My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday Flashback: Step kitties

Our stairs have always been a constant source of entertainment for all the pets we have loved.
Here is Milky-Way displaying his best hangover.

As I've mentioned in past post of Milky-Way and Cali were soul mates.
We never quite figured out why.
Below is a picture of Madi being very cute trying to get Cali to play. These two ladies never found common ground. By the time Madi was adopted, Cali was dealing with several aliments the worst being mega colon. She just did not feel like having a kitten in her face all the time.
Cali was the sweetest kitty even with all her aliments. She would not hiss at Madi as much as she would use body language and somehow Madi understood. To be quite frank I don't really blame Cali because Madi would not even let her use the litter box in peace....Madi was always right there to inspect things.


  1. Oh what a cute hangover that was,MK!!!
    This is another touching story....
    Maybe Cali and Madi weren't best friends,but we can feel how sweet Cali was to Madi and how cute Madi was to Cali in their own ways.
    Thank you for sharing those lovely photos with beautiful memories.

  2. Stairs are great..especially when they are carpeted!! We have stairs, too, but they are just wood and are not that fun, but since they are open, sometimes Mom plays with us between the steps when we walk down..THAT is fun!! Those pictures of MW, Cali and Mad are all great...we can see that those stairs have gotten a lot of cat-lovin' over the years!! Thanks for sharing!! Purrs, Lautrec and Tiny

  3. Always sweet photos of Milky-Way, Madi and Cali; they are all beautiful babies...My girls love to play on the stairs too and often sound like horses running up and down them!...Happy Friday sweet Madi...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  4. Good morning Madi and Mom, here we are doing an early morning sweep of the blogs!
    Now first of all can we say we had no idea Milky Way had a drink problem!
    Is this common with cats? We did once find Harry trying to drink a glass of wine some human had foolishly placed on the floor.
    He did well at Canine Alcoholics Anonymous! We expect there must be a Feline AA too although we guess it is too late now but just to bear in mind Madi!
    Now Cali looks a lovely kitty too - we don't think we have seen her before.
    She sounds a bit like our old Mouschi - grumpy but nice - you know a kind heart really but long suffering of kitties!
    Have a lovely day and nice to see the many adventures that take place on your stair.
    love and kisses
    Martha and Bailey xxx

  5. Madi,

    Stairs are such a great place for you kitties to play! I wish I could play on them too but I is too big. :(

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  6. Guess Madi was just making sure Cali knew she was a diva, even as a kitten. Nice to know the fun that can be had on stairs! lol

  7. Haha! Madi - Litterbox Inspector General. I think it's very much sweet that Cali put up with Crazy Baby Kitteh Madi.

    I luvs the picture of Milky Way on the stairs. Stairs are SO much fun. I hated 'em when I first got adopted but now I ZOOM! up and down 'em like the wind!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  8. That pic is so cute! Have a fun filled weekend!

  9. What is it about kitties and stairs?
    Cosmo Kitty loved them kitties are so easily entertained.
    Licks and sniffs,
    Zack, Sassy and Buddy

  10. My Lucky does Putter and Scooter the same way. He luvs to aggrevate Scooter the most.

  11. We don't have stairs at our hose...rats! They look like fun! MW and Cali sure were good looking kitties on the stairs.

    CC is our official "coverer" around here...he buries all the time in the box, including an occasional mousie! Scooping is sorta an adventure for Mommy.

  12. What beautiful memories!!!! We wish y'all a very happy and loving weekend. xxxxxxxxx

  13. Hi Madi and C,
    That is a great story!!!! Loved the pictures too!!! Cali was not feeling like playing and Madi was always feeling like playing. Happy is so old now and she has arthritis and she doesn't move all that much any more. I wish I knew how old she is. The vet thinks she is 18 or 19.
    XXOO, Happy & Fern

  14. I use to use OFF when I walked Joker 5 miles everyday. I used it for years. It helped but didnt keep them off completely!! Off aslo made me very sick or the ticks did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    With Amanda I use to take her to parks everyday.
    When I got Bambi we when to parks too. Then 07's fall, 08's fall and in o9 I gave up driving because I was not safe out there on the roads!!!! I can't turn my head from side to side
    so I am not safe to drive.
    Tom is trying to get a passport right now so he can go to London to have his surgery. He is in discomfort but it is still not too bad. It has slowed him down alot tho.
    XXOO, Fern
    I am so happy to have you back!!!!!

  15. I should have reread my comment to you!!
    I ment to say, went to parks.

  16. Kitten Madi sounds like Cricket NOW! She's relentless. Poor Skeeter can't use the litterpotty in peace AT ALL! And we like Madi's butt in that picture! MOL!

  17. So sweet! Those stairs look like a lot of fun!!!

  18. P.S. Thanks for becoming a follower on BB!!

  19. cute pictures~!! thanks for sharing~! and thank you for visiting my little blog. i hope to hear form you again~! :)


  20. Cats + stairs = good times! We didn't have stairs at our old place so when we moved they were totally fascinated by them!

    And it is so funny about Madi - some kittens just have to know everything the "big cats" are doing at all times.

  21. Hi Madi!

    We love the hang over!
    MIlky Way we wish we could have known you!


  22. We love playing on the stairs too!! But mom doesn't like us to, because she's afraid she's gonna trip over us...which, honestly, could happen!

  23. Lovely pictures!
    Sure Cali was very patient!
    Kisses and hugs

  24. Hi Madi & Mom,

    Kitties are so attracted to stairs, that is a great hangover shot of MW. Kitten Madi and Cali remind me of Cindi and Tasha. By the time Cindi came to live with us Tasha's health problems were getting serious but she put up with a young cat and only hissed at her a few times.

    Great photos, Cali looks like a real sweetie.

    Hugs & Purrs,
    Judy and Cindi Lou


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi