My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, September 11, 2009

Madi: Takes charge

Happy late Friday afternoon and Saturday,
As mentioned in previous posts, I (Madi) have issues with obsessiveness. Last night I kept pawing and messing with something on MY rug. It was driving Mom crazy because she could not see anything. She is always worried I'll eat something I shouldn't. She said Madi I believe you have OCD (obsessive/compulsive disorder)...but I don't feel bad Mom, is it contagious? She said no but you need to stop. I could tell she was gettin' a little peeved so, if you look closely at the picture, I took matters into my own 'paws' by trapping the crazy front paw under my hind leg. All is good now. Madi over and out.


  1. Our kitty Kirzon has had a bit of that - usually with licking plastic bags (luckily he never bites or chews them). Even if we move the bag he keeps going as long as possible.

  2. Oh My Madi!!! You caught a foot!!! MOL, that is HISSterical!!! Yer like a magician. And, you should tell your mom you don't have OCD, you have CDO, because it's in alphabteical order, like it should be. BWA~HA~HA~HA~HA~ have a furry happy weekend!

  3. Hi Madi,
    Tell your mom that she will know if you have OCD, our vet told us that Maxx has OCD, and sometimes I have to really watch her closely.
    Its getting upon the time of year when she really gets bad with it, ( I'll probably do a post about it) she seems to be worse when the leaves start falling.

  4. Tell Mom you were just scratching and rubbing the bottom of your feet on the rug Madi. It felt good didn't it? Or am I OCD too? (hehe)

  5. I forgot to tell you, thanks for the Aniversary greetings! We spent the day at Hollywood Studios. Had a good time too.

  6. Good thinking are too funny!!!


  7. We have that condition too only, we keep running around in circles! Don't worry Madi, we all have our little quirks that what makes us fun!

    Riley and Star.

  8. Madi
    It's ok, really like Riley said we all have our little quirks..and I'm very possessive of Momma.



  9. OCD...we have issues here too..sigh.

    Madi, I have an award for you ..come see me.

    Hope you have a wooferful weekend!!

    Licks and Tail Wags--

    Olive :)

  10. Hi, Madi!
    I guess many of us have that OCD!
    Kisses and hugs

  11. I have that problem too Madi but I drag my b... huh? Mom? Why you shoutin' No..Gizzy..NO!

    Sorry gots to go now..
    Grrrs from Giz

  12. You are such a sweetie Madi
    I send you many hugs
    Kareltje =^.^=

    Have a wonderful weekend with your Mom
    Anya :)

  13. You don't even want to know all my issues.........

  14. Hahaha! That's funny that you trapped your own paw like that...

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  15. Madi, Thanks for your comment on my flower. You certainly may wear it behind your ear! I use Photoscape, that came with my laptop to change up pics. So glad you like it.

  16. Oh that's okay Madi. We are suppose to do all of these things. It keeps mom's busy! What would they do without us!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi