My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, December 6, 2024

Nature facts from NC #4 and Feline Friday Flashback

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

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Nature facts from NC and a few photos.
Recently Auntie's NCRGEA (North Carolina Retired Government Employee's Association) 
monthly magazine arrived. It always has some fun puzzles etc in it.  This month it was
A Fall 2024 Word Search
"All Things North Carolina"
They wrote a sentence with facts about NC things then you had to find it.

I'll be sharing them this month

Today's Nature from NC


The Cardinal often mates for life, making a symbol not only of the Old North State, but also of loyalty, consistency and devotion.  In 1943, it beat the dove in a vote of 5,000 to 3,500 to become our state's bird. The Cardinal  is state bird to: Illinois. Northern Cardinal (1929).  Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia The northern cardinal is the most popular state bird, honored in seven states as an official symbol.

Male Northern Cardinal

Female Northern Cardinal


In 1963, NC adopted the Pine as its state tree.  Thirteen species of pine grow in NC.  Contrary to popular belief, no one species is the state tree.

 Many people believe that the longleaf pine is the state tree; indeed, many websites still list this species as one of North Carolina’s official symbols. This is probably due to the State Toast, which begins “Here’s to the land of the long leaf pine….” However, with many species of Pines as native to North Carolina (eastern white, loblolly, longleaf, pitch, pond, shortleaf, table mountain, and virginia), the 1963 legislature decided not to favor one at the expense of the other seven.

 This is the Long leaf pine

This is Loblolly Pine

Difference in Long Leaf and Loblolly Pine

Longleaf pines are evergreen conifers with long, glossy needles that grow in bundles of three or four. Loblolly pines have shorter, blue-green needles that grow in bundles of three. Longleaf pines have scaly, thick twigs, while loblolly pines have a tall, straight trunk without knots for up to 30 feet

Madi Flashback December 6, 2015

Friends pardon me....




  1. I shall be trying to find sun puddles today. Woke up in the 20's this AM. Brrrrrr.

  2. Cardinals are beautiful birds. Mom had a great aunt growing up who adored them and would sit and watch them for hours.

  3. Angel Madie we are hoping for a sun puddle today. We had gale force winds yesterday but only about 2 in of snow. We love feeding the Cardinals and there have been years when I've been able to count 30 in our backyard at one time when the weather is been at its worst. And who doesn't love pine trees no matter what kind because they smell so wonderful when the Sun Shines on them.

  4. we love cardinals... and they would add a little color to our mostly brown or beige berds... we love the maddi photo... one f her famous leaps...

  5. Cardinals are such beautiful birds - both the male and the female. We know how much you loved your sunpuddles, Madi♥

  6. The sweetest flashback of Madi♥... of course, all and any photos of Madi are the sweetest. There is just something about the sequence of photos this morning seeing her happy in her sun puddle. I love pines and pine cones. We have pine cones all over the house. Very wise of North Carolina to include all Pines! Cardinals are delightful birds!

  7. Mom loves cardinals. We loved seeing Angel Madi too!

  8. Thoroughly enjoyed this and seeing Angel Madi enjoying the sunshine, so cute!

  9. your sun puddle was the perfect size for you and we all remember how much you loved them.. Our tree that we just took down was a loblolly pine, we miss it so. we both loved that tree. Odd NC did not choose just one. I love all trees, and pines are at the top of my list.. GA and FL are also covered in all kinds of pine trees.

    1. We love the beautiful white pines on our property.

  10. Your state sure has lots of different pines. We love seeing cardinals in our yard. The state bird of New York is the bluebird. We love seeing the flashbacks of Madi in her sun puddle.

  11. I lived in NC three times when Daddy was stationed in Charlotte, & Camp LeJuene twice. Beautiful state! Love seeing Angle Madi enjoying a sun puddle. 😻

  12. Cardinals are one of my favorite birds.
    Madi was smart to locate that sun puddle. They make the best napping spots.

  13. The cardinals are beautiful and the pines lovely. Of course Madi is the loveliest of all.

    1. I just had the fright of my life! The emergency warning alarms just went off on both our phones. We are under red alert for 90+mph winds starting in a couple of hours and going through until tomorrow evening. I can already hear it picking up outdoors. I won't be going out in my wig tomorrow, that is for sure!

  14. I also am a big fan of Cardinals, they were everywhere when we lived in Texas. What a beautiful pine tree NC picked as its state tree!
    Rosy & Sunny

  15. Oh Madi angel ~ you are precious ~ such sweet photos and lovely cardinal photos too ~

    Hugs to you Cecilia and Angel Madi ~ ^_^

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. Those are NC interesting! Cardinals are so pretty and so are the Angel Madi pics!

  17. Nice to learn more about your state. And always nice to see Angel Madi. XO

  18. Now I am all set if trivia night has a North Carolina category

  19. I never get tired of seeing the cardinals and hearing them sing.

  20. Another beautiful Holiday Header! Madi has some big eyes there like she might have been thinking she could have been caught being impish!!!

  21. I'm enjoying learning more about your state.

    Never get between a cat and her napping spot, right? Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi