My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I bet you are all asking yourselves or your assistants what in the world is that crazy Madi looking at?
Well I'm here to tell you, last weekend our weather was as near to purrfection as it gets here in NC.
I heard commotion coming from my sis and bil's room so being the curious cat that I am, I ran in to see if I could help.  Lo and behold Mom had decided to throw open the windows.  Kitties and puppies the
whiffs of outside air and sounds nearly sent me into oblivion...

Notice the glazed look in my cat eyes
  I carefully made my way to the sounds and whiffs.  I discovered an entire new world was at the tip of my is a very rare event to find an open window here because the weather is either
hot as "he-double hockey sticks" or damp, cool and muggy.

I told Mom I thought I'd sit a spell so I could enjoy this momentous event....I tried to count all the glorious things I saw and smelled but I ran out of toes and fingers. One thing for sure I'm glad I stopped on that very day to enjoy the sounds and whiffs because the weather changed abruptly this week.

This is THE END of a very happy cat.


  1. That's the way it is here in Oklahoma. The weather can change in a hurry. I'm the offishul furcaster fur our family! Haf a pawsome Wednesday, Madi. xoxo

  2. Oh Madi... to see the world through the eyes of a cat such as you is such a special thing! Thanks so much for reminding us of how glorious it can be!

  3. Oh MAdi
    camping ou in front of the window is the best!! ENJOY and sniff lots!!

    Jazzi and Addy

  4. It was so nice here too last week Madi and we enjoyed every minute of getting to sit and sniff all the wonderous smells. We even got to scare off the mailman! Hope you have a wonderful week dear Madi!
    Snuggles and catnip,
    Bronson, Pepper, and Mum

  5. Oh Madi, you gave us a little scare. When we saw your first photo we thought you were looking at a monster (or maybe a imaginary bug). There is nothing better than sitting by an open window and enjoying all the wonderful smells.

    Our weather has been changing a lot too, we have had wind, rain and even a little thunder last night.

    Purrs & Hugs,
    Cindi Lou and The Krew
    and J

  6. Oooh, we are sniffing your window whiffies too and its absolutely lovely. Hope you get another open window soon Madi :)xx

  7. What a wonderful day for you, Madi. I'm so glad you took the time to indulge yourself!

  8. Did you bark at anything going by? I do. hehe Lovies to my BFFF, Miss Mindy

  9. well that is a most happy post - it all sounds purrfect! Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

  10. Hi Madi,

    We love looking out of our windows too.. sometimes when the weather is nice, our mom will open the balcony doors and let us out (and we will bark at any doggie or kitty that walks by)!

    Hope you get more nice weather!!

  11. Oh Madi, you look very interested! Glad you could enjoy the awesome outdoors from the open window!!

  12. Nothing better than that first open window of the year.

    pawhugs, Max

  13. We're glad you had such fabulous window whiffies, Madi, and we hope you get to have them again!

  14. Oh how nice it would be to sit by an open window with all the neat smells. Butt......with all the HEAT here, our windows have NEVER even been open. Mee tinks dey is glued shut!!!!


  15. We are glad you enjoyed some good window wiffing while you could Madi. The weather here has been fantastic too but today rain and cooler temps are on the way so the windows have been closed up.

  16. We all love it when the doors and windows are open here too. Fresh air is so much nicer. We have had some great weather for weeks now, but time for some rain. We don't like rain because Mom won't let us outside, but we do need it.

    You look lovely enjoying all those sniffs, Miss Madi.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  17. Own! Windows!!! So really good!!!!

  18. I love it when the windows are open! You can really hear the birdies sing their pretty songs!

  19. Love outdoor smells...well

  20. lol Mom, mine would have gone thru the screen.

  21. Happy stays out a lot, this time of year b/c she gos in and out at will !!
    Happy is happy Tinker is gone b/c she never got to like her but me,, I miss her so much...
    I wanted her to live with us for the rest of her life!!
    Thanks so much for your visit Madi & Mom

  22. Oh Madi, we are enjoying this great weather too. You look like you are so happy getting all those whiffs of fresh air. What fun is that. Hope you get lots more whiffs in today.

  23. Hi Madi - we came across your blog and wanted to say Hi and be friends! Wow the NC weather is amazing right now it sounds, we are down here in Texas :) We look forward to learning more about you!

  24. Glad to see you are still blogging and are as cute as ever! The cats here know how you felt when the window was opened :) It could be snowing and freezing cold, and my cats would still want the windows open! Great photos.

  25. Madi,

    I am so happy dat you was able to enjoy wunderful weather at your house!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  26. Madi, we're sure glad you got some window whiffies in. Our weather was pretty good to...but's downhill....


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi