My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thursday Theme Song: Instrumental

Mom and I thank Hootin Anni for sponsoring

Normally we post a song with lyrics, which this song has,
but we think Mr. Acker Bilk's instrumental version of 
Strangers on the Shore
is absolutely gorgeous.
It is one of Mom's favorite instrumentals too.
A few of our favorite pictures from this year will be below the
video.  Please click on the video the scroll down for the pictures.....
Just listen to this beautiful song.

Mom and I thank you all for stopping by today.
Madi and Mom


  1. Just gorgeous music! I can just see you and I, Madi, dancing by the moonlight with the reflection in the water. A nice breeze, palms swaying, and niptinis waiting close by..... Sorry, I faded off there fur a moment. MOL! XOXO from Prancer Pie.

  2. Yipee its Thursday Theme Song at Madis. Lovely selection today, very pretty. I am kind of snickering at the last picture of you where I can't figure out which end is up.

    Loveys Sasha

  3. I just love that last picture of your athletic self!


  4. Hey Madi, we see you are showing off your gorgeous tocks in that last photo. You are one very shapely girl. Spooky is now drooling on the computer screen. Down boy!

    J, here. That is a beautiful song. I do remember hearing it but so long ago. Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed it.

    Hugs and Purrs,
    J, Cindi Lou and The Krew

  5. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!

  6. You are a coolcat mate! Mum has always wanted to play the clarinet like Benny Goodman (perhaps you could take requests and feature his version of "Let's Dance" one week? ;-) ) But Aker ain't bad at all! Deccy x

  7. Are you doing a handstand there, Madi. What a wonderful picture.

    Pawhugs, Max

  8. I didn't know you were a gymnast! What a wonderful form you have! I love that song was one of my dad's very favorites! Hugs to you and your mom!

  9. Nice music! Hehe, giggling at the last photo!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  10. Oh yes....yes, yes!! I like Boots Randolph's version of this song. And it's funny that you put an instrumental version on this week...I ALMOST did the same. There was a youtube video of someone playing the piano solo of The Morning After, and it was beautiful!!!!

    You two always do a 'bang up job' of it all for a theme song.

  11. Great song, a favorite of our Mom's too and Wow look at those tocks in that last picture.Oh Katie, there is going to be line up at your door of gentleman.Have a terrific day.

  12. Wow your Mama got some great action shots!!


  13. Mom is dancin/floating around the house again.

    Ah, Madi....are you standin' on your head in that last pic????


  14. You're so talented! I wish I could do handstands like you can.

  15. Ah yes, Mom says that IS a great instrumental. And Madi, that last picture - what exactly are your doing there? Makes us want to say what Mom saw on a license plate yesterday - HMMMMMM:)

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  16. Ah yes, I remember that one! A great song on the clarinet!
    So amazing that you're 10 and can do handstands, Madi! :)

  17. I know this was originally written for clarinet but I have an LP with Andy Williams singing it. The instrumental is better. Madi you are in great shape.

  18. i am listening the the song and it is beautiful, i listened as i stared at your beautiful self and now as i type.

  19. OMD OMD... Madi... did your mom turn her kitchen Down Side Up fur that last pic???

  20. Madi, you and your mom just posted my favorite piece of music. It first came out when I was in high school, and I immediately found myself a clarinet player to date, so he could play it for me. True story.
    Another true story: In August, 1996, I was visiting England with my family when a hard rain hit. We ran into the nearest pub (there's always a pub nearby in England) to have a warm drink and stay dry. On the wall was a poster advertising "Coming in October: Acker Bilk" so I just told my parents and brothers and sisters-in-law, "I'll be staying here until October." Unfortunately, I couldn't do that, because I had two cats at home with a house-sitter, but for a minute or two it was a difficult decision: Mr. Acker Bilk or my cats? Cats or Acker Bilk? Needless to say, the cats won.

  21. Great music Madi!!!!
    Kisses on your Diva´s nose!

  22. Oh I just love that last photo.. Hugs GJ xx

  23. We have some of his album covers framed as art! The ones with cats on them, of course.

    Madi, nice tocks! ooh la la!

  24. Madi that last pose looks as if you are doing a handstand to end the wonderful dance you have pawsome prowess in the dancing arena. Your BFFF Willow

  25. Just beautiful Madi.

    We *love* all of your pictures but especially the --jump--one.


  26. That is a lovely relaxing instrumental to listen to.

  27. Oh Madi,it is a beautiful song! And what's with that last pic ... looks like you are standing on your head. Ha .. I guess jumping down!

  28. I'm glad you finished the puzzle before you sat down on it! :)

  29. We could snooze to that music, Madi! Very nice!!

  30. I love it!
    Aaand your last picture.... I love it too!
    Kisses and hugs

  31. Nice music. I guess that music make you stand on your head huh?? bol



Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi