turned to ice 
Which made me think twice
Do I really want to use a loo with no view?!

I heard all those collective sighs of relief!!

PS:  I'm taking a poll should I ask mom to by me some blue contacts?

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

PSA and Wordy Wednesday

Get ready!  

Mark your calendars!  

Send in your FULL BODY, HIGH QUALITY photos (addy on badge)!

Oh friends you do not want to miss this event.  There will be so much
K-oss by so many. Send your photos to Murphy and Stanley at

Speaking of PSAs...I have one too.

Louis and Hazuzu your lovely smell mail card arrived on Monday
You Canadians smell yummy too!


My Favorite furry feathered friends

Mom's favorite bird is the male is RED and we had tons of them at our 
5 feeders during the sleet/snow event last weekend.

Miscellaneous shot of the glorious sun and blue skies on 1/10/17..
Dad happened to look up at the skylight to see this X made by two jets.
wish we had seen them do it.
(ignore the thin vertical black line on the sky light...that is the guide for the blind)

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

PSA and Tuesday Tale

PSA  from Christmas and Robin

Hello, Blogville friends. This is Robin Whiskers, Christmas the Dachshund's mom. Many of you probably know that Jamison, the sweet chocolate colored kitty over at Noodle's blog ( passed away from his injuries today (Monday).

On Friday I will be hosting "Purrs 4 Jamison Day". If you could, on that day post a tribute to Jamison, how he impacted Blogville, etc. Anything honoring Jamison will do! I'm sure Jamison's mom, Samantha, will appreciate all the support from Blogville.

Here is a badge I created if you want to spread the word.

Thank you so much!

This was taken in 2014...I'm still quick as greased lightning!!

And this is the first time in about 3 years that the kitchen windows have been opened.  We just got new
screens on them in the Fall 2016 so now I hope to have lots more sniffs!!

Mom here:  On Friday January 6, 2 days after the 64 degree day we had snow and single digit temperatures!!  Crazy crazy weather.  If you don't like NC weather wait, 5 minutes/2 days and it will change!!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Miscellaneous Monday Mews

Short film: Ins and outs of Madi
Subtitle: Does this make my tushie look big?

Stinkie Sardines shuffle


FYI:  mom recently 're learned' how to use YouTube....I think I need extra treats after all I'm the

of my life!!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Sunday Selfie/Ussie

Kinda selfie of my sleet covered driveway and Gracie my Car at the end
We are calling the little guy in the right corner Slick the Sleetman

Thank you all for you kind words and birthday wishes to TROGM....
in spite of the sleet (which she did not request for her bday) and the extremely cold temps she had a very nice bday.  Weather update: we had about 6 hours of sleet after we got up.  It started snowing at about noon, snowed for 2 hours.  Then the sun came out partially.  About 2:30
TROGM aka Trog Mom decided to see if she could walk down the driveway.
Fortunately there was a nice powdery layer of snow on the sleet made for easy walking.
I expect all that will be frozen tomorrow.
Our power stayed on, we were warm and our bellies were full.