My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #186

 Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy 


Here is our challenge

Anywhere the cowboys roam,

be it  North, South, East or West.

everyone does their Best

to be accommodating to them

and of course 

their HORSES. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Wordless Wednesday: Northern Lights in Dixie


Thank you to our Hostess

Sandee at Comedy Plus   

My friend, and former Coworker, Janice sent me

this photo of the Northern Lights display on October 10, 2024. 

Taken from her home in Raleigh about 20 miles from us.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Happy Tasty Tuesday: Firehouse Sub critique


Thank you to our

 We thank our Hostess Sandee at

 Comedy Plus 

Interior photos

Beautiful Mural inside

We ordered take out but as you can see

Dining is pleasant inside or out

Are you noticing all the R E D?

We both ordered  small Hook and Ladder on wheat

Bryan ordered as is

I don't like raw onions or shredded lettuce (it is too messy)

They were absolutely delicious no complaints at all

The menu is packed full of choices this is the 

Hot Subs Selection

This was not our first time here, it is about 3 miles from home in a pleasant area with trees.

We will go much to try.

Click here to visit their website

Monday, October 14, 2024

Awww Monday

 We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus

Have you ever wondered what cats think about? Mom found  way to get inside my head, and this is what she heard. 😹😹😹
Volume up please.

❤️ Rocky 

Dearest Rocky I love how your Mom's mind works...

Lovingly Auntie HiC 

Sunday, October 13, 2024