My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Enrichment for WHOM?

Thank you for your lovely comments to Mom yesterday..
she passed with flying colors and is already back to
being aggravating...MOL MADI 
This cat toy used to be fun.  Anytime I felt like poking my paws in the various holes  at the little ball dangling from the middle, it was simple to do.  Now that Mom is in my face ready to serve me anytime she she decided it was too simple so she stuck a ton of my tote toys into all the holes to enrich it. Inquiring minds want to know is it to enrich my life or Mom's.  In my opinion she looked pretty silly enriching it.
However, just to humor her I decided to check it out
whoa that pink feathery tote tickles my nose
Oh my cats look who I found...poor little Pounce the Beanie Baby kitty is upside down.
Hang on buddy I'll pull you out by your tail
Poor little guy all the beans rushed to your head
I bet you can hardly breath.....
Stay still I'll give you C(at)P(uff)R(evival)'ll be fine in no time

Pounce your sweet little nose is pink again. I think you'll be ok now.
Mom has 2 Beanie Babies, Pounce and Zip. When she saw Pounce she had to have him
because his birthday is August 28 which is the same day as my human sissy.

Zip's birthday is the same as my Grandma's March 28.  They were both here
long before me but I think it is kind of funny they both have pink noses just like mine.

Pounce, Zip and I thank you for stopping by to say hi.
Hugs Madi


  1. Oh my goodness Madi, I think you rescued Pounce just in the nick of time. His nosy was starting to turn blue.

    I think we have Zip and Pounce's twins around here somewhere. Don't tell anyone Madi but my Mom used to collect Beanie Babies, it was before I came so I'm not too embarrassed. Maybe I have her look for them.

    Glad your Mom passed her test!

    Cindi Lou

  2. Miss Madi, Thanks for updating about mommy is already back to
    being aggravating..That's funny and good to hear she is doing well : )

    Your toys look so much fun, Mom Look smart !!!
    Purrs and Hugs to your mom

  3. I am so glad your mom is feeling good and back to bothering you! How kind of you to play along with her enrichment games! Pounce and Zippy are very cute, too. Will they be attending the picnic this weekend?

    Your pal, Pip

  4. Madi,

    Happy news dat your mom is AOK! My mom is trying to get her act together so I can start bloggin' again. Her has had a bit of a ker-AzY time lately!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  5. Oh My Cats!!! That's so funny well not what happened to Pounce, but the rest is!! and I'm glad mom is ok ;)

  6. We're not sure about your mom's idea of "enrichment," Madi. And we're certainly glad you rescued Pounce--that was a close call for him!

  7. Hellos there Madi!!!! I'm just getting round and catching ups with all my furrends. I'm glad your mom is A-OK and has her puter privileges back.

    Pounce is a lucky have you around to resuscitation him.

  8. I guess I never realized the beanies had birthdays.

  9. Madi, we are very glad your mom is back and in good shape!! That's cute the way your toys are stuck in holes for you to rescue!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

  10. We are so happy that your mommy is okay! You have cool toys....

  11. Madi, don't you just love it how mom's like to enrich our lives with new toys! BOL

    I'm not as subtle as you, I go digging for them in the shopping bags when ever they go shopping at Wally World!

    I play with them for a while and then they are B-O-R-I-N-G!! My mom stashes them away in my toy box for me to hunt for them again!

    We have to keep them on their toes!

  12. Mom was playing with your toys???
    Maybe the anesthesia had not worn off yet! :)

    Nosetaps and ear scrathes!

  13. So very nice to meet you, Pounce and Zip. And....what cute wittle pink noses you has!

  14. Whew! I am SO super glad you were able to save Pounce. WHAT was your mom thinking - putting him in upside down like that? Yeesh! I thinks you should keep her away from your toys from now on.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  15. So glad Mom is feeling better!!! Madi--Mom is bringing an amusement park to you! Give her a break. She means well.

  16. heh heh, we think you BOTH had fun with the toy, even if NEITHER of you would ever admit it...

  17. Beanie Babies! Cool! My human sister still has hers! That looks like a fun toy there Madi! I need to take notes on Cat Puff Revival!

  18. We are glad your mum passed with flying colours. It is very lucky for Pounce that you saved him in the nick of time.

  19. We love beanie babies too plus Mom has this awesome collection of stuffies to play with as well.

  20. Wow Madi, your toys are so fun!!! We love it!

  21. Oh, we're so glad that Pounce is gonna be okay! Our mom has almost all the cat beanies...she 'specially likes the Halloween ones.

  22. Those are good news, Madi!
    I am happy to know your mom is healthy!
    Those are pawesome toys!
    Kisses and hugs

  23. This has a 28 paw rating!! Where did your Momma find that toy? My lil Mew would go bonker nana's over something neato spadito like that. Great job saving Pounce Madi. I was breathlessly waiting to see the outcome as I scrolled down. :) XoXo's ~ Sarah


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi