My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Weird Word Wednesday

The other day while Mom was helping me visit my friend's blogs she came across one 'word verification' that she thought was pretty funny.   
Normally these words are just letters; however,
I ponder the deeper meaning of the word as a napped in my sun puddle while Mom took a walk around our 'hood with the flashy beast.  When she returned, the meaning came to me.

 Unday: is the day of the week when something happens that you do not want to remember.

As in, the day she comes home talking about a
handsome orange and white cat she meet
 This most handsome and friendly dog,Cody she
meets every day.   All I hear is that he runs to greet her and sits quietly by her side while she rubs he most gorgeous furs and he never barks or jumps.  Which is a good thing because when he is standing his head is even with Mom's elbow. 

Mom, thinks Cody is part black Lab 
and part Landseer Newfie.  They are black with white patches.
So let me end by saying I hope you don't have any 
Unday's in your future because quite frankly they are  


  1. Great word! The most unusual word verification we efur got was "frognads". What made it so hee-larry-us was that it was on a post made by a kitteh about to haf his "jewels" removed! HaHaMeow! That was his "Unday"! Happy Wednesday, pretty Madi. xoxo

  2. Madi, I love this word. Anytime my Mom talks about another pet is going to be an "Unday" around here. Thanks!!

    Loveys Sasha

  3. We really like your definition of this new word Madi. We will remember it the next time our mom comes home smelling like other cats or dogs. Once she came home and we smelled .... squirrel. That was definitely an unday. Cody looks very nice.

    Cindi Lou and The Kitty Krew

  4. We have a new day of the week, Unday. Mummy is very pleased and hopes this is a non working day :)xx

  5. We had and unday this week and it was just terrible! So ready to be able to celebrate the weekend. Happy hump day!
    Bronson, Pepper, and Mum

  6. Nope, no undays here! They would make me unhappy and I don't like to be like that.... Have a fun day, Queen Madi! Cody looks like a cool friend!

  7. HAHAHA that is so funny! Think we may use that word too!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  8. Hmmmmm.....I seem to have a lot of UNDAYS when da Momma is too busy to give me her full attention. :o(

  9. If I has a day dat starts out likes an UNDAY, I will most certainly rectify dat...mum don't likes it when I does dat thoughs. It usually means trubles.

    Nows, you needs to gets a leash on your mum furs talkin' to udder kittehs. What evers was her thinkin'?


  10. Madi, that's a great definition for that word unday. We all have days we want to forget. We think we will add it to our vocabulary too. We must say, however, that Cody is a very handsome pup even if he is a giant:)

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  11. Very clever Madi, we think unday is a great definition!!! I think that doggie sounds very well behaved; Rio still jumps when she gets over excited...I'm hoping she will grow out of that :-(

  12. Woof! Woof! GREAT!!! YAH! Undays ... Hey you might like my WW post today ... I am in a _ _ _. Happy Wednesday! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  13. Well Madi, we can understand why you want to call it an unday. But we thought it was a lot of fun to meet the orange and white cat and the dog looks like a terrific dog. Looks like Mom lives is a fun hood. Love the word. Going to have to remember that one. Take care.

  14. I have "undays" all the time then....Thank-you for shedding some like on the word :)

  15. Well Madi, you will just have to share Mom's affections!
    She has a big heart for all kinds of fur friends, she just can't help it!
    OMG, Cody is huge if he comes up to her elbow and he's still on all 4's!!
    I must say he is a charmer!
    But don't worry, nobody will ever take your place!
    They wouldn't dare! LOL/MOL

  16. Unday... I like that. And have I ever got a good one that I'm sure would qualify...

  17. Woah! That dog is very, very tall!

    Also, we had an unday yesterday. So much kennel time. I'm trying to forget it.



  18. Well now....My dear Madi...happy UNDAY to you too. Pfffft....I think Cody is precious. And that orange and white cat,'s definitely good looking as ALL kitties are, but [don't tell Tahoe or Winston, now y'hear]....but I think you're gorgeous.

    PS...did mom share her chocolate chip cookie with you? OOPS...she didn't tell you? Okay, then forget I asked.

    1. guess I let the cat out of the bag?!!! [insert wink]

  19. Heehee! Unday! I can think of an Unday! It's the day when you have to go to the V.E.T. That's definitely a day I wanna "un."

    Wiggles & Wags,

    PeeS. I just wanna tell you and your mom AGAIN how much your support means to MY mom. Thank you! Thank you!

  20. Madi, you don't think he's kinda cute?

  21. Have a great UNDAY my dear and sweet princess Madi!

  22. Oh Madi, this made me giggle. You are quite the philosopher. Unfortunately, I have way too many undays and so does my mom!

    Your pal, Pip

    P.S.: I think Remington's mom is right about Cody! What a cutie.

  23. Heehee hee Madi
    YOU are brillant!
    We hope you don't have an unday.

  24. That is a great definition Madi. We will have to remember that when we have a day we don't like.

  25. Well, it may have been an unday for you, Madi...but it looks like it wasn't an unday for your mom!

  26. Oh Madi, I totally agree ... Unday's are not good days!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi