My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Tuesday Tale

Betwix and Between

Here is where I WAIT on Mom...
betwix and between the upper floor, where my food IS NOT
 and the lower floor where my food IS!!


  1. maybe your mom can make you your own racetrack with a floor runner? I hate the bathroom floor and the mama said we have to change it (that's what she always wanted anyway)because of me... now my dad has to swallow that bitter pill hehehehehe

  2. Oh, a mature diva should always get her way... They just need to wave your tail at the floor and make a new one appear.

  3. Foodables are much more important that sitting on your mom's lap! You definitely know how to work it, Madi!

  4. Oh nose, is the SERVICE as bad in your Palace as in mine Madi????
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  5. Oh no, I would go down and meow up a hissy fit. You need food Madi. You all have a great day.

  6. That is befuddling about the floor! It has to have something to do with the different colors... maybe Madi thinks there are BIG uneven places. I love the floor!

  7. We suggest building an elaborate bridge to take you safely over the dreaded floor, BOL.
    Elliot and Cricket x

  8. Well that wood floor is cold compared to the nice carpet you are sitting on. I can see why you don't like it.

  9. I can't stop laughing, that is one scary floor. MOL MOL... it is beautiful though. I love the color. no one gets past Madi on those steps...

  10. This WAITING thingy seems to be a TREND around Blogville... our Peeps need to GET A MOVE ON.
    We want this WAITING to STOP. When we want somethingy... it should be taken care of INSTANTLY... no more betwix and between stuffs.

  11. You've only got food on one floor? That's just not on! Your Mum should change that asap!!

    Miss Oswin from Norway

  12. Oh, poor Madi! Obviously, your humans need to get some throw rugs for you! Make them hop to it!

  13. We don't blame you Madi. That floor is terrifying
    Lily & Edward

  14. MOL! Like Christopher Robin:

    Halfway down the stairs
    is a stair
    where I sit.
    there isn't any
    other stair
    quite like
    I'm not at the bottom,
    I'm not at the top;
    so this is the stair
    I always

    Halfway up the stairs
    Isn't up
    And it isn't down.
    It isn't in the nursery,
    It isn't in town.
    And all sorts of funny thoughts
    Run round my head.
    It isn't really
    It's somewhere else

  15. Oh No, food on multiple levels should be required pretty Madi!

  16. Gail tells me that Hamish always liked to position himself in the best spot to keep all his options open.
    Toodle pip!

  17. We sure hope your mom isn't starving you to death!! Every room should have food and a few snacks for emergencies!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  18. Bailey used to be scared of the kitchen floor - now there is a rug for him
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  19. madi.....just sayin but it woodna hurt if yur mom placed a bowlz oh food
    on each step....just sayin ~~~~~~~ ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  20. One of these days, you will fool MOm and head right across that floor, Madi. Lightning isn't crazy about the front foyer hardwood but has no trouble with it in the kitchen and family room - all part of the same expanse of hardwood. Guess we all have our quirks.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  21. Poor Madi, your food should be upstairs and downstairs.

  22. "Halfway down the stairs is a place where I sit.
    There isn't any other place quite like it..."

  23. Have you tried meowing at the office doorway Madi...We think you need to demand your very own red carpet!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  24. Maybe Mom should put down a carpet for you so you can walk into that room. Oh, and our angel Miss Ginger often used to sleep on the middle step. She had black furs, so it was hard to see her there in the dark at night.

  25. We hope your mom took the hint and went downstairs to feed you.

  26. You should never have to wait for food, Madi. Your mom better get moving!

  27. You poor thing! It's a wonder you don't starve to death on the stairs!

  28. now that sixpence is no longer around, and Jennifer got my food mixed in with the kitty food, if the bowl is empty, Tigger walks around meowing till mum puts food in it, then I have to wait till she has eaten as much as she wants then I can eat!!!! Same thing with water, although I have ALWAYS shared my water bowl with the kitties


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi