My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, February 7, 2025

Nature and Feline Friday with Rocky aka Perimenter Police

   Nature Friday host LLB Gang   

Mom Beth and the Girls made a beautiful new 
Nature Friday Badge honoring the Memory of our friend 


Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Thank you both  for hosting!

 Mom took a walk Thursday, January 30th, she heard something rustling in the leaves! 

Hoping to discover a cute bunny,
she suddenly felt like she had entered Jurassic Park! 😹
Did you know armadillos have prehistoric ancestors? The earliest armadillo fossils date back about 60 million years, and the ancestors of modern armadillos are related to the glyptodonts, which were giant, armored mammals. 

Apparently armadillos operate under the same assumption as ostriches. If I can’t see you, you can’t see me! 😹

Mom, I, Rocky, will and my reflection will keep all 4 of our eyes
on high alert.  Mr. Armadillo cannot hide from our 
golden eagle Eyes.

I’m on my lookout perch, & will alert the peeps if the varmint returns to our yard. They make a mess of the grass! 

 ❤️ Rocky 

Here is a video mom took on her walk.

Note from Kit:
I like the original Jurassic Park theme by John Williams, but this Jurassic World theme by Michael Giacchino is my fav, more powerful. The music available on TikTok is excellent. 😉


Dearest Rocky whew when I heard rustling my first thought was that Boo Boo Da Bear was out of Hibernation, however, the Armadillo might be small it could be scary at first glance.
He doesn't know that he has invaded the property of Rocky da Rocket Man
Love Auntie HiC


  1. we love the new badge... what a good idea!! we never saw such an armadillo... but we know the song... is this the way to armadillo (misheard lyrics by our mama)

  2. Hari Om
    Ooohh, that's kinda exotic a critter to have arrive in one's property! Rather fun... YAM xx

  3. Mom thinks the armadillo is creepy looking.

  4. In all the years living here, I've only seen one.

  5. Rocky how very exciting. Your armadillo is out and about. I have seen my chipmunk one time. Now that the snow melted. But he's not a regular yet, he goes back to sleep a whole lot. Lynn loves your mom's video. We think we're going to have sunshine today before the next ice storm on saturday.

  6. Mom and Bailie saw armadillos in Florida a few years ago. She says they look really old and antique but interesting. The definitely look prehistoric.

  7. Mr or Ms Armadillo is quite fascinating looking. Definitely not a critter we have here!

  8. Lovely new badge.
    How fascinating to run into an armadillo. They sure are interesitng looking.

  9. Armadillos are weird looking! I have never seen one, even in a zoo or wildlife park.

  10. I have seen many of these on the side of the road and dead in the road, but never in our yard and since we don't travel anymore have not seen one in many years. the music is great for the video.

  11. How cool to find one of those. We didn't know they made a mess of lawns.

  12. Rocket Man ~ so glad you are on alert and protecting Mom ~ great post and video ~ and music ~ hugs,

    Hugs 2x Cecilia and Angel Madi ~ ^_^

    Wishing you good health, laughter, and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. dood ‼️‼️ iz he kinda like de ground hog phil….onlee comez out ta see if hiz shadowz followed him ???? 😺🐟💙💚‼️

  14. Wow!!! What a cool armadillo! It kinda looks like a hairless bunny BOL!
    Rosy & Sunny

  15. Rocky, I recognize that critter! We have one, or two or three, who knows how many... that come at night and dig up our landscaping. We haven't had one for a while which has been great. They are very interesting but I am glad to see them move on. We have wild pigs but they haven't hit our yard yet... knock on wood. Good that you are keeping watch for them for your peeps.

  16. We have not spotted an armadillo yet, but word on the social media says there have been several sightings very close to our home. They are coming up from Texas. Not sure what we might do if we came across one.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  17. We don't have any of those critters here yet but we'll be on the lookout. Good job watching Rocky!

  18. Great video and accompanying music. XO

  19. The badge is perfect (more tears). Even if his is tough on your lawn we love your armadillo

  20. I think armadillos are pretty cool creatures. Unfortunately, the only ones I have ever seen have been dead on the side of the road.

  21. We have them here, too, and they are bad for the lawn. Also, they are the only animal besides humans which can get leprosy, so don't touch them.

    Rocky, I'm sure you can handle any which invade your territory. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi