My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, October 30, 2015

Treat a Shelter Blog Hop with Dory and FFHT

Mom and I are honored to be pawticipating in 

The hop is Today - November 1, Dory invited all her furiends to join her hop
for every comment left on Dory's blog, she will donate 50 cents to the shelter
where Arty and Jakey were adopted.

Below is a copy of the letter mom sent to Wake County SPCA 
we used my blog header at the top of the letter


October 15, 2015
200 Petfinders Lane
Raleigh, NC  27603-6075

Dear Friends,

I, Madi(son) D. Cat and my mom have a blog Madi and Mom ( all about ME.  When we started blogging in 2009, we had no clue the joy it would bring to us and the many friends we would make all over this world.  There are animal bloggers in every corner of this big world.

We have a wonderful circle of animal friend bloggers and we are always doing fun virtual things like having dances, rodeos, animal Olympics, picnics, Halloween costume judging and June 2016 we are actually planning a retreat at a central location in the USA so we can meet each other in the furs.
This Halloween my long time gal pal Dory and her bros at Dory’s Backyard (   came up with a real life event.  Dory will host a blog hop on October 30th –November 1st for everyone to display what TREAT they gave their Shelter.

No Tricks JUST TREATS for Shelters.  She has asked all her furry friends do a special treat for their local shelter.    On last night’s news our hearts were touched to see that our very own WAKE CO. SPCA made room in their shelter for furry friends affected by the floods in South Carolina.  Enclosed please find our TREAT, a check for $25.00, to be used as you see fit to help take care of all the animals at your beautiful and loving shelter. 
Madi and Cecilia (aka Mom)


Dory this was a beautiful and loving event and we are so happy to be able to participate. 


WooHoo last Friday FFHT on the Eve of Halloween WTG Murphy and Stanley
today's phrase is in bold orange italics...below

I was having a quiet moment in the pumpkin patch, 
when all of a sudden Mickey popped out of a pumpkin.
He scared all my lush gray furs and made them stand up.
Worst of all he called me 'fraidy cat.

After that, I never turned my back on another pumpkin!!

Be sure to head over to Sammy's on 29th and 30th to see the Halloween Costume I'm wearing... vote
early and often


  1. I love that Aunt Dory is doing such a wonderful thing and I love your post about it! We have a special one ready for tomorrow. I don't blame you about the pumpkin. He should never call my Sis a fraidy cat!! You are not a fraidy cat and I don't like that pumpkin.

    Ziggy your brudder Out!!

  2. Well done with the treat Madi.

    You a 'fraidy cat? NO WAY.

    Toodle pip!

  3. We're sure they'll love that treat! And Mickey had no business popping out of a pumpkin! We'll be more careful when we see one.

  4. We don't think you are a fraidy cat! Happy Halloween eve!

  5. Wow, good for the Mom, Madi for writing a nice letter to the shelter. And sending a very nice donation. We do like what Dory is doing too. Nothing better than helping all the shelters. Maybe it will help find some doggies or kitties find a home. You all have a great day.

  6. Hari OM
    Brava Madi (and give mum a hug for helping you with this)... and to sooth those furs after that big fright!!! hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Way to go Mom and Madi. A very good cause to give money too!

    I'm sure it tickled them to get your letter.

  8. Great letter to the shelter! I am sure they got a kick out of the letter and your header picture. Yeah, pumpkins are not to be trusted unless they are in a pie!

  9. a wonderful thing to do for that shelter and we know you are NOT a fraidy cat.. i think we know that.

  10. that was a wonderful letter and even with an eggstra treat... hugs to you!!! the mickey-pumpkin is really scary... I rather place my orange beast outside this year... who knows what will jump out from my creepy thingy :o)

  11. Nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Have a nice weekend!!!

  12. We just love what your shelter did for those poor furries in the South Carolina floods and we love that you and your Mama are helping them!!! Great work gals.....and yes...NEVER trust a pumpkin!!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  13. What a wonderful donation to make Madi! Pawsome of your shelter to help out the furiends from SC.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  14. Sounds like you've got a grreat local shelter. Thanks for supporting them!

  15. Who knew you couldn't trust Mickey. Then again maybe he's nicer to dogs. Just saying. Great work for your local shelter.

  16. That's a very cool hop pretty Madi and we hope it is very successful!

  17. Hey Madi and Mom!
    Wow, your letter and donation is so wonderful! Very sweet thing to do for your local shelter and I'm sure they'll put it to great use. OMD that Mickey punkin is very creepy. I'd watch out for that one too. BOL/MOL
    Grr and a Spooky Woof,
    Sarge, Furiend

  18. What a wonderful thing to do at Halloween.
    We never liked that mouse very much, hehe.
    Dip and Elliot x

  19. We are sort of afraid of Mickey ourselves.

    What a lovely treat for the shelter.

  20. Madi that was a generous and special treat! What a wonderful gesture and we know it will be greatly appreciated.

  21. madi...thiz iz total lee awesum oh dory ta due thiz for her shelter.... high paws & headbonx two ewe dory ......way kewl ☺

    heerz two a driftwood catfish kinda week oh end !! ♥♥♥

  22. That was such a very kind thing to do, Madi and Mom. We are going to bring a big bag of food to our local shelter next week. There is ALWAYS a need.

    Happy Halloween.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  23. Have a gweat weekend.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  24. What a wonderful treat for your shelter! And we really enjoyed your pumpkin story. Mickey can sure be rude at times. :)

  25. We love how Dory is celebrating Halloween.

  26. A wonderful letter and donation!! And Mickey in a pumpkin would scare us too!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  27. Thank you for helping your local shelter. It is so sad that many pets were displaced due to the horrible floods. It is great that other shelters stepped in to lend a paw. Have a happy Halloween. ♥

  28. That was a wonderful gesture to help your local shelter!! Many pets were forced to flee their homes and several of the shelters have stepped up to assist. Hopefully, they will all be matched back up with their owners!! Thank you Madi and Mom for all you do to help your local animals in need!! Happy Halloween!!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi