My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


By now you all know, Mom is retired goes and comes as she pleases all day long. Last week when she returned from one of her many jaunts, I did not greet her at the door as per normal.  She bellowed loving called for me.  I meowed quietly from this spot.  She got
all gushy down in my face apologizing blah blah blah for leaving me she said she had no idea this was going to happen.......

 Kitties and puppies ask your peoples to describe this
horrible picture to you. Look from the bottom where the men are 
standing all the way to the top of this picture.    The crane was taking down 70' pine trees in the yard across from my house and it was noisy and well our ears are twice as sensitive.

 It had very sharp jaws way at the top to take the tree down in
sections.  This is the top of one tree.  There was lots of other
noisy machinery and lots of loud man peoples.
 The gray house is mine so you see how close they were.
I was hiding my peoples bedroom becasue it was the far away from the noise as I could get.
 Here are just two sections from one of the many,
many pines they took down.
Yes after Mom got all gushy in my face apologizing and blah blah blah she left me to go take pictures.



  1. What does she win if she gets enough demerits? :)

  2. Oh Madi, your poor sensitive ears. All those horrible noises must have been extremely traumatizing! Good job however on the quiet meow from behind the door, a sure way to make the peeps feel guilty.

    Cindi Lou

  3. Sorry I've been very lax in visiting with my bestest furbaby blogger!! Time got away. But I'm here and I'm going to catch up on what y'all have been up to these past few days.

    I'd be hiding too...with earplugs!! I can see why you'd not go to greet her home....she left you far too long!

    Here's my link for today: A Mermaid She's Not Do stop by if you get a chance. And thanks for visiting with me yesterday!!

  4. Poor Madi, A Diva such as yourself should never have to go through such a horrible thing :(

  5. I have special earplugs, actually Mom does, want me to send them to you for future big noises? I hates loud noised too! Love Billy

  6. Oh Madi, that's just wrong to leave a kitty home alone during all that noisy nonsense!

    Sorry we've been MIA...Mom's been busy busy in Dad's absence!

  7. Mom's has been gettin' lots of demerits since she retired. Hmmmmm...what's up wit dat?

    Sorry bout all da noise though.

  8. Madi, so sorry that noise had you upset. Take it easy on Mom, she luvs you!

  9. Oh Madi I can't believe that your Mom would leave you all alone. Wait I can cause my Grandma is retired too and she does that alot. Perhaps we should gang up on my Mom and get her to move back to school. We would never be alone then and always have cool parties.

  10. Da nerve of those guys to disturb the Diva's nap time!!
    Maybe Mom thought you had gotten used to her being home and thought you missed her!
    Nah! I guess a Diva cat doesn't give a whisker! tee hee hee

  11. Keep demerit-ing your Mom! Just kidding. HEE HEE

    I hope you were not traumatized by all those loud noises, Madi. You poor poor kitty.

  12. Madi, we bet that was scary with all those people and those big machines. I would be hiding too. Looks like both our moms have gotten lots of demerits lately. They better shape up! Lots of love, Holly

  13. Oh Madi! That must have been scary! Glad all is well Ever since Mom retired she has gotten pretty wild, hasn't she?

  14. Your mom so needs to gets her priorities in order. Ever since her has retired her has been very unschedued, thinking time sin't an issue anymore. Hoomans, so strange they are.

    I would haves called da pop and complained about a noise disturbance...bwhahahahahaha!

    PS da two hottoes are from the show.

  15. Poor poor poor Madi !!!
    I feel for you dear Madi !!!
    xx, Fern

  16. Do you need a new notebook for the demerits? Because we will totally send you one. When we have scary things like the garbage truck we go inspect the closet.

  17. Yikes! That looks skeery, Madi! You sure were smart to hide far, far away from that big tree-eating monster! Your mom is gonna have to come up with something BIG to make up for all those demerits.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  18. OH dear Madi
    THAT was brutal.
    We have mature trees in our neighbor hood too ...and lots of pines just like yours.
    (Mom says she would love to get rid of them)

    >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<
    Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie

  19. OoH Madi,

    I don't know what has gotten into your mom.... ;)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  20. Madi, we can't believe your sweet sensitive ears were subjected to that!! Your mom owes you big time!!

  21. Well of all the nerve??? I think retirement may be going to her head! I hope you weren't too traumatized!

    Your pal, Pip


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi