My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Mom and I thank Hootin Anni for sponsoring

Last Sunday, January 1, 2012, Mom and Dad decided to take a
trip to a far and distant land, Downtown Raleigh. To check out some of the new and exciting things happening, art work, new buildings etc.  Dad worked in Downtown Raleigh for 33 years and avoids it like the plague now.
Sunday was a holiday and there were no crowds.  Mom had her camera.  She had an Aha moment and thought these will be great for Thursday Theme Song. We hope you enjoy it Downtown vocals Petula Clark

When you are alone and life is making you lonely
You can always go, downtown
When you've got worries, all the noise and the hurry
Seems to help, I know, downtown

Mom tok this picture from the end of Fayetteville Street looking
down.  She liked the shapes of the sphere and the triangle on the RBC bldg.
The lights are much brighter there
You can forget all your troubles
Forget all your cares and go
The structure below is one of 4 light towers in the entertainment mall.  We haven't seen them
at night but they certainly are pretty.  They are made of stainless steel with embossed oak leaves and acorns...(Raleigh is called the City of Oaks)
Downtown, things'll be great when you are Downtown,
No finer place for sure,
The peeps study this work of art for some time...they think maybe the top section is supposed to be an Eagle...

Please click on the video below, if you'd like to hear Ms. Clark sing while you look at the rest of the pictures .

Don't hang around and let your problems surround you
There are movie shows,(and museums) Downtown
Maybe you know some little place to go to
where they never close, downtown
This is the older section of our Musem of Natural Sciences

Just listen to the rhythm of a gentle bossa nova
You'll be dancing with them too
Before the night is over
Happy again,
Maybe you'll find somebody (gorgeous Newfie Puppy) kind
To help and understand you
Somebody who is just like you
And needs a gentle hand to guide them along

So maybe I'll see you there
We can forget all our troubles
forget all our cares and go
Chorus is repeated here

This picture was taken looking down from the older section toward the new additions

which includes this gigantic sphere which is called the Daily Planet.
The director of the Museum  says "there is nothing (that we know of) like the Daily Planet
anywhere.  Through high speed internet the Daily Planet will connect to every school in North Carolina so
children all over the State can receive a quality science experience. "

This last picture is of another piece of very orange art...
the peeps aren't sure of it's significance!!
Mom says beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
N. C. Museum of Natural Sciences Info.
Annual visitors 2010-11: 709,222
Annual Budget: $11.7 million in state appropriated funds; 2 million to 3 million from the museum
Employees: 106 permanent staff, 60-70 part-time or temporary staff
47 new staffers are being hired for the Natural Research Center.

As always, Mom and I thank you for stopping by to visit us today.
Hugs Madi


  1. Our Mommy just lufs this song!
    Kudos to you Madi, fur lettin the Mom haf this post!

  2. Cool pics Madi. How does she come up with just the right songs??

    Jazzi and Addy

  3. Raleigh really has some beautiful sculptures and garden spaces. I really like the idea of the museum's high speed internet project, science is my favorite subject and it's good to see an emphasis on it in the schools. I also like that they named it after the newspaper in Superman.


  4. I love this song and it was a wonderful selection for a great tour of Raliegh! Thank you Mom for me, Madi and you two have a wonderful day!

  5. Super!!!
    I loved reading about how the "Daily Planet" connects all over the country. Way cool. And a song that is a favorite around here.

    So tell me, Ms. Diva ---while the evil step sister and brother [mom and dad] were away...did you get into any mischief? Come on...'fess up!!

  6. Thanks for the fun photo vist to Raleigh. Mom has never been there. But she does love that song - too bad Petula didn't put out lots more big hits.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  7. I found the was easier that finding Waldo.... Great pics. I have never heard that song before but Beth is singing and dancing all over the place....thanks a lot....ha ha!

  8. Mama's reliving her teeny booper years while listening to Petula!!!!!!!!!!!

    We love you gorgeous Mads.

  9. Awesome pictures. The sculptures are very interesting. Some of them leave you guessing what they are or what the sculptur was thinking as he sculpted. The song goes very well with them and "Downtown" in the bright sunlight looks like a wonderful place to forget all your troubles. (I guess that is why Andy, Opie and Aunt Bee enjoyed going there so much...LOL) Maybe I should go for a visit and shake off this slump I seem to be in.
    The Daily Plant sounds really neat too.

  10. Thank you, Madi and Mom, for the tour of downtown Raleigh!
    Perfect idea to go down on a holiday weekend to ACTUALLY see the unique art and wonderful architecture!
    A perfect theme song for today!
    Hugs, Kathy

  11. That was a lovely tour "Downtown" and we enjoyed the pictures. Mum keeps singing the song now. It used to be one of her favourites.

  12. Wow Madi....thanks for the tour :) Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year's :)

  13. My brother went to NC State and we used to love to visit Raleigh. Thanks for an updated glimpse.

  14. My Mom use to hear that song when she was in high school, and her peeps would drive into Buffalo to her sis's nursing school. She remembers the "Skyway bridge" by this song.
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  15. Beautiful little travel log! The music is perfect! ~ Diane

  16. I'm luving all the sculptures!

    Missed you Madi and Mom.

  17. Wow now that is a BIG city! heck, our tallest building is 5 stories tall! It is know around town as the "tall buildin", go figure!

    woos, Tessa

  18. Madi,
    Raleigh sure looks like a beOOtiful city! :) Mom lived in NC for 2 years but her never got to visit it, maybe someday.

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  19. Thanks for showing us downtown Raleigh!

  20. It was a pawesome Raleigh tour!
    Kisses and hugs

  21. I spent a week in Raleigh many years rained the entire week, and I spent a lot of time at the mall! I enjoyed seeing what I missed, thanks for sharing!

  22. 33 years, he must have a Kodak Eastman camera then. I was watching the news that it is going broke. I LOL, I used films too.

    Our Downtown Mall plays this song all the time.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi