My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, February 24, 2025

AWWW MONDAY: INSULATORS and Sparks on Friends

 We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus   

David and Kit (dad and mom to my niece Cali, and nephews Kat and Rocky) know how very much I love glass objects.   David retired from AT&T.  I did not know that he collects Glass insulators.  Recently Kit emailed to tell me David would like to send me a glass insulator from his collection.   I said, YES I would love one, so quickly the email hardly had time to load in my email.   While I awaited arrival of this most treasured gift, I did a bit of research on them. They were primarily used in the late 19th and early 20th centuries to insulate and protect telegraph and telephone wires. 

They were mounted on wooden or metal poles to prevent the wires from coming into contact with the poles and the ground, ensuring the efficient transmission of electrical signals.  Glass insulators were first produced in the 1850's for use with telegraph lines. As technology developed insulators were needed for telephone lines, electric power lines, and other applications. In the mid 1960's a few people began collecting these antique glass insulators. Today there are over 3,000 insulator collectors. Insulator clubslocal and national shows, and good reference books are available.  In the early 1970s, glass insulators began being replaced by porcelain, which has since evolved into plastic and composition insulators made from a mixture of components.

On February 5th my package packed with lots of CARE arrived.  OMCs there were three beautiful insulators in PURRfect condition in the box.

I will be moving them around  but I especially like the blue/green one with my 
antique hurricane lamp

He also sent me tealights for each insulator.  As you can see, each insulator is a unique design and truly appreciated and treasured.


David and Kit
David is also a stargazer 

Oh and my niece, Cali and nephews, Kat and Rocky sent us an Anniversary Valentine Card too.


  1. David is thrilled that you’re enjoying the insulators. I love using them to add a little sparkle & warm tone to table settings, bookcases, kitchen counters, on windowsills , screened porch, in powder room, & on the mantle. I think they’re a nice addition anywhere! Shine on, Auntie HiC❣️ Kat, Rocky, & Cali

  2. true true true!! and we love the insulator lights what are like little stars..

  3. Those insulators are so unique. I think there might be one or two stashed somewhere in our house... That is neat that you can put candles in them.

    Yes indeed for the spark, stars that sparkle and even like jewels that also shimmer and sparkle.

  4. The glass insulators are a gift to treasure... mainly because Kit and David and their kitties are treasures to you but glass insulators are so beautiful. The pictures are lovely with them in different places. And your Spark is so absolutely true.

  5. We used to collect them too. We've had the clear and the turquoise and even a dark green one. They are truly treasures!

  6. Nice! I have picked them up at garage sales and thrift stores for years. Love them.

  7. Those look really pretty with the lights in them. I had some in the past but I have to admit that when we downsized and moved away from our old Homestead, they got put by the wayside somewhere. When we drive around in the country I still see old telephone poles standing that have these on them still. Always surprise somebody hasn't climbed up to take them off.

  8. What a great quote and so true too! Mom would never light a candle at our house. She is afraid of anything that burns so candles are pure decorations that are never used around here.

  9. Hari OM
    Oh this threw me back in time... my dad was an electrical engineer, you may recall, so I grew up around all the cables and steel and wood and wires.... and insulators! I remember the glass and when they became porcelain. It doesn't surprise me there are collectors - and I am thrilled you have your own mini collection now! YAM xx

  10. How nice of him to send those to you. I remember my grandparents having one that they used as a doorstop I think. I'm pretty sure the one they had was the blueish color.

  11. What a fun gift! We love how they look with the tea light under them.

  12. The insulators look lovely with the tea lights in.

  13. Lovely lights ~ so elegant and awesome ~ ^_^

    Hugs to you Cecilia and Angel Madi ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Beautiful. What a great thing to receive. You made me smile.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs. ♥

  15. How beautiful!! I love the way they sparkle and glow with the tea lights!

  16. I've never heard of insulator glasses. They're quite pretty. Thanks for the history about them, fascinating.

  17. What a sweet and thoughtful gift!!! I don't remember seeing these before, but they certainly are lovely to look at, especially with the tea lights inside them. Thanks for sharing their gifts with us. Now I know something new about these glass insulators. Love them! Sending hugs to you and David and Kit for their thoughtfulness. Have a wonderful week!

  18. Thanks for the history lesson and for making smarter

  19. We did not know about glass insulators. They are so pretty with the candles in them. That is so nice of David to share them with you.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  20. Such a nice gift. I like the lights inside, never thought of that. We have a green one. XO

  21. Those are so cool. I've got 2 of those around here somewhere, a green one and a clear one.

  22. These are beautiful. I have a couple of them, but they aren't in as good condition.

  23. I never even realized they didn't use them anymore. They are really pretty, especially with the tea lights in them. How thoughtful of David. Have a great weekend.

  24. At first I thought, what a unique thing to collect, then you said hundreds or thousands of folks collect them! Yours truly are beautiful with the tea lights making them stand out even more.

  25. thanks for sending me this post, I am sorry I missed it while I was off on break. They are gorgeous and my favorite is the 3 of them the birds.. I had 3 of these, had being the word, with my hurricane lamps in our old home in St Pete, when we moved I kept 6 of the 40 plus that covered the wall, and the ones I donated were the three insulators. I like the idea of the candles inside and back then when I had mine, those little candles did not exist. a super gift from one star gazer to another. I love their family and you.. thanks for sending the link. I need to find some spare time and look around at what I missed that week


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi