My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Happy Saturday all.. I have two seals of approval to talk about today.
1.  My Annual Vet Visit
We are sorry no pictures of me going to/from the Vet.  It was 100 degrees when we left toooooooo hot for anyphotos.Dad cooled off the car for 10 min. before we left and they had the vents blowing right on me and I yowled all of the 8 minutes it takes to drive to my vet. MOL
My wonderful vet gave me his seal of approval at my annual checkup yesterday.
Happy Vet Happy Pet
He was extremely complimentary of my girlish figure.  Last year I tipped (the scales over) at a
full figured 12.1 lb....this year I weighed 11.2 lb...Mom was so proud of me she gave me
8 pieces of kibble, yes she counted every one of them, when we got home. They stole some of my blood for a Diva blood panel. Mom had a talk with the Vet tech as soon as we arrived.  Mom strongly suggested she not mention Senior blood panel.  My vet told Mom he'd call her on Monday after he compared them with last years.
2. Mom bought some new walking shoes on Thursday. In the below video, I'm giving them my seal of approval


  1. We are glad fings went well at the V-E-T.

  2. LOL...what IS it with you cats and boxes? Here we spend a 'gazillion' buckaroos on toys, and catnip...and you'd prefer the boxes instead. Go figure. But, m'lady, you are always a treasure and if a box you want, a box you'll get!!!

    Love the shoes.

    Glad to hear the vet gave you a good report!!!

    With the Tropical Storm threat, this is the first chance I have to catch up on those that stopped by to visit me the past couple of days. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment for me: much appreciated!!!

    My link for Saturday: TWO'S COMPANY - THREE'S A CROWD

    Have a blessed weekend.

  3. Looking good and feeling great, huh Ms. Madi?

    Ooooh, all the mall walkers will be jealous of Mom's new, colorful shoes!

    You know what Forrest Gump's momma said, " you could tell an awful lot about a person by the kind of shoes they wear."...

  4. Madi when you get back you must let us plumper cats in on how you lost weight.

  5. We are so glad your vet visit is over and congratulations on the weight loss, although you have always been purrfect just the way you are, gorgeous Madi :)...Best of luck with those test results on Monday=we are keeping our paws crossed for you, sweetie...Stay cool and have a happy weekend, precious girl...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  6. Hi Madi, we are glad you vet visit went well and you got a clean bill of health. We will keep our paws crossed for good results on Monday.

    Our mom told us she assisted two vets yesterday by taking care of the kitties after surgery. She said she gave s-h-o-t-s, we wish we could spell so we knew what that meant.

    Your mom has very cool, comfy looking walking shoes but you got the box which is the best part.

    Cindi Lou and the Krew

    PS, our mom says that's hot temperatures. Stay cool!

  7. are such a movie STAR! Someday, I'd love your pawtograph. So happy you are so healthy!

  8. Madi, wonderful news on the vet visit!!! Yay!!! We love your mom's new shoes...they are very pretty and we bet comfortable to walk in too!!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

  9. I bets you were real happy to get back home again. Vet visits really stink!

  10. Oh Madi! We're so glad you passed the vet test!! Now how did you lose that weight?? I got a couple extra pounds that I need to lose!!

    Hey, those shoes are a little bright, aren't that??


  11. Oops! I meant...aren't THEY?? I gotta get a new typist.


  12. We understand about those hots, Madi. We hope you passed the rest of your tests with flying colors! Haf a great weekend lovely Madi! xoxo

  13. Well Ms. Diva Madi,
    I admit that I am jealous. When I had my last Dr. Visit I did NOT weigh less than I did at the previous visit. Girl, you deserved that extra kibble!

  14. So very glad to hear that things went well with the vet and we luv your mum's new walking shoes! We're trying to get our Mum to get some as well!
    Snuggles and Catnip,
    Bronson,Pepper,And Mom

  15. Madi, we're glad your vet visit went well and will keep our paws crossed for your bloodwork results.

    The mom loves those walking shoes! What brand are they? She doesn't see anything cool like that here, though our city must sell funky-coloured walking shoes...somewhere.

  16. So glad to hear about the good vet visit! Nice shoes for Mom. To bad she can't take you walking with her.

  17. Time to start working on that weight loss video!

  18. We think you got all 11.2# in there! So now we know the cat-sitter didn't overstuff the Diva.

    Pawws crossed that your Diva blood will amaze the vet!

  19. It was nice of yur mom to buy you that pretty orange box! It looks pretty with your furs!!

    -Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

  20. I was waiting to see all of Madi in the box..... :)

  21. Those are very snazzy looking shoes Madi! Good to see you got the box. We are glad you had a good vet visit and concats on losing weight.

  22. Mama giggled at the shoe inspection because our angel sister kitty Addie use to make sure NO shoes left the house until she had thoroughly gotten her scent all over them!!

    Dory, Jacob and Bilbo

  23. Sounds like your vet appt. went a lot better than my Dr. appt.....


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi