My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween and Jack's SAYDWP Day

Madi is celebrating SAYDWP: S(leep) A(nywhere) Y(ou) D(arn) W(ell) P(lease) Day with
Because today is Halloween and some of us furkids are 'a scared' of the door bell so we choose to
sleep through HALLOWEEN any darn place we please!!!
Thanks Jack and TG for thinking of this very fine way to spend a very SPOOKY day and for this
very nice SAYDWP CARD


  1. You are very smart, Madi!
    Happy Halloween!
    Kisses and hugs

  2. I think I was voodoo'd into a cat because someone knows how much I like Miss Madi!!

    But she is much more beautiful than I ended up being!

  3. Cute collage, beautiful Madi and we love your SAYDWP card=we need to get one of those (although we do it anyway!)...Happy Halloween, sweetie; we hope you have a fun day filled with treats...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  4. The Halloween collage is so cool, we love all of those pumpkins. And the little mushrooms are so cute.

    Great idea with the SAYDWP card, Cindi Lou does that anyway. She hates the doorbell and all the activity with the kids coming to the door so she gets to stay in my office tomorrow night.

    Happy Halloween!
    J and Cindi Lou Boo!

  5. Very good idea of Jack's, but I do tend to do that every day!! there was fire works going on around here last night, so I just put me paws over me ears!!!
    Happy Halloween to you
    See Yea George xxx

  6. Happy Halloween to you Madi & Mom :)

  7. I will refer this to the kitties. I like to answer the door, although I do hate missing my naps. Franklin like to answer the door way too enthusiastically. This could shape up to be an interesting day. Madi, enjoy sleeping wherever you damn well please. And since when do kitties sleep anywhere else?

    lotsa licks, Lola

  8. Beautiful collage, HiC!
    Happy, Yappy Howl-o-ween to you!
    ~K and the Pups

  9. Happy Halloween, Madi! I am with you on that sleep anywhere you want day! I will be sure Rosie knows about this as well - though she pretty much does this everyday!

    Your pal, Pip

  10. Great way to spend the day! Billy would just bark all night if we had trick or treaters, hehe.

  11. Love the collage! Have a very Happy Halloween!

  12. We think we'll print up 13 of those cards and have 'em laminated, too! SAYDWP cards might be a runaway hit!

  13. Nice collage Madi!! I dont blame you at all~~You just have sleeeping anywhere your little heart desires ok?? Sweet dreams!!
    Happy Halloween


  14. Happy Halloween, my dear Queen Diva! What would we do without Jack? I hope all get today is treats! Enjoy!

  15. Happy Halloween Madi and Mom - loved the collage.
    We hope you have a great day with lots of spooky treats.
    Martha and Bailey xx

  16. Great collage - Happy Halloween.

  17. Um, Madi. I thought EVERY day was Sleep Anywhere You Darn Well Please Day for kittehs. We're not skeered of the doorbell around here but Brudder Ranger always thinks it's a matter HOW many times I tell him burglars don't ring the doorbell.

    I hope you have a very, very happy Meow-la-ween, Madi!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  18. We support SAYDWP too, Madi!!

    Hope you had a Happy Halloween!!

  19. Madi,

    I sure hopes you had a wunderful Howl-O-Ween today and I hopes you gots lots of treats but no tricks.

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  20. So cute... love the collage - especially the bumpy pumpkins!!

  21. That sounds like a good day to celebrate to me!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi