My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tuesday Tunnel Tale..Part I

My yellow *FnE tunnel has 2 openings...but for some reason 

I go in one way

 but will not walk
 out the back door
Mom said I'm....
to which I replied... MOM you said 
a dirty word backwards!!

Note from Mom:  I was sitting in the recliner across the room thank goodness I had my
iPad. I clicked away as Madi backed out...wide load and all.  *Frankie and Ernie sent this to me...
Lately she has been sleeping or resting in it.
TO BE CONTINUED......Thursday


  1. Hahaha look at you! That is too cute!!

  2. Well, the other end is just for emergencies, isn't it?

  3. But the most fun of tunnels is racing through them!!

  4. Your tunnel, you get to choose which way you go in and out!

  5. If you would use the other end you, it would transportate you to another place... that's the way that teleport tunnels work :o) and as long as you are unsure which furfriend you will visit, it makes sense to use the reverse gear :o)

  6. Hehe! When you back up like that, Miss Madi, I hope you have your hazard lights on and the beep beeps going! MOL xxx

  7. Might as well back out, Madi, or you'd be crashing into the wall if you went forward. You're a smart girl!

  8. ::::sigh::::: Raz wishes he could join you....that tunnel looks so cozy.

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  9. Nothing wrong with backing out. Whatever floats your boat, right Madi. Do you have rear view mirrors, Madi. And Madi, do thank your Mom so much for all the great support that she gave our Mom during her eye saga.

  10. Madi, are you part horse. They will go in one way and back out the same way. No amount of pulling or pushing can make some of them go out the other end.

  11. I think you are doing it just right! Now, if there were three openings, it might be a bit different of course, but with only two openings??

    Miss Oswin from Norway

  12. My Mom use to say bass-ackwards all the time! You have that back-up... beep, beep, beep.. down pretty good!

  13. OMD OMD your mom, Southern Belle that she is, said BASS ACKWARDS???
    We are so THRILLED that you like your Tunnel... and think it is just FINE that you use it YOUR WAY... Of course if your mom would Move it from the CORNER... you MIGHT consider the OTHER Exit... or Not. Just sayin... OMD what RAZ said... Whooooooie... that boy has LOVE on his mind.

  14. Hari OM
    MOL F&E beat me to it - I wuz thinking that you might damage your purrty self on that wall at the other end! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  15. Madi,roll the tunnel to the middle of the room, then you could go all of the way through it without bonking your head on the wall.
    Hugs and nose taps,
    Molly and Kathy

  16. at least now we know she has reverse... love it and it made me laugh.. to funny

  17. Ha! Just because there are two openings doesn't mean you have to use both…saving one for a rainy day Madi? Have a wonderful day (it's actually sunny so there should be puddles today…)

  18. One has to savor a good tunnel, one opening at a time!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  19. Hey Madi!
    Wow, I got to see that cool tunnel when FnE got it for you! You definitely seem to be enjoying it and I got a chuckle out of your Mom's backward HBO word. Um...or is that OBH word. BWAR HAR HAR
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, New Furiend

    1. Oops...not sure how New furiend got on there.... must have been from when I visited a new Shirley. BOL/MOL

  20. Backing up is a very good skill to have, Madi - you never know when you might need to back out of a tough corner. Maybe you don't like heading into the wall. Can Mom turn your tunnel so it has a clear view on both ends?

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  21. I often back up...if the sisters are approaching from the North!

  22. I think it shows your agility to be able to back out!

  23. Hazel is good at backing up too, last night she backed up the ramp after going part way down
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  24. That is so funny Madi - we had to laugh at that naughty backwards word, hehe!
    Dip and Elliot x

  25. madi....well, sum one we noe round trout towne { tuna } getted stuck in de tunnel
    him had sew..........♥♥♥

  26. OMD GURL!!!! You gots a tunnel??!!! OH THAT IS FABULOUS!!!! Aren't they funs??!! You knows, you can hide all kinds of thingies in there too! I hide bugs and sticks and balls and all kinds of fun thingies! Hey, I backs outta mine too...don't lets the peeps dictate what you do!!! I don't!!! BOL!!!
    I am all kinds of jealous you gots one in the house...Ma says I'm too big to have my tunnel in the house...pfffffft!
    Ruby ♥

  27. Madi, where is your tunnel going to take you? Maybe to see F&E!!!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  28. Madi you are smitten with your new tunnel.

  29. I think that word should be dded to the dictionary :)

  30. What an awesome tunnel! Do you have some kind of loud beeping thing that comes on when you back up?
    When I was a puppy, not now that I'm ALL grown up!, I had a large tunnel! It looked a lot like yours only it was upright like a rocket. I had to pull it down a bit to get in, then climb into it. There was only one door though - so I had to back out like you do. For some reason, instead of calling it my tunnel, Mom referred to it as a "laundry basket". Humph. Sure looked like a tunnel to me! I used to have such fun with that. It lives in the closet now, behind a shut door.
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  31. You are so cute backing out of your tunnel. We can't wait to see the rest of the story.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi