My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

2 Christmas Tales

A Tradition and a Christmas Memory

Today is Day 14 of 25 days of Holiday Fun...hosted by Mayor Elect Arty
We are so excited to tell you about  a few memories 
Here is the link to see all who are telling tall tales or sharing
stuffs this month
We call this Monkey Sweetness

This story began in March of 1994.  Sis had her eye on a
nice and sweet and kind young man she met at N C State University.
When she told the peeps about could tell sis thought he was pretty special.  Finally he asked my sis for their first date....but wait... the date for the date was April 1, April Fool's Day.  When she told mom the date mom
ACTUALLY suggested that it might be a prank.  Let me just say Sis shot mom  
some serious dagger eyes!!
Fast forward to  Christmas morning 1994.  A 22 year tradition began in the family.
It was the first Christmas morning my Sis brought her (then boyfriend, later to be my BIL) to spend Christmas day with us!!
Mom tried her bestest to think of something quick and good for breakfast.
She decided to make monkey was a huge hit.  Mom didn't know that 
boyfriend/later BIL loved anything with cinnamon in it...and HE HAD never had
monkey bread.  Mom has been making Monkey Bread every Christmas morning since then!! Later down the road he kiddingly told mom the
Monkey Bread sealed the deal with sis.
They were married on August 15, 1998.
Sis and BIL are owned by Frisco and Mia
Photo taken Christmas morning 2015.
Recipe is at the bottom

Since this story was about the first Christmas BIL spent with the family mom and
 I decided
to repost this.  It was our very first Christmas post in 2009

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Mom: Our daughter's First Real Christmas

Technically this is her 2nd Christmas; however, since she was only 
4 months old on her first Christmas we called 1972 her First Real
 Christmas.This picture is engraved in my mind forever. As you can 
see by this picture,she was very surprised. Truly Christmas through the 
eyes of a child. 
The next picture is what she was looking at that had her so excited
Note we had the Christmas Tree in her playpen to keep the inquisitive
hands of a 16 month old safe.
Thanks Madi for sharing the blog with your sister. After all, she is
the reason we adopted our first cat....hence the reason you are here.

Here is the recipe:
4 cans (10 to a can) biscuits.  I used grocery store brand butter me not (flakes of butter in biscuits)
1 tablespoon of cinnamon*
2 teaspoons of ground cloves*
1 teaspoon of nutmeg*
3/4 cup brown sugar*
(optional: raisins and pecans  to taste but I've never added them)

Preheat oven to 325, bake for 45 minutes

Supplies needed:
You will need either a bundt pan (fluted sides) or a pound cake pan.  
Large zip lock bag

Sauce ingredients
1 to 1 1/4 stick butter (1 is plenty)
1 cup brown sugar

spray pan with PAM
Mix all of the spices*  then pour into a large zip lock bag.
Quarter biscuits, add to zip lock bag one can at a time, shake well, take them out and spread around pan evenly.  Repeat until all 4 cans are in the pan.

After all the biscuits are in the pan, prepare sauce as follows:

In a small sauce pan, cut up the stick of butter add brown sugar.  Simmer on low until melted. pour over biscuits  Bake at 325 for 45 minutes


Over the years I have learned I can prepare the biscuit and spice mix the night before.
Cover tightly with foil store in fridge.  The next day all you have to do is prepare the sauce.

Years ago we were told the name came from the fact that it is served by just pulling off pieces like a Monkey would do.  But it is too hot and too messy we serve with a large 


  1. We love the story about the Monkey bread. Bertie is wondering if dogs are allowed cinnamon?

  2. Although my human has never had monkey bread, she thinks it sounds delicious! She may want to take the time to try this (she rarely cooks, although she can).

  3. I'm herding Mum to the kitchen (whicch is very difficult whilst typing!) butts, wow Monkey bread sounds sooooo yummy!!!
    And the photo of Mini Sis has just gotta make you smile, what a great photo the pawfect capture of the moment!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. Hari OM
    that is a WICKED recipe to be handing over at this time of year Madi and Mom... just wicked..... 8¬}... hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Can we please come to your house on Christmas morning?!

  6. Oh Monkey Bread is just so yummy. We are very glad to have the recipe. Such a cute picture of the Sister. You all have a great day.

  7. Many thanks for the recipe and the stories. Love the picture of sissy looking at the XMAS tree. What a hoot putting it in the playpen. Such a great idea.

  8. What great stories. That picture of your sis sure is one to treasure. We are drooling over that monkey bread recipe and trying to get our mom to make some.

  9. I loved reading these stories, very sweet. Great idea with the play pen around the Christmas tree :)

  10. What a grreat story! Momma says one of her coworkers always makes monkey bread just before Christmas for them!

  11. Sweet story about your Sis and her hubby, Madi! Helps to get to know a few things about your family! I don't think, I know, I have never had monkey bread. Putting the tree in the playpen was genius! Love the picture of your tiny Sis!!!

  12. love the monkey bread tradition and that cutie pie surprised baby.. I used to make the monkey bread, but never used the sauce, just put it all in the pan and ate it like it was. the sauce would be even better. and I laughed when you said one quarter at a time in the bag, I used to put a whole bunch of them in and shake... my kids liked to make this when they were like 10 and 12. I think it has been about 40 years since I last ate it... I think I can smell yours

  13. Love the old baby pictures. Mom is not making us nothing
    Lily & Edward

  14. What a great story! The monkey bread sounds delicious.

  15. Wow! What great stories! We'll have to try that monkey bread recipe.

  16. I have never heard of monkey bread, it sounds delicious!
    What wonderful memories and sweet photos.
    Elliot and Cricket x

  17. Two very sweet tales - Mom says she would have worried about that April Fool's Day date too:) The little bipeds love monkey bread - we may just have to try your recipe for Christmas this year.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  18. Such a beautiful Christmas memory and VERY tasty Christmas tradition!! Our Grandma also makes monkey bread...Mama says she may make it for Daddy this Christmas!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  19. I remember reading about your mom's monkey bread in other posts and it always sounds delicious. Of course, my assistant is baking challenged so I'm sure hers wouldn't be as good as your mom's. Such a sweet story!

  20. What a fabulous story about the Monkey Bread!

  21. Monkey BREAD... is MUCH better than the Snow Freaks that have become Monkeys on our BACKS.
    LOVE the Story about the Monkey BREAD. WHAT A GRAND TRADITION. Grand and TASTY, too.

  22. That is a beautiful picture! Nothing like seeing it through a toddler's eyes to make you appreciate it! Glad your mom didn't make waffles or your sis would be looking for a husband!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  23. Hey Madi!
    Wow, that's a cool story, and they say the way to a peep is through his stomach. BOL/MOL. Mom's made monkey bread before with a little orange marmalade drizzled in. YUM. Sticky, but sounds delish to me.
    Grr and Woof,

  24. We gotta get the mom to make some Monkey Bread.

  25. what a lovely Christmas tradition!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  26. Oh that is FABulous Madi!!! Your Moms is the bestest!!! Nows, if Ma knew how to boil waters, she would make that bread!!! Okays, she DOES know how to boil waters, butts not much else! BOL!!! Maybe your Moms can teach her a thing or two or 87....
    Ruby ♥♥

  27. What a wonderful Christmas tradition. Thank you for sharing the story and the recipe. Nose licks and love from Moth xx

  28. Those are lovely memories. And so nice that it wasn't an April Fool's prank for your sister. That would have been awful!
    I love cinnamon and when a recipe states a teaspoon, I will happily quadruple it and sometimes even more!

    Mara from Norway


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi