If you are saying this looks like a Kleenx box with rubber bands around it,
that is exactly what it is. Now I'm sure you are asking why would I
post a picture of this.....
Well the answer I read about this in a book I'm reading, Homer's Odyssey. It is a true story about an amazing
blind cat, Homer. Dog, only people, don't go away...this is a book all pet owners will love.
blind cat, Homer. Dog, only people, don't go away...this is a book all pet owners will love.
More on the book later.
So after reading about Homer's fascination with a Kleenx box wrapped in
rubber bands, I decided to try for the Diva.
So after reading about Homer's fascination with a Kleenx box wrapped in
rubber bands, I decided to try for the Diva.
lick lick...it tastes like rubber ewwww.
FYI Mom: I don't like the rubbery taste.
FYI Mom: I don't like the rubbery taste.
sniff sniff it smells like a box

Ewwww it is a box of Kleenx wrapped in rubber bands....Mom REALLY!!!
Sorry Mom, I don't know what you are up to but I'm not interested and quite frankly I'm insulted.
"Homer's Odyssey"
by Gwen Cooper.

Ewwww it is a box of Kleenx wrapped in rubber bands....Mom REALLY!!!
Sorry Mom, I don't know what you are up to but I'm not interested and quite frankly I'm insulted.
by Gwen Cooper.
It is a true story. I highly recommend it. I READ any and all books about animals.
Marley and Me, Wesley the Owl, Dewey the Library cat and Alex the amazing Parrot.
All excellent!!!
Marley and Me, Wesley the Owl, Dewey the Library cat and Alex the amazing Parrot.
All excellent!!!
Homer was cast aside as a kitten when found he was about
4 weeks old. He had a severe eye infection, which when caught early, can be treated.
The vet who treated him said he had it about two weeks. Homer's
eyes had to be removed. The author of the book Gwen Cooper adopted Homer
at 6 weeks old she took him home to live with her two other cats.
Homer's story is truly amazing.
Homer's story is truly amazing.
His accomplishments are absolutely unbelievable.
The good thing about this book is HOMER is still living so the
ending isn't sad. As for the kleenx box with rubber bands. Homer could not see
but he had a superior sense of hearing. Each rubber band made a different sound.
As Gwen says, he did not become a great musician but it was just another way
to enhance his life.
As Gwen says, he did not become a great musician but it was just another way
to enhance his life.
I've thought about writing a book and call it:
ReplyDeleteThe One Book About A Dog Where The Dog Doesn't Die At The End!
And (another) B~I~G Happy Purrday to you!!! Mom says she wants to read Homer's story. She's going to look for the book next time she's at Barnes & Noble. But, we agree with Madi...unless there's some DE~LISH meat in there, we wouldn't be interested either. But that sure is amazing how each band made a different note for Homer to hear. Have a happy day and hope all your birthday wishes come true!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday
Today its the day :)))))))
Enjoy tonight with your husband
when I'm sleeping
your are eating your birthday diner !!!!
Enjoy :-)
i send you many roses !!!
Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a great day!
ReplyDeleteI am going to admit it - I can't ever read animal books or watch animal movies - even the ones with happy endings have parts that make me cry. I have heard a lot about how good this book is though so everyone who doesn't cry at the drop of the hat should go read it!! Seriously, I have been known to start crying during the puppy bowl, and that is just a bunch of puppies running around. I am a total sap.
Happy Birthday! Thanks for the book review:)
ReplyDeleteI would probably cry also and would need that box of tissues, and wouldn't be able to get one tissue out cause of all the rubber bands! Am glad you are having a wonderful B-Day!
ReplyDeleteI really want to read the book that TG writes...cause that is the only thing about animal books I don't like!!
ReplyDeleteWe hope you had an awesome birthday Madi Mama!!!
Dory and the Mama
Happy birthday! How old are you? Never mind, my Momma taught me some manners. I loved Homer's story. Even if you don't want to play with the rubber bands, you can always read the "other" type of book and use the tissues for the crying parts. And I thought I had it bad...poor Homer. But we both lived to tell our story so: Live is beautiful!!!
You are smart Madi, if there's no goodies inside the box is just a box. But it is fun to play with rubber bands.
ReplyDeleteCindi Lou
It sounds like a really good book, I will see if I can find it on Amazon. Back when we lived in Portland my hubby's boss took in a blind kitten to live with their other two cats. Watching all three of them play together you would never have guessed the kitten was blind. If it got to going too fast it might run into something but so would the other cats.
Hugs & purrs,
Judy and Cindi Lou
Happy Birthday to you
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Cecilia
Happy Birthday to you !!!!!!!!!!
Could you hear me singing to you Cecilia??
I hope it has been a good one.
Hi, I love to read animal books too. I just like to read, but I only read on vacation. I should read more because it is relaxing.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you had a Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Madi's Mom! I hope it is one of the bestest birthdays ever!
ReplyDeleteMy mom likes to read too but hasn't been doing much of it lately. I'm gonna tell her about that book. I'm glad I finally got to the "P" blogs in my reader....I had well over 20 posts of yours to catch up on! It is a slow process but we are making our way through.
Madi, make sure and give your Mom some kisses from me.
Sure that is a pawesome book!
ReplyDeleteElvis would be 75?? Wow! I can't believe it!
Kisses and hugs
Happy birthday again! :D We hope you've had a great day.
ReplyDeleteThe Mommy says she has that book on her Kindle but hasn't read it yet (along with a gazillion other books...she says she needs about 75 uninterrupted years to read everything she has waiting *right now*! MOL). If we had a box with rubber bands around it, Pixie would gnaw on the rubber bands until they snapped...he loves rubber bands. Then he'd probably teach Ziggy that trick, he's teaching Ziggy all his other bad habits...teehee!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Happy Birthday, Madi's mom!! We're gonna tell our mom to read that book...Homer sounds like quite a cat!!
ReplyDeleteAnd can you believe Elvis would have been 75 tomorrow??!?
Happy Birthday to your mom! We likes her picture from yesterday!
ReplyDeleteElvis would be 75! Wow! Mom has a lots of his movies! She remembers what she was doing the hour she heard that he died!
That sounds like a great book! Sandusky here likes rubber bands. He has (in the past) ate them! Mom found them in his poopsies!
Happy Birthday dear friend...you have a beautiful day.
ReplyDeleteOlive and Mom :)
Happy Birthday to your M.O.M. I don't think I have ever smelled a "rubber Band" before. I may have to ask M.O.M. about that. Hugs and wags, Mistaya
ReplyDeletePoor Homer the Kitty, but I'm glad he was adopted by a loving person! Rubber bands on a tissue box! Clever fun for sight impaired cat!
ReplyDeleteOMG, Elvis would have been 75 today?!!! He died too young, I remember it like it was yesterday, but that was in '77!!
Only the celebrities are getting old, not us! HA!
You are one cool cat, Madi!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOur mamabug loves/loved Elvis also and always remembers his birthday. It is only a few days after her's, so it's very easy for her to remember....:) HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear ELVIS!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Mom!!! We were coming right over - right after our post. We hope you had a great day!
ReplyDeleteHow cool to share your birthday with Elvis. Ours is the 12th!
Loved your book review - we haven't read it, then again we cant read!
Our mum hasnt read it but it sounds lovely.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxxx
The worlds worst bloggers.......
Thanks for your visit, Madi. Yes, our mom's birthdays are close....our mamabug's was on Sunday, the 3rd. xxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteHappy Belated Purrthday to your mom! We feel awful that we missed you yesterday. Our mom took the day off from blogging. Hope you had a super fabulous day!
ReplyDeleteI am happy you had a great birthday! Beth says thanks for the book tip. She loves to read.